After the movie: Schizo: Hello, ladies. Mary: Schizo, I didn't know you watch romantic movies. Schizo: I know, bad for the image and so on. Ruby: So, what did you think about it? Schizo: Not bad, but totally unrealistic. In real life, she would never have chosen the nerd. Mary: How can you be so sure? Schizo: Trust me, I know these things.
Schizo: Well, I think we'll go our separate ways. I'm meeting Max at Bastet and I'm sure you have more interesting things to do. Mind if I ask what your plans are? Mary: We're going to Ruby's house and we plan to gossip about anything and everything we can think of and stuff ourselves full of donuts and candy. Schizo: Sounds like a good plan.
Schizo: Max, have you been waiting long? Oh, I see you've got company. Orlock: Catsy, this is my friend Schizo. Don't believe half of what he says. Schizo, this is Catsy. She's Kitty's friend. Schizo: I'm always delighted to meet Kitty's friends, especially feline ones. I've always found felines most interesting. Catsy: Um, you look quite interesting yourself.
Schizo: Don't let the appearance put you off. I'm a very famous performer and most entertaining company, if you just give me a chance. Orlock: Did I already say that you shouldn't believe half of what he says? Schizo: What do you mean? I wasn't lying. Orlock: Not even about that famous bit? And I know a lot of people who didn't find you entertaining. Schizo: I can't help it if some people have a poor taste.
Mary: So, how about the ghosts? Seen any? Ruby: No. But the neighbor swears he's seen aliens landing on his back yard, although I guess that was because he had been drinking for five days. Mary: Sounds charming. Ruby: He's all right, really. And it's he who's nervous about me. Mary: About you? Why? Ruby: He saw Zeke. You know, that night when he... Fortunately, with all that drinking and alien stories, nobody believes him.
Mary: But about the ghosts, didn't Max say that somebody died in here? Ruby: There's just one problem. The neighbor has been living in the area for 30 years and he told me that the old lady, who's supposed to haunt here, died peacefully in a hospital due to old age. The rumors started after a so called medium, who lived here briefly after that, wanted some media exposure. Mary: How can you be so sure? Don't you remember the angel? Ruby: That was extremely creepy, but it was no ghost. Have you seen any more of them? Mary: No, and I wish I never will.
Ruby: All that feels like a dream, like it never happened. Mary: But it did. Damien is dead. And dad still has the photographs. Ruby: Why? Mary: He says he keeps them to remind himself that there are things that cannot be explained. Ruby: Maybe we should forget everything supernatural. It's late and it's dark and that's spooky enough. I'll take these, you take the rest. Let's go upstairs.
Ruby: By the way, how did you get Riddick to let you stay the night in here? Mary: I pointed out that you're an adult and that we plan to stay indoors. Ruby: Sometimes he's so paranoid about safety. Mary: He wants to make sure I'm safe. He can't help it, it's the way he is. - Ruby, I... I know you might get mad at me for asking this, but I must. Were you ever in love with him? Ruby: Why are you asking that? Mary: Chase has been saying things, about you. I overheard... Ruby: And do you consider her a reliable source of information?
Mary: I guess not, but still... Ruby: All right. Riddick helped me and he took care of me. How could you not feel something for someone like that? Mary: Is that yes? Ruby: It's not that simple. I was never in love with him, but I do love him. He's everything I wish my father would have been. And that's the whole point. I wish he was my father. That's what Zeke didn't get when he tried to take Riddick's place in my life. Mary: I don't understand.
Ruby: Zeke wanted to take care of me. I want someone who's my equal, someone I can disagree with, someone who doesn't have all the answers. Mary: And is Billy like that? Ruby: Yes, I think he is. We'll take care of each other. Mary: I guess I can understand that. Ruby, do you think dad was in love with you? Ruby: No. He just wanted to protect me. Still does, although I don't really need... Mary: Was that the doorbell? Ruby: Who can it be this late?
Ruby: Albert, what is it? More aliens? Albert: I know you don't believe I saw them, but I did. This isn't about them. It's that friend of yours. And don't try to deny it, I saw him too. Ruby: All right, what about him? Albert: I found huge paw prints on my back yard again. Can't you tell him to stay away? Ruby: I'm sorry, I have told him to stay away, but if he doesn't, there's nothing more I can do. Don't worry, he won't harm you, he's not like that. Albert: Sure, he's only got huge fangs and really sharp claws. Ooh, I feel dizzy. I need a drink.
Ruby: I'm sorry, there isn't anything. I don't drink. Albert: What? You work in a bar and you don't drink? Young people these days... Mary: Would you like to have a glass of water? Albert: Water?! Are you trying to poison me? I think I better get back home. I still have a bottle of whisky somewhere, or at least half of it. Good night.
Mary: So that's the neighbor? He seemed shaky. Ruby: You would too, if you were his kind and a huge lycanthrope was creeping around your house. Mary: What was Zeke doing here? Ruby: Nothing he's supposed to. I really wish he would stay away. He might get seen by somebody who isn't known for instability and excessive drinking. - I suppose I'll have to call Adel. Sleepy knows how to find Zeke. Maybe he can make Zeke understand he must stay away.
Next day: Mary: Kitty, can I ask you something? Kitty: You know you can. What is it? Mary: You see, there's this guy... um, he sort of asked me out on a date. Kitty: Sort of? Well, what did you say? Mary: I said yes. Kitty: And what's the problem? Mary: I was wondering... would it be wrong not to tell dad about it?
Mary: You know what he was like with Zeke. Kitty: I know. And you're worried it might get even worse, because he's your dad. I can understand that, and I must say you could be right. Mary: Are you saying I shouldn't tell him? Are you going to tell him? Kitty: I won't tell him, but you will. You can't go sneaking behind his back. He'll find out sooner or later and then you'll have a lot more explaining to do. Mary: I guess so.
Kitty: So, who is the guy? Mary: His name is James and he's one of Splinter's students. He's really nice. Kitty: I see. Does he know about us? Not everybody likes felines. Mary: He does. He knows Henry. Kitty: Maybe you should tell that to Riddick when you tell him about James. Mary: Do you think it will help? Kitty: I don't know, but I'm sure it won't hurt.
Kitty: Would you take Rosie upstairs now? Max will be here soon.
Riddick: Who's your friend? Henry: Riddick, this is James. He's been assisting me as part of his studies. Riddick: What kind of studies? James: Medical. I'm interested in rare species, although I'm not going to be a researcher like Henry. Riddick: Rare species... You'll certainly see one or two in here.
Henry: You know, James here has something he wants to talk to you about. I told him it would be best. Riddick: Sure, we can talk. Henry: I think I should leave you two alone. Let me just finish this. Riddick, try to take it easy, James is all right.
Riddick: What was that last remark about? Any reason why I wouldn't take it easy? James: Well, you see, the issue may be a bit... sensitive. Riddick: I fail to see what issue that could be, given that we've never even met before. James: It's about Mary.