
New Friends And Old Acquaintances 1

New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Kitty: How would you feel about a little party?
Riddick: Party? Any particular reason?
Kitty: Veronika and Sneezy are coming to town and I have invited them for a visit. I thought we could invite some other people as well. You know, Ruby and Zeke, Max...
Riddick: But not Adel.
Kitty: No, not her this time.
Riddick: Sure, why not? It will be nice to see Veronika again.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

And so:
Sneezy: Kitty, this is my brother Sleepy.
Sleepy: It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for inviting me.
Kitty: You're welcome. The others are upstairs in the living room. I'll introduce you to them.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Kitty: Ruby and Zeke, let me introduce...
Zeke: Uncle Sleepy! You didn't tell me you were coming here.
Kitty: Uncle?
Sleepy: Yes, Zeke's father was my brother.
Ruby: Does that mean that you are...?
Sleepy: Yes, it does.
Zeke: Ruby, we don't all look like I do. I'm different because of my mother.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Kitty: But then... Sneezy...?
Zeke: Yes.
Sleepy: There were three of us. Unfortunately, Zeke's father is no longer with us.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Kitty: Did Riddick know?
Veronika: I don't think so. At least, we never told him and Sneezy doesn't do that changing thing very often. It's so strenuous and there's rarely need for it.
Sneezy: It's really not much use doing it when you're not into hunting. Zeke and Sleepy, on the other hand, go running about in the woods every chance they get. Or at least they used to, I'm not sure if Zeke's still as much into it as before.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Veronika: So, you're Mary?
Mary: Yes. Are you Riddick's old boss? Um... I didn't mean old in that way...
Veronika: Don't worry, I understood what you meant. Yes, he worked for me for quite a long time. - Have you met my husband, Sneezy?
Mary: No, not yet.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Veronika: This is Sneezy. Sneezy, this is Mary, Riddick's daughter.
Sneezy: Well, I must say I would never have believed he could have such a pretty daughter. You know, you look a little like Ruby.
Mary: Just a coincidence. - You look a lot like that man Zeke is talking to.
Sneezy: That is not a coincidence. He's my brother Sleepy. And Zeke is my nephew. We haven't seen for some time as he was away for so long.
Mary: Nephew? Do you mean that you are one of them?

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Sneezy: You know about him too? How many people has he told? That boy has never understood the meaning of the word "secret".
Mary: It was sort of an accident. He had to tell or I would have hit him again with the frying pan.
Sneezy: What...?
Mary: You see, it was like this...

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Sneezy: Hahaha! I would have loved to see that. Served him right.
Mary: What do you mean?
Sneezy: His mother's genes made him taller than the rest of us. He is really an unforgettable sight when he gets going, and he knows it. So, he has developed an attitude to go with the appearance. Not entirely a bad thing, but it tends to make him forget that no one is invincible.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Ruby: Didn't you invite Adel?
Kitty: No, not this time.
Ruby: Kitty, you must tell me. What is going on? Everybody's been so strange about Adel.
Kitty: I was hoping you wouldn't need to be told, but I guess I was being an optimist. Come upstairs. We can talk there.
Orlock: Kitty, are you sure...?
Ruby: Max, you know what it is, don't you? That's why you were so strange the other day. I need to know too.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Kitty: The reason I didn't want you to know is that it's about Zeke.
Ruby: You're not inviting Adel and it's about Zeke? What are you trying to tell me?
Kitty: It's not what you think. You see, the problem is this...

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Ruby: How could she?
Kitty: It's the way they are. At a certain age, they become quite insufferable. That is, until they have found what they are looking for. She thinks Zeke is the answer, but Zeke doesn't agree. You do know he loves you, don't you? He would never do anything like that.
Ruby: I know. Did you think I would be mad at him because of something Adel is doing?
Kitty: Well, it was a possibility. Besides, you like Adel and I didn't want you to get mad at her either.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Ruby: I would never get mad at Zeke for something like that. I'm not sure about Adel, though. You know, something she once said now makes so much more sense.
Kitty: What did she say?
Ruby: It was when she found out about Zeke. She said I had hit the jackpot. I thought then that it was a bit odd, but that was all I thought.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Veronika: She's a pretty little girl. How are things between you and her?
Riddick: We're trying to make up for the lost time. I sometimes feel a bit guilty, though.
Veronika: Guilty? About what?
Riddick: Being so happy that she's here. It's like being happy that her mother died. Mary wouldn't be here, if that hadn't happened.
Sneezy: You shouldn't feel guilty. Without you, she would be in foster care. It's better for both of you that she's here.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Sleepy: Have you seen again that pretty but rude little thing we met in the woods the other day?
Zeke: I can't help seeing her, because she's Ruby's friend. Why are you asking?
Sleepy: I was just thinking... Maybe you could introduce me to her. I mean, introduce me properly. I take it she knows we don't all look like you.
Zeke: She's old enough, so she should know. But she's really after the genes, not a man. Are you sure you want to get mixed up in something like that?
Sleepy: Like I said about the other one, it was fun as long as it lasted. I know they never stay interested for long, but it's worth it anyway.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Orlock: May I ask who is it you're talking about?
Zeke: Adel.
Orlock: Sleepy, you really shouldn't...
Sleepy: Don't worry, little fellow. I've got experience on her kind. I know what I'm doing.
Orlock: I hope so. - Well, at least that would make her leave Zeke alone.
Sleepy: And may I ask what is your interest in this matter?
Orlock: Ruby. Adel is trying to mess things up.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Mary: I don't want to pry, but...
Sneezy: Just ask. I won't mind. I'll answer, if I can.
Mary: I was just wondering, are all... Is it rude to say dwarf? Are all dwarfs also...?
Sneezy: Not all. Most are just dwarfs. Only very few families are also lycanthropes. Our job used to be to protect the others, but the world has moved on, and we have become almost obsolete. Almost, but not quite. And there's nothing wrong with calling us dwarfs. Actually, we prefer it as we are not in any way related to the little people.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

After the guests have left:
Kitty: Did you know about Sneezy?
Riddick: No. They never told me and I see no reason why they should have.
Kitty: I guess it explains a lot. I have always thought Sneezy isn't really her type.
Riddick: Kitty, I thought you of all people would understand better. She isn't like that. She would have married him anyway.
Kitty: You think so? I wouldn't be so sure.

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Next day:
Zeke: Adel, I want you to meet someone. This is my uncle Sleepy.
Adel: And what makes you think I'm interested in meeting your relatives?
Sleepy: So, you didn't take my advice.
Adel: What?
Sleepy: I told you to consider improving your manners.
Adel: You mean...?

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New Friends And Old Acquaintances

Zeke: Don't tell me you didn't know. I'm an exception, my uncle here is the real thing.
Adel: Oh, I see. I didn't know. I mean, I had heard some rumors, but it seemed so improbable.
Sleepy: I was thinking... Would you care to join me for a lunch? Zeke told me you're interested in hearing about our kind and I'd be happy to tell you what you want to know.
Adel: Really? Well... Sure, why not?

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