
Surprises 21


A little later:
Riddick: Kitty, I...
Lizzy: Eeek!
Riddick: I'm sorry. I didn't know...

Surprises 22


Kitty: Lizzy, what's wrong?! - Riddick... Tell me you didn't go into the bathroom.
Riddick: I'm afraid I did. I thought it was you. What's she doing there?
Kitty: I promised she could take a bath here, because she doesn't have hot water. What are you doing home at this time?
Riddick: I was going to surprise you on my lunch hour.

Surprises 23


Riddick: I hope I didn't scare her too badly.
Kitty: I'm sure you didn't. After all, you live here. It's not as if some stranger just walked in. - Was there a specific reason for wanting to surprise me?
Riddick: No, not really. I just thought you might need cheering up.
Kitty: That was a nice thought. It's a pity it didn't go quite as planned. Let's go to the kitchen and I'll fix you something to eat.

Surprises 24


Riddick: Lizzy, I really am sorry...
Lizzy: It's all right. You just startled me. Kitty said you weren't at home.
Riddick: It was supposed to be a surprise.
Lizzy: Well, it certainly was. Tee hee.

Surprises 25


Kitty: Sit down, Lizzy. I'm fixing lunch for Riddick and there's enough for all of us.
Lizzy: Thank you. That's very nice of you.
Kitty: After that, Riddick needs to get back to work and then we can talk.
Riddick: Talk about what?
Kitty: About this morning, and the rest of it.

Surprises 26


Next day:
Don: Excuse me, I'm Don and I came to see Ruby. Is she here?
Kitty: Yes, she is. Wait a minute, I'll go and get her.

Surprises 27


Riddick: What are you doing here?
Don: I came to see Ruby.
Riddick: Bad idea.
Don: I think that's up to her, not you. Who are you anyway? You never told me.
Riddick: I'm Riddick. I'm in charge of security here. I could throw you out right now and nobody would say anything.

Surprises 28


Ruby: Riddick, don't.
Riddick: Why not? He didn't treat you very well, remember?
Don: Actually, that was what I came to talk about. I think there was a small misunderstanding, but I'd like to talk with Ruby about it. In private, if you don't mind.
Ruby: Please go, Riddick. You can wait outside the door, if you don't trust him.
Riddick: All right, if that's what you want.

Surprises 29


Don: Your friend seems a bit overprotective. I take it he is just a friend?
Ruby: A bit more than that, but not a boyfriend, if that's what you mean. What did you want to talk about?
Don: Yes, well... I know your friend got a wrong impression and you were so drunk that I'm not sure you remember, so I just wanted to get things straight. Ruby, nothing happened. We were only sleeping, nothing else.

Surprises 30


Ruby: Are you sure?
Don: Yes. I was just going to make sure you get home safely, but you asked me to stay. You said you didn't want to be alone, so I thought it didn't matter where I sleep and I stayed.
Ruby: And that's all?
Don: Yes. Well, not quite. I also wanted to ask you whether you would like to go out with me sometime. We could go to movies and dinner, but skip the champagne.

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Ruby: I don't know what to say...
Don: You don't need to say anything right now. Just think about it and let me know. I'll give you my phone number.
Ruby: All right. I'll think about it.

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Riddick: So, what did he say?
Ruby: Do you need to ask? I know you were listening.
Riddick: I confess. Do you think he was telling the truth?
Ruby: Yes. And I like him. I'm not sure if I should go out with him, though.
Riddick: Why not? If you like him, go out with him and have fun, but please, no more excessive drinking. Promise?
Ruby: I promise.

Surprises 33


Orlock: Who are you and what are you doing here?
Don: I'm Don and I came to see Ruby. Who are you?
Orlock: I'm Orlock. I'm Ruby's friend. What do you want from her?
Don: You don't sound very friendly, but I'll answer anyway. I like Ruby and I'm hoping she will go out with me sometime.

Surprises 34


Orlock: I think you should leave her alone.
Don: Don't you think that's up to her? - Tell me, does she have any other hostile friends in addition to you and the big rude fellow?
Orlock: Well, there's her uncle. He's worse than the two of us together.
Don: Sure. Next you're going to tell me her father is going to come after me, if I ask her out.
Orlock: Her father is dead. That's why we're looking after her.

Surprises 35


Kitty: Who was that guy?
Riddick: Him? Just someone I found in Ruby's room yesterday when Kermit told me to go and check why she was late.
Kitty: What? And you didn't tell me anything about that last night! If I remember correctly, when I asked you whether anything interesting happened during the day, you said "nothing."

Surprises 36


Kitty: Does Max know?
Riddick: Yes. He's not taking it very well. When I talked about the situation with Ruby, she mentioned something Schizo had said at the party. It seems that this isn't the first time Max acts like this. Still, Ruby asked me to not tell anything to Kermit or Wendy. She doesn't want any trouble for Max, so I'm just keeping an eye on the situation for now.

Surprises 37


Kitty: By the way, we're having guests tonight.
Riddick: Are we? Who?
Kitty: Lizzy and her father. She seems to think that you would like her father.
Riddick: Really? If he's anything like I imagine her father would be, I doubt it, but we'll see.

Surprises 38


Later that day:
Lizzy: Hi, Kitty. This is my father.
Mr. M: You can call me Mr. M. Everyone does.
Kitty: Nice to meet you. I'm Kitty, and Riddick is somewhere upstairs. Let's go to the living room. I'm sure Riddick will turn up any minute.

Surprises 39


Mr. M: You don't remember me, do you?
Kitty: Should I?
Mr. M: I saw you a couple of days ago. Maybe you didn't notice. You seemed to be a bit nervous.
Kitty: Oh. Yes, I remember now. You're a prison guard? Lizzy, I told you about my sister...
Lizzy: She's there? I didn't think of that when you told me.

Surprises 40


Kitty: I might as well add that my father is like her. He has probably visited every prison in the state, on the wrong side of the bars, I mean. He says he has reformed, but I'm not so sure.
Mr. M: I've met him, on both sides. I just didn't want to say anything.
Kitty: It's all right. My grandma doesn't want anyone to make the connection, but I don't mind.

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