
Hitman revisited

Hitman revisited 21

Hitman revisited 21

Topaz: So what's better than nothing? I interrupted your conversation.
Nikki: There's going to be a book about the hitman, and mom said she'll only let me read the part where I'm in.
Topaz: A book? So soon?
Nikki: Frankie's friend Twyla is writing it. It was her grandpa that did it.
Topaz: He was the hitman?
Jet: He hired the hitman. It's a very long story. Goes back decades.
Topaz: It's always the guys who can't forgive and forget.
Jet: Yes, well, in this case forgiveness would have been too much to ask.
Topaz: Seriously? I've never heard you say that.
Jet: I've never come across anything involving eugenics before.
Topaz: Oh. That is bad.
Nikki: What is you-gene-nicks and why is it bad?
Jet: It's a sort of medical science, and it is bad, because it interferes with things that should not be interfered with. I'll explain it better later. It's another long story.
Nikki: Okay.

Hitman revisited 22

Hitman revisited 22

Twyla: Thanks for coming. I see you brought some backup.
Mo: This is Heath. He was with us that night.
Twyla: All the better.
Heath: It is very nice to meet you. Mo said you're writing a book, so of course I had to come.
Mo: Before we start, there's one thing... You said on the phone something about using a different name.
Twyla: If you don't want people to connect you to this case, I can use a different name for you in the book. Is that what you want?
Mo: Yes. You see, I'm going to be a lawyer and something like that...
Twyla: I know. Somebody would always bring it up in the most unsuitable situations. That's what I've got to look forward to from now on, and I didn't even do anything wrong.

Hitman revisited 23

Hitman revisited 23

Twyla: What name should I use? How about Jack? There's nobody else by that name related to the case.
Mo: Jack is fine.
Heath: Do I get another name too?
Twyla: If you want. Actually, it is probably a good idea to not use any of your real names, so nobody can draw any conclusions on who Jack really is. What name should I use?
Heath: How about Cliff? Get it? Heathcliff. Haha!
Mo: We get it.
Twyla: I've read the police report on what happened that night. Sounds like you had fun.
Mo: It got a bit out of hand. It was Stan's fault.
Heath: It usually is. Was. He's no longer our friend. He didn't take it well when we told him that we're tired of cleaning up after him.
Twyla: How did you get to be friends with him in the first place? I mean, no offense, but you're all rich kids and he's not.
Mo: He was fun when we were younger. It was much more innocent then, just pranks and stuff. It only got worse within the last year or so.
Heath: I think he might be using something. I have no proof, though. Never seen him take anything, but he's different nowadays.

Hitman revisited 24

Hitman revisited 24

Twyla: Did he really say all those things to the female officer?
Mo: You know about that too? It was... ugly.
Heath: I was surprised that she didn't bash his head in. She looked like she wanted to.
Twyla: Is there some special reason why he hates the police so much? And especially female officers?
Mo: I don't know. Maybe they upset his view of women as the weaker sex.
Heath: She definitely wasn't weak. She basically just lifted him up when he refused to get up after being handcuffed. It was awesome!
Mo: Yes, in some other situation it would have been, but we were handcuffed too, and I wasn't too happy about the looming criminal record. - By the way, don't say my father's a judge. That would make it too easy...
Twyla: I know. I'll just use the phrases "no previous dealings with police" and "only property damage" as an explanation on why the DA was willing to make the deal. No need to write any background info on any of you. - But there's of course your former friend Stan...
Heath: But he won't be Stan in the book, so he'll have no reason to get mad. Nobody will know it was him.

Hitman revisited 25

Hitman revisited 25

Spectra: So, what are the qualities you look for in women?
Schizo: Sane and funny are good for starters.
Spectra: Hmmm. You've got something against people with mental illnesses?
Schizo: Let's just say I've got something against female stalkers weilding butcher's knives. You know, she actually was a butcher, so I'm sure she would have done a good job.
Spectra: You're joking, right?
Schizo: Why would I? The guy she dated before me wasn't as lucky as I was. That's why she ended up in a place where they do regular checks for contraband and take away all sharp things you may have managed to acquire. And she's never coming out alive, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Hitman revisited 26

Hitman revisited 26

Schizo: If you don't believe me, you can ask Trinity.
Spectra: Who's that?
Schizo: The police officer who saved my life. Too bad she's such a good shooter. A little more to the left and my problem would have disappeared for good. Now she's just waiting to see if her sentence will be converted to life without parole.
Spectra: I'd say she's not your problem anymore, if she'll be locked up for the rest of her life.
Schizo: You can still write letters from a prison. And somehow our otherwise incompetent postal service always manages to track me down for delivering those.
Spectra: You don't need to read them. Just throw them away.
Schizo: I've been thinking about that, but in some ways her scenarios on how she'd finish what was left incomplete are a fascinating read.

Hitman revisited 27

Hitman revisited 27

Heath: She's cute. And clever.
Mo: You like her? Really?
Heath: Hey, what's so surprising about that?
Mo: I was starting to think you don't like girls. Everybody's always too plain or too dumb.
Heath: I'm just selective. Why settle for just looks or brains, if you can get both?
Mo: Ah, but the question is, can you? What if she doesn't like you?
Heath: She was very friendly.
Mo: That doesn't mean anything. Nice girls like her are friendly to anybody who can behave even half decent. It's sort of their default mode.
Heath: That's just your opinion. - Do you have her phone number?
Mo: Of course, I have it on my phone. She called me, remember? But I see no reason why you would need it.
Heath: Just give it to me already!

Hitman revisited 28

Hitman revisited 28

Pepper: Your mom always tells you the coolest stuff.
Nikki: She didn't think it was cool. She said it was a really bad thing.
Caroline: But if a doctor was doing it...
Nikki: She said a doctor is supposed to heal people, and even then she needs to ask a permission. Making changes to babies who haven't been born yet isn't healing people.
Pepper: But didn't she say they were trying to make people more healthy to begin with?
Nikki: And then it went really badly wrong. She said you can't do it, because you can't ask for permission from somebody who hasn't been born yet. She said it was all very unethical.
Pepper: What's unethical?
Caroline: It's a sin. - Ellen said felines never talk about sin, but they use words like unethical. She said it's sema... something. You know, calling a thing with different names, but it's still the same thing.
Nikki: Anyway, it was wrong and they shouldn't have done it. And that's why mom said Twyla's grandpa didn't need to forgive the doctor who did a similar thing. The hitman and all that stuff was wrong, but it was not wrong that he did not forgive.

Hitman revisited 29

Hitman revisited 29

Nikki: Don't you want cola too, Pepper?
Pepper: No thanks. Mom says it's bad for your teeth. I'll just have some water. - Nikki, why haven't we heard about that feline doctor before? I mean, it's history, and your mother thinks it's important, but at least I've never heard about any of it.
Nikki: It's feline history. Mom said people think it's embarrassing, so they try to act like it never happened.
Caroline: And still she told you?
Nikki: Mom says you need to know and remember history, because if you don't, you can make mistakes somebody else has already made before. And this was a really bad mistake.
Caroline: Ellen's really fond of the "learn from other people's mistakes" lectures too.
Nikki: Mom doesn't lecture. She just tells how things are now and how they were in the past. Even if it's something that makes felines look bad. She says it's not our fault that our people did bad things in the past, but that we need to make sure we don't do the same things again.
Pepper: Your mom is so cool. Does she always answer all your questions? No matter what you ask?
Nikki: Sometimes she says something is too complicated and that I'll understand it better when I'm older, but even then she tries to explain the most important parts.

Hitman revisited 30

Hitman revisited 30

Pepper: Caroline, why do you call your mom Ellen?
Caroline: Because she's not my mother.
Pepper: Oh. I didn't know...
Caroline: It's okay. I don't talk about it, because people start acting funny when they hear about it.
Nikki: Funny?
Caroline: Apologizing and acting like it's the most normal thing ever.
Pepper: Isn't it normal? People get adopted all the time.
Caroline: I'm not adopted, I just live with her. She says I don't need to call her mom unless I really want to.
Pepper: Are you going to?
Caroline: I don't know. Maybe if I stay for good.
Nikki: What do you mean? You're not going anywhere, are you?
Caroline: I don't know. Probably not, if Ellen wants me to stay and the social services people let me. - Pepper, don't tell your mom.
Pepper: Why not? Oh... yeah, I guess you're right. She's a bit strange sometimes about people who aren't like she thinks people should be.

Hitman revisited 31

Hitman revisited 31

Catrine: Winona called me about you. She said she has nothing against me talking with you as everything I found out about Warren was already known by the police.
Twyla: She said she wanted you to check if the police had got it right about him.
Catrine: And it turned out that there was no doubt about it. As the Captain said, it was only a question of the degree of guilt.
Twyla: I understood that you went a bit further than that.
Catrine: Yes, well, I talked with the detectives and got a bit curious, so I did some digging. Turns out I was on the wrong tracks, though.
Twyla: The witness deaths. I heard the FBI is now considering those as coincidences.
Catrine: They probably are. People die every day of various causes. Now that we know what happened, it is a fairly safe assumption that those deaths had nothing to do with the case.

Hitman revisited 32

Hitman revisited 32

Catrine: The really cool part is how I found out those guys were dead.
Twyla: What was so special about that?
Catrine: Well, I had lost track of some people, so my partner suggested I go and see Mina, who is very good at figuring out that sort of stuff. So, I met her, and she took a look at my list and told me those guys were dead. Just like that.
Twyla: I don't get it. Had she read about it somewhere or...
Catrine: No. That's the cool part, she's actually a medium. She just looked at the list, and she could tell.
Twyla: A medium? Are you serious?
Catrine: Totally. Tony, my partner, told me that Mina has never been wrong when he has asked her to see if somebody's dead or not.
Twyla: I don't believe in that supernatural stuff, but I'd certainly like to meet this Mina.
Catrine: I'll give you her phone number. You can call her and check for yourself, but I'm telling you, she's the real deal.

Hitman revisited 33

Hitman revisited 33

Catrine: This is such a beautiful house. But I have rarely seen as much security equipment.
Twyla: "The problem with having money is other people trying to get their hands on it," grandpa used to say.
Catrine: Very true. Speaking of that, aren't you worried about somebody suing you? I mean, you inherited him.
Twyla: I've thought about that. Considering that the hitman's victims were international fugitives disowned by their families at home, it's not likely.
Catrine: And Warren's relatives?
Twyla: Winona said her mother wants to be like nothing ever happened. A very public and lengthy trial wouldn't help with that.
Catrine: But there's still going to be publicity when the book is published.
Twyla: Yes, but it is much easier to avoid a book. Just don't read it. Winona said that she's going to read it, because she wants to see if I have been objective enough, but that she's not even going to tell her mother about the book, if that can be avoided.
Catrine: Winona is taking all this a lot better than I expected.
Twyla: I think it's because she understands that we are in a very similar situation. We both have lost a close family member, who committed crimes that cannot be forgiven. If she started blaming me for grandpa's actions...
Catrine: It would be like saying she's partly responsible for what Warren did. And you're both innocent.

Hitman revisited 34

Hitman revisited 34

Gabriel: That other bartender, Venus...
Schizo: Leave her alone.
Gabriel: I know she's one of your kids. Well, not technically speaking, but still. Very pretty and smart, but no money or she wouldn't be working here. You know I prefer the latter two qualities reversed.
Schizo: I know.
Gabriel: Anyway, she's smarter than you think. Do you know what she said, when I asked her, if you had told her to stay away from me?
Schizo: What?
Gabriel: She said, "he didn't need to tell me, your reaction to Trinity told me everything I needed to know."
Schizo: Haha!

Hitman revisited 35

Hitman revisited 35

Schizo: You know, I've been wondering... What made you change your name? Apart from the obvious, I mean.
Gabriel: Obvious?
Schizo: Well, your grandfather was Harold, and your father was Harold, so I can understand that you didn't want to be the third anymore. Although, you should be quite used to being third, given your track record...
Gabriel: Has anyone ever told you that you're obnoxious?
Schizo: Many times. I don't pay any attention anymore. So, are you going to tell me?
Gabriel: Why not? - Have you ever thought about how unsuitable names people have? You get given one when you're born and nobody knows what you're like or what you will become. The name may end up being unsuitable once you figure all that out for yourself 20 or more years later.
Schizo: So you pick up one for yourself when you know what you have become? Interesting concept. - What made you think you had become like God's main man?
Gabriel: What?
Schizo: Don't tell me you didn't even bother to find out what your current name means. After everything you just said.
Gabriel: I was just wondering your choice of words.
Schizo: Well, would "God's most important messenger" be better? Somehow you don't fit the description. You're definitely no angel. - You just thought it sounded cool, didn't you?
Gabriel: What if I did? What if I became a guy who thinks that having a cool name is a good idea?
Schizo: Beats being Harold.

Hitman revisited 36

Hitman revisited 36

Gabriel: Is that the owner tending the bar today?
Schizo: Yes, that's Honey.
Gabriel: She looks vaguely familiar. I don't think I've ever met her before, but I could swear I have seen her somewhere. Has she been a model or something when she was younger?
Schizo: No, but if you're into sports, you may have seen pictures of her over a decade ago.
Gabriel: Really? I've always liked fit women...
Schizo: Before you try anything, I should add that she's best friends with Trinity.
Gabriel: What a pity.
Schizo: And she's also much too smart to fall into any of your schemes. The first thing she'd do would be to ask Trinity for a background check, and you know how that would go.
Gabriel: The story of my life, anyone interesting is either too smart or broke.
Schizo: Have you ever thought about giving up the schemes and just being honest and decent? I've heard that a lot of women are into that sort of thing.
Gabriel: A lot of women are also into tall guys with nice hair. Ever tried that?

Hitman revisited 37

Hitman revisited 37

Twyla: The FBI really used your services?
Mina: What's so surprising about that? I can do what I promise.
Twyla: I'm sorry, but I am a bit sceptical about that.
Mina: Of course you are. Just ask that agent what he thinks about me and what I told him about one of the guns he showed me.
Twyla: Why don't you tell me? I can ask him to confirm it later.
Mina: Why not? Based on what I now know, I'd say I saw your grandfather shoot the hitman.
Twyla: That's impossible!
Mina: Is it? I saw a man shoot another man in the head. He didn't want to, but he felt he had no choice. What he was thinking during all this was, "I'm so sorry. I've created a monster."
Twyla: I... It's...
Mina: He wasn't trying to stop the hitman from talking. He was stopping him from killing anyone else. Of course that's my interpretation after reading about the case. At the time I didn't understand the monster part.

Hitman revisited 38

Hitman revisited 38

Mina: Would you like to see the future?
Twyla: What do you mean?
Mina: I can show you. I can't choose what you will see, but I can guarantee it really is the true future.
Twyla: I'm not quite sure...
Mina: Come on, you don't believe in this stuff, right? So what's the problem? Starting to think that there might be something to it after all?
Twyla: All right, let's do it!
Mina: Give me your hand. Now we just wait.
Twyla: For what? Hey... what's that? I can see...

Hitman revisited 39

Hitman revisited 39

Mina: Very unusual. Such a happy scene. Really refreshing. Usually people see all sorts of bad things happening.
Twyla: That was Frankie, my friend.
Mina: The bride? Who was she dancing with? Too old to be the groom, I'd say.
Twyla: That was her father.
Mina: Didn't see the groom, so you'll just need to wait for it to come true to find out who it is. Probably best that way. - Lots of uniformed people around.
Twyla: Maybe he's in the army? Doesn't really matter. If you're right, I'll find out at some point.
Mina: You will. I've never met anybody who didn't get what the vision showed them.
Twyla: You can't know about everybody.
Mina: Actually, I can. I keep tabs on who saw what and check occasionally how they're doing. You can call it professional curiosity.

Hitman revisited 40

Hitman revisited 40

Spectra: Hello girls! I see there's one I haven't met before.
Nikki: Hi, Spectra! This is Caroline.
Spectra: It's nice to meet you, Caroline. Have the girls told you about me?
Caroline: You're the ghost lady.
Spectra: Ghost lady? Yes, I guess I am.
Pepper: She means that you told us about ghosts and the paranormal stuff.
Spectra: That's what I thought she meant.
Nikki: Are you all alone here?
Spectra: I'm waiting for a friend. We're going to have lunch together. - There she is.

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