
The House 1

The House

Riddick: Kitty, would you come with me? I want to show you something. It'll take a couple of hours.
Kitty: How can showing me something take that long?
Riddick: We need to go out, but it's not too far. I just think I'm not going to get you out of there very quickly once you see it.
Kitty: I must say that sounds very interesting. What are you up to?
Riddick: I'm not telling, I'm going to show you.

The House 2

The House

Kitty: What are we doing here? It's Peggy's house.
Riddick: Not really. She doesn't own it, she just lived in it, but she had to move out as the owner is selling the house.
Kitty: Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Riddick: Do you want to go in and take a look?
Kitty: Certainly. But could we afford this?

The House 3

The House

Riddick: Veronika paid me well and I don't have any expensive habits.
Kitty: Would you really...?
Riddick: I want to live with you, not just spend time in your room and share the kitchen with everyone else.
Kitty: Yes, you're right, we can't go on living like that.

The House 4

The House

Kitty: This kitchen... It isn't like I remember it.
Riddick: Peggy said the stove was moved because of the new fridge. Otherwise, it should be the same, only emptier.
Kitty: Come on, I want to see the rest of the house. Let's go upstairs.

The House 5

The House

Kitty: It's so nice. I love it. But are you quite sure...?
Riddick: More than I have ever been.
Kitty: What's behind that door?
Riddick: There's an extension that has been built later. One room, bathroom, and garage and storage below them. But let's go upstairs to look at the bedroom.

The House 6

The House

Kitty: This is a bit small. I won't have any problems, but you may.
Riddick: It's a bedroom. It's meant for sleeping, so what if the ceiling is a bit low. Besides, I was thinking that we could remove that wall and make this one large room. We don't need two bathrooms, especially as that one is designed for midgets.
Kitty: Yes, I see your point. It would be nicer that way.

The House 7

The House

Riddick: What do you say? Should we buy it?
Kitty: It's nice of you to say "we." It's your money.
Riddick: If we are going to stay together, there won't be my money and your money, just our money. Just tell me if you want to live with me in this house or not.
Kitty: Yes. I want it more than anything else. Oh Riddick, this is the most wonderful thing ever.

The House 8

The House

Riddick: What's wrong?
Ruby: Kitty told me about the house.
Riddick: So?
Ruby: You're going to leave me.
Riddick: Don't be silly. I'll be working here just as before. The only difference is that I won't be living in the basement anymore. You have said yourself it's not a suitable place for anyone.

The House 9

The House

Ruby: I don't want you to go.
Riddick: Surely you must understand that Kitty and I need a place where we can live together. The current arrangement just doesn't work.
Ruby: Yes, I understand that, but still...
Riddick: Ruby, I'm not going to leave you. I just won't be here around the clock like before, but I'm sure you can manage on your own when I'm not working.

The House 10

The House

Riddick: You will be quite safe here, even when I'm not around, and you can always call me, if I'm not working and you need help.
Ruby: I guess so...
Riddick: No guessing, that's how it is. So, would you please look a bit happier for me?
Ruby: I'm sorry. I'm being terribly selfish. Of course I'm happy for you. And I'm sure everything will be fine here, too.

The House 11

The House

Riddick: Don't forget you'll have Max here. He will do anything for you.
Ruby: Yes, although that is a bit uncomfortable sometimes. He's so eager to do things for me and I can't help thinking he still has some hopes that what I told him wasn't really true.
Riddick: I see. Yes, it can be difficult, but you have told him how things are and it is up to him to deal with it.

The House 12

The House

Toffee: Are you really saying he's going to buy a house for you?
Anika: I had no idea he could afford something like that.
Kitty: He isn't rich, if that's what you're thinking. The house is going to take all his savings and we'll still need a loan. Fortunately, we don't need to go to a bank as there is a friend who has promised to arrange everything.

The House 13

The House

Anika: Must be a rich one, if he's able to do something like that.
Kitty: Will you stop obsessing about money! Hagrid feels that he owes Riddick and he said he would arrange everything. And we are very grateful for his help.
Anika: Hagrid? Who is he?
Kitty: He's an uncle of a friend of mine, Ruby. Mother already met her. Remember? The one you dismissed with all that "why can't you have normal friends" nonsense?
Toffee: Oh. Well, I can certainly understand now why you want to be her friend.
Kitty: You two are quite impossible!

The House 14

The House

Toffee: If you two are buying a house, does it mean you're thinking about starting a family?
Kitty: We haven't talked about it lately. We're not sure.
Anika: You do remember what Dr. Bunsen told? I hope you're not going to take the risk...
Kitty: Yeah, the horrible risk that the kids may not be feline. What's the big deal anyway? It's not as if the community has been very accepting of us in the past. Why should I care what they think about my kids?

The House 15

The House

Anika: Kitty! How can you say something like that?
Kitty: You know it's true. Without grandfather's money, they would have kicked our family out as soon as mother married father. Or at the latest when Chase and I were born. You bought their acceptance. Don't try to tell me anything else.
Toffee: Mother, why don't you just admit it? She's right.
Anika: Are you turning against me as well? I never...
Toffee: Save the indignation. I'm tired of all the lies.

The House 16

The House

Ruby: I guess you have heard about it.
Orlock: About what?
Ruby: Riddick and Kitty are buying a house and moving out of here.
Orlock: So, it's true. I thought it was just another rumor. I had no idea they could afford something like that.
Ruby: Uncle Hagrid promised to help. I think he's hoping that some day he'll get Riddick to quit here and start working for him directly.

The House 17

The House

Orlock: Really? Why would he want that?
Ruby: Riddick is just the sort of guy uncle Hagrid likes to hire. You know, honest, loyal, hard-working, and knows a lot about how to make things happen.
Orlock: That last one sounds a bit iffy.
Ruby: You have no idea...

The House 18

The House

Riddick: How did it go with them?
Kitty: All they think about is money. They were a bit disappointed that you're not as wealthy as they thought when they heard about the house.
Riddick: We'll manage. That should be quite enough.
Kitty: It doesn't matter what they think. Although, it would be a lot easier, if grandma wasn't so mean with money. No one is going to get anything as long as she's alive and that means forever. That's why I didn't even bother to ask, although she could easily buy ten houses like that just for the fun of it.

The House 19

The House

Riddick: Are you serious? I knew your family had money, but I had no idea... But your mother has quite a lot of money, doesn't she? Why would your grandma give her...
Kitty: It's not family money. It's from her second husband. She doesn't usually marry anyone, but if there's enough money involved, she will make an exception. Provided there's no prenup, of course.
Riddick: You know, I think it will be better for us to manage on our own. The more I hear about them, the less I want to have any dealings with them.

The House 20

The House

Kitty: You're starting to understand. But about grandma's money: It's the only reason our family still belongs to the community. They couldn't afford to kick us out. I don't really care about that anymore. They can keep their stupid ideas about keeping the gene pool clean of outsiders. I guess they've never heard of inbreeding, although there are some very fine examples among the community leaders.
Riddick: Kitty!

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