A little later: Henry: ...and then the werewolf said to the elf: You are a very rude little elf... Kitty: Henry, what are you doing? Henry: Telling a story. Kitty: You shouldn't tell her scary stories. Bea: It's not scary. It's just make believe. Henry: That's right. Everybody knows there are no werewolves or elves, right Kitty? Kitty: Right.
Henry: I think I should be going. Bea: What about the werewolf and the elf? What happened to them? Henry: Well, they had some arguments over proper manners, but finally they became very good friends. Bea: That's all wrong. Why didn't the werewolf eat the rude elf? Kitty: Bea... Henry: Nothing wrong with that ending. Bea, if that's the way you want it to end, then that's what happened.
Mary: Maybe I should tell Adel about the new ending to the story. Kitty: What do you mean? Mary: Don't you know? It wasn't a made up story. It was about Adel and Sleepy. Zeke told me and Ruby about it and I told Henry. It's so funny. Kitty: I don't think Adel would appreciate it if she knew the story is going around. Mary: It's not "going around." We can't tell it to anyone who doesn't know about lycanthropes. Even Henry doesn't know about Zeke and Sleepy. He just knows that we know some lycanthropes.
Later that day: Riddick: Are you saying she had no problem at all with Henry? Kitty: That's right. After she was convinced that he's not a monster, they came along very well. Riddick: I guess it's because he's her kind. Kitty: Probably. Are you jealous? That certainly sounded like it. Riddick: No. Yes... I don't know. - She's still so reserved around me and now you say she liked Henry although it was the first time they ever met.
Kitty: Riddick, there's something I want you to think about very carefully. We need to do what is best for Bea. Henry can take her to see people who wouldn't see me. I know it's a sick and twisted system, but connections are important. They aren't important to me, but they will be for her, because they will help her to get what she wants later in life. Riddick: I guess so. Kitty: No guessing. That's how it is. And Bea isn't going to be scared of you forever. You just need to be patient.
Mary: Bea, is something wrong? Bea: I was thinking about mom. Mary: You miss her, don't you? Bea, I know it doesn't feel that way now, but you're lucky. Your mom is going to come back one day. Bea: What do you mean? Mary: She's alive and she will come back when she's allowed to do that. My mom is never coming back.
Bea: Is she dead? Mary: Yes. That's why I came to live with Riddick and Kitty. Bea: Are you sure my mom is coming back? Mary: Quite sure. It's going to take a very long time, but she will come back. In the meantime, you're going to live with us and be my little sister. Bea: It's nice to have a sister. And it doesn't matter that you're not like me. Mary: I'm happy to hear that.
Kitty: Faith called after Henry had left. She said that the arrangement will become permanent, if we all want that. I know Mary and I want Bea to stay, how about you? Riddick: Of course, but does she want to stay with us? Kitty: That's what we need to find out. Would you ask her? Riddick: Me? You know she's still scared of me. Kitty: You need to start talking with her sometime. Or are you scared of her?
Riddick: Mary, would you leave us alone? There's something I need to talk about with Bea. Mary: Sure. I'll be in the kitchen. Riddick: Thanks.
Riddick: Bea, we haven't really had time to talk and I wanted to ask you... Is everything all right? Do you like living with us? Bea: I like Mary. Riddick: That's good. Mary likes you too. She has always wanted a sister. Kitty and I like you too. Bea: Do I get to stay then? Mary said I can stay.
Riddick: Would you like to stay? We would like you to stay with us. Bea: Yes. Riddick: Well, I guess that's settled then. Bea: Mary said my mom will come back. Is that true? Riddick: Yes, it is true, but it is going to take a very long time. You will live with us until then.
Bea: Are you my dad now? Riddick: I... well, yes, if that's what you want. I guess you know that you have a real father somewhere. Bea: I don't remember him. He went away. Riddick: Yes, sometimes fathers do that. Bea: He didn't want us, so he went away. Riddick: Then he wasn't very wise.
Bea: You're not going to go away, are you? Riddick: No, I'm not going anywhere. - How about we go downstairs to tell Kitty and Mary that you'll be staying with us. They'll be happy to hear that. Bea: Okay.
Late that night: Kitty: What are you thinking? Riddick: That I'd really like to see Bea's father. Kitty: Why? Riddick: Let's say I've taken an interest in Henry's line of work and would like to see what the cross between a feline and a spineless worm looks like.