
Mary and Ruby 21

Mary and Ruby

Ruby: So, you're saying you have no problem with Mary just appearing out of nowhere and becoming part of your life?
Kitty: I'm saying that I have no control over that, so I'm just going to adjust to the new situation. Besides, haven't you noticed how happy Riddick is? I'm not sure we can ever have children, but at least now he won't miss that altogether.
Ruby: I didn't realize...
Kitty: That isn't really your concern. Forget I told you.

Mary and Ruby 22

Mary and Ruby

Wendy: Riddick, Kermit got a very strange call. It seems that somebody is checking your background. Is there something you haven't told me?
Riddick: In a way, yes. Now don't look at me like that. I haven't done anything. They are probably just checking that I'm suitable to be a father.
Wendy: Excuse me?
Riddick: All right, let's start from the beginning...

Mary and Ruby 23

Mary and Ruby

Wendy: You and your runaways... Well, at least this one didn't run away from her father. - Do you think you get to keep her?
Riddick: Kevin said there shouldn't be any problems. He is very good at what he does.
Wendy: He's also very expensive.
Riddick: Not this time.
Wendy: I see. I had no idea you were that good friends.

Mary and Ruby 24

Mary and Ruby

Ruby: You again? Why don't you just leave me alone? I have nothing to say.
Mary: But I do. You're jealous. Just admit it.
Ruby: Everything was fine before you came.
Mary: You mean you had him all for yourself? Were you nasty to Kitty too?
Ruby: What do you mean? I was never nasty to her.
Mary: No, I guess you weren't. She seems to me like one who wouldn't take any of that. Well, guess what? I'm not going to take it either. He's my father.

Mary and Ruby 25

Mary and Ruby

Ruby: Yes, he's your father... It's not fair.
Mary: What isn't? That I've lived all my life without knowing anything about him and he's practically a stranger to me? Or that he isn't and never will be your father even though he's acting like he was?
Ruby: You're twisting everything.
Mary: No, I'm not. That's how it is.

Mary and Ruby 26

Mary and Ruby

Mary: Why do you wish he was your father? You had one. I got the impression that he died only recently.
Ruby: I would have been better off without him.
Mary: I don't understand.
Ruby: He was a monster. I ran away from him.
Mary: And I ran away to get to my father. How strange.

Mary and Ruby 27

Mary and Ruby

Mary: Tell me, do you want him to be happy?
Ruby: Of course. What makes you think I wouldn't?
Mary: What do you think? - He cares about you. I'm not sure how he feels about me, but I guess there's at least responsibility. How do you think he's going to feel, if we will fight every time we meet? And we can't avoid meeting each other. Unless, of course, you decide to go away.
Ruby: All right, I get the point. But I'm not going to be your friend.
Mary: Understood.

Mary and Ruby 28

Mary and Ruby

Riddick: Have you seen Mary?
Orlock: I saw her with Ruby a little while ago.
Riddick: With Ruby? Should I be worried?
Orlock: No, I don't think so. They were just talking. It didn't look like they were fighting.
Riddick: Good. Let's hope they get things sorted out between themselves. It would make life a lot easier.

Mary and Ruby 29

Mary and Ruby

Riddick: Max, if at any time it starts to look like they are going to fight, you must stop it. By any means necessary.
Orlock: Why? They look about the same size and although Ruby is older, I'm sure she couldn't do that much damage...
Riddick: I'm not worried about Mary. It's Ruby. She isn't used to fighting, just being beaten.
Orlock: And you think Mary...?
Riddick: Yes. Her mother wasn't exactly an angel and she taught her.

Mary and Ruby 30

Mary and Ruby

Wendy: Ruby, who's your friend?
Ruby: She's not my friend... This is Mary. Mary, this is Wendy, Kermit's wife.
Mary: But I thought Kermit was... I mean, it is very nice to meet you.
Wendy: Mary? You're Riddick's daughter, aren't you? He told me about you.
Mary: That's right. - Do you work here too?
Wendy: No, not really. Of course I do a bit of this and that on my free time, but I'm really a detective.
Mary: Detective? You mean police? Cool! How did you become one?
Ruby: I'm off. Have fun.

Mary and Ruby 31

Mary and Ruby

Wendy: Why do you want to know?
Mary: I want to become a detective.
Wendy: You do? Have you told Riddick about that?
Mary: No, we haven't had time to talk about it yet. We've been just talking about school and stuff.
Wendy: I'd like to see his face when you tell him.
Mary: What do you mean? Is he going to think it's a bad idea?
Wendy: No, I don't think so, but he's going to be surprised. Is that your only career plan or do you have a plan B?

Mary and Ruby 32

Mary and Ruby

Mary: I was thinking that it would be nice to be a judge...
Wendy: Even better. Are you quite sure he's your father? I'm sorry, I'm not mocking you. Your plans are very good and I'm sure he will agree with me on that.
Mary: Don't you like him?
Wendy: Why do you say that? - All right, I'm not going to lie to you. There are things that make it very hard for me to like him. You should ask him about that.
Mary: Is it his past? Mother said he was always in trouble.
Wendy: As I said, ask him.

Mary and Ruby 33

Mary and Ruby

Kitty: Here you are, Mary. I see you have met Wendy.
Wendy: Yes, we had a very interesting discussion on career choices. Mary, if you're really serious, we need to talk more about this later. That is, if you really want to know what is required.
Mary: Yes, I do.
Kitty: Mary, we need to get home. My mother is coming for a visit and I want you to meet her.
Mary: Does Riddick know?
Kitty: Yes, he knows. Don't worry.

Mary and Ruby 34

Mary and Ruby

Kitty: What was that talk about career choices? And requirements?
Mary: Um, well... I really don't...
Kitty: I understand. You don't want to talk to me about it, in case it turns out to be a bad idea. It's all right. I don't need to know. But you can talk to me, if you want to. Although, I'm not sure I would be a very good career advisor. I'm just a high school dropout waiting for my grandmother to kick the bucket, so I can get my money.
Mary: What...?
Kitty: That was a bit too crass, I guess. Although, it is true. - I'll tell you about it later. I'll tell you all of it after mother's visit.

Mary and Ruby 35

Mary and Ruby

Toffee: So, how are you? Is everything all right?
Kitty: I'm fine. However, there is something I need to tell you. Grandma is going to have a fit, so I'm delaying it as long as possible, but I think you should know.
Toffee: Sounds serious. Has something happened?
Kitty: You could say so. Would you come upstairs with me? There's someone I'd like you to meet.

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Mary and Ruby

Kitty: Mother, this is Mary. Mary, this is my mother Toffee.
Mary: How do you do?
Toffee: Kitty, would you explain what you meant by what you said downstairs?
Kitty: Yes, well... You see, Riddick is Mary's father.
Toffee: What?! Are you serious?
Mary: That's very much like his reaction when I told him.

Mary and Ruby 37

Mary and Ruby

Kitty: I'm sure you know just as well as I do what's going to happen when grandma hears about this.
Toffee: Yes, I know. Still, it is none of her business, or mine for that matter. You need to sort out your own problems.
Kitty: Why couldn't you be like this before? We would have gotten along so much better.

Mary and Ruby 38

Mary and Ruby

Mary: Does that mean you're not angry?
Toffee: What made you think I would be angry? I must admit I'm surprised and it'll take me some time to get used to this, but that's my problem, not yours.
Kitty: Who are you and what have you done to my mother?
Toffee: Haha, very funny. But seriously, I have been thinking things over lately, and I must say that I'm glad you have had the good sense to stay out of the sort of trouble that leads behind the bars, unlike your sister.
Mary: What does that mean?
Kitty: Mother, Mary doesn't know... Mary, I'll explain it to you later, with all the rest of it.

Mary and Ruby 39

Mary and Ruby

Kitty: So, what do you think about her?
Mary: She seems OK. Riddick said she would be.
Kitty: She wasn't to begin with. Mother was on grandma's side at first, but she came to her senses later. Now the only problem is grandma. She's so worried about things getting into the papers.
Mary: Papers? Why would the press be interested in your family? Who are you?
Kitty: Yes, well, I think you should know. People are going to talk and it's easier to deal with it when you know what's going on. - If only I knew where to start. I guess I could start with me, Chase and Riddick. That's the most relevant part from your point of view anyway...

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Mary and Ruby

A lot later:
Kitty: I'm sure there are things I didn't remember to tell, but it doesn't matter. Is there anything you want to ask?
Mary: Your sister and Riddick...?
Kitty: Yes. But that's one of the things I'd rather not talk about. You could ask him, but maybe you better not. At least, if you do and he tells you not to ask, don't push it.
Mary: All right.

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