Guard: Try to behave this time. The warden says that if you do anything like what you did with your father, it's solitary confinement for a month and no more visitors for the next 6 months. Chase: It wasn't my fault. I never asked my father to come here. Guard: It makes no difference. Just behave and things will be a lot easier for both of us.
Kitty: Hello, Chase. I'm not saying it is nice to see you, because it really isn't. Chase: So, why come? You could have stayed away like you have done so far. And why bring Riddick with you? He could have come alone. That would have been much more pleasant. Kitty: I'm sure it would have, but we had to come together. We have something we need to tell you. Chase: You're awfully serious. Has something happened?
Riddick: Chase, some time ago I asked Kitty to marry me. Chase: What?! You... Riddick: I asked her and she said yes. We got married a few days ago. Chase: How could you? What about us? Riddick: What about us? There wasn't really us, not after it all came out, and certainly not after you ended up in here.
Chase: So, Kitty, you finally got to pay me back for Marv and the others, didn't you? Kitty: This isn't a payback. I love Riddick and he loves me. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together. Chase: You can't believe that. He's going to dump you as soon as he gets bored of playing home with you. Riddick: There's no need to get nasty. Sorry, I forgot that's your prominent feature.
Back at home: Riddick: I need to get to work. Are you coming with me or will you come later? Kitty: I asked Kermit for a day off. I knew I wouldn't feel up to anything after visiting Chase. Riddick: You should have told me. I could have done the same and stayed with you. Kitty: Kermit needs you. Besides, I'd like to be alone now, if you don't mind. Riddick: All right. Try not to worry too much about it all.
Kermit: How is Kitty? She told me why she needed a day off. Riddick: It didn't go very well, but I'm sure she'll be fine once she has rested a little. Kermit: How about you? Riddick: Me? I'm fine. Well, maybe a little worried about Kitty. After all, no matter what Chase has done, she's still her sister.
Kermit: I'm sure everything will be fine. - Right now, I'm worried about someone else. Would you go and see where Ruby is? She should be here already. This isn't at all like her. Riddick: Probably just overslept. Although, it is late even for that. I'll go and wake her up. Kermit: And tell her I'm not angry. She's always so concerned about that.
Riddick: Ruby, wake up, you're late... - Who are you? Don: I'm Don. I was just leaving. Who are you and why do you barge in... Riddick: Shut up. Ruby, is everything all right? Don: Look, mister, who are you to tell me... Riddick: I said shut up.
Don: You don't act like her father and certainly not like a boyfriend. So what right... Riddick: Didn't you hear me? Shut up. - Ruby? Say something. Ruby: Let him go. Just... let him go. Riddick: All right. - You heard her. Get out.
Riddick: Ruby? Ruby: Please don't be angry. Riddick: Not again... Ruby, I'm not angry and I'm not going to do anything. I don't have the right. In fact, I think I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have acted the way I just did, but I was so worried...
Ruby: Do you really mean that? Riddick: Yes, I mean it. You have the right to do what you want. Still, I reserve the right to be worried, if I think there is a reason for that. - Who was he? Another case of "I wouldn't mind?" Remember what I told you about that? Ruby: Yes, I remember that. But I don't remember what exactly happened last night...
Riddick: What do you remember? Ruby: I met him in a bar. We had fun. I wasn't going to... but it was just champagne, it's not supposed to get you drunk. Riddick: Depends on how much you drink. What happened then? Ruby: I don't know. I'm so sorry. It was stupid. I'm stupid. Riddick: No, you're not. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Riddick: How are you feeling? Ruby: Not quite as bad as last time. Riddick: You should get up. Kermit is waiting for you. Do you have any idea what time it is? Don't panic. He's not angry, just wondering where you are.
Orlock: I saw that guy. He was in Ruby's room all night. Riddick: Are you doing that again? Orlock: She lied to me. Riddick: Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure if she knows herself what the truth is. But that isn't really the point. The point is that you should finally understand that whatever her preference may be, it doesn't seem to be you. I know it hurts, but it's her choice and there's nothing you can do about it.
Orlock: Why are you always on her side? Riddick: What kind of a question is that? I hope you understand that I would be on your side, if she was the one behaving badly, but she isn't. Orlock: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Riddick: I know.
Ruby: I'm sorry I'm late. I just... Kermit: Are you sick? You look like you're not feeling well. Ruby: I'm fine... Kermit: Don't lie to me, I can see you're not. Maybe you should go back to bed. Ruby: I can't do that. It's really my own fault... Kermit: It doesn't matter. It happens. Just be here tomorrow in time and in good shape. And make sure this doesn't happen again.
Orlock: Ruby, what are you doing? Getting back to bed at this time? Ruby: Max, leave me alone. Orlock: Who was that guy? Why did you lie to me? Ruby: Shut up. Leave me alone! Get out! Orlock: All right, all right, I'll go. No need to get hysterical.
Riddick: Isn't Ruby here? Kermit: I sent her back to bed. She wasn't well. Riddick: I guess you know what was wrong. Kermit: She said it was her own fault, so I'd say hangover. Although, I thought she didn't drink. Riddick: I hope she won't after this, at least not too much.
At home: Lizzy: Hi, Kitty. I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor. My water heater broke down and the service can't send anybody until the day after tomorrow. So, I was wondering... Kitty: Sure, you can use our bathroom. Riddick is at work, so you can take your time. Lizzy: I thought you would be at work as well, but then I saw you on the balcony. Are you all right?
Kitty: I'm fine. I'm just not working today. Lizzy: You don't look like you're fine. I'm sorry, maybe I should just shut up and get to the bathroom. My father always says I ask too many questions. Kitty: Don't worry. If you're asking things you shouldn't be asking, I will let you know. Maybe you should take the bath first and we can talk afterwards.