Chase: Might as well do it. Doesn't matter one way or the other.
Zeke: What are you doing here? You don't belong here. Chase: So? What's that got to do with you? Zeke: Not again. Why is it that I always meet pretty but rude little girls out here? This is the one place where I come to get away from women, you know. Chase: Well, get away from me then. I didn't ask you to come and bother me. Zeke: Would you mind telling me first what you're doing here? Chase: Thinking.
Zeke: Of what? Not jumping, I hope. Chase: What if I am? Zeke: Please don't. I'd have to come after you and it would be very tiresome climbing all the way down, let alone carrying you up here and back to where there are other people. Chase: I'm not asking you to do that. Go away. Zeke: No. Chase: You really are the most annoying little doggie I've ever seen.
Zeke: You're not going to get me annoyed enough to do the work for you. I think you have seen too many horror movies. We're not like that. Chase: What are you like then? Zeke: We like the forest and forest animals. We don't like city creatures coming in and spoiling everything, but we're civilized enough to let them do that anyway. - Would you mind telling me why you're thinking of jumping? Things can't be that bad. Chase: What do you care?
Zeke: I was just thinking that maybe you'd like to talk about it. Think things over. If you jump, it's all over for good. You might miss all sorts of nice things. Chase: Like what? People laughing at me because of what my sister did? Everybody hating me for the things I've done? Zeke: I thought you looked familiar. Chase: Go ahead and laugh. My fiancée already dumped me and the doctor said I could never have the family I want. I guess most people would say it suits me right.
Zeke: I don't find any of it very funny. You haven't been nice, but it's not too late to fix it. It will take time, but you can do it. What have you got to lose? You can always come back and jump later, if you still feel like it. The cliff isn't going anywhere. Chase: You know, it's really infuriating how rational you make that sound. Zeke: I'm always happy to help. - Shall we go? I'll escort you out of here.
At the same time, elsewhere.
Schizo: This isn't our kind of place at all. Orlock: You said you wanted to go somewhere different. - Look at these flowers. Aren't they great? In a few weeks, they'll be delicious red berries. Schizo: You and your berries. What are we doing here?
Chester: Good question. You're certainly out of your own element. Look at you. No camouflage at all. Still, the combination of bright red and black should work, although I bet you're far from poisonous. Orlock: Who are you? Chester: I'm Chester. I know your friend. I've seen him perform. But who are you? Orlock: I'm Orlock. - Are you saying we cannot come here? Chester: No, not at all, but you might want to keep an eye on your surroundings. You didn't even see me coming.
Chester: Don't move. Schizo: Why? What's going on? Chester: There's a big fly on your hat. He'll go away soon. Just don't start waiving and shouting. Schizo: Do I look like I would do something like that? Chester: No, I guess not.
Chester: He's gone now. I suggest we do the same. Schizo: I second that. I didn't want to come here in the first place. Orlock: I just wanted to see the flowers. Schizo: Would you forget the berries? Chester: Berries? Ah, I see. You'll have to wait a few weeks for those. Orlock: I know. I just wanted to check...
A little later: Schizo: So, we meet again, Mr. Werew... oops, almost forgot, I mean Mr. Lycanthrope. Zeke: And how are you, little freak? - Chester, what are you doing with these two? Chester: Do you know them? I guess that saves me from the introductions. Orlock: Zeke? How do you know Chester? Zeke: We're sort of relatives. Distant relatives. Schizo: I can't see much common features. Are you sure about this relation thing?
Orlock: Schizo, try to behave for once. Schizo: What do you mean? This is my best behavior. You know that. Chester: Zeke, are they always like this? Zeke: More or less. Chester: So, are you already going home or why are you so close to the edge of the forest?
Zeke: I just showed someone the way out. I'm on my way back to the forest. Chester: Someone got lost? What is it with these city people? Why can't they stay away? Zeke: She wasn't exactly lost, just misplaced. Schizo: Did you hear that, Max? A lady. What will Ruby say? Zeke, I hope you at least had some fun. Zeke: She wasn't exactly in a cheerful mood. But maybe you and I could have some fun. You know, the kind where you run, I follow, and if I catch you, it's bye bye, little freak. Orlock: I think we'll be heading home now.