
Family Matters 41

Family Matters

Mrs. Splinter: Don't worry, everything is fine. I was just a bit surprised to see you.
Bea: Because you're a mouse and I'm a cat?
Mrs. Splinter: Well, yes. My kind and your kind don't usually mix.
Bea: Henry says it's stupid. He says people need to get along with each other.
Mrs. Splinter: He sounds like a very wise person.
Mary: How can you work downstairs? The customers...
Mrs. Splinter: I don't have anything to do with the customers. I work in the back rooms and I clean up the place after closing time.

Family Matters 42

Family Matters

Mary: Bea, be careful up there.
Bea: I will. - Oh, this bed is really nice.
Orlock: I knew you'd like it.
Mrs. Splinter: Well, I guess I'll be going now. I'll come back later.
Mary: It was nice meeting you.

Family Matters 43

Family Matters

Carla: Hello. I'm Carla.
Riddick: Riddick.
Carla: Man of few words. Nice. So, what are you doing here all alone?
Riddick: Waiting.
Carla: Can you form entire sentences or is your talking limited to single words? Waiting for what?
Riddick: A friend. - I'm not looking for company.
Carla: Are you quite sure?

Family Matters 44

Family Matters

Riddick: Quite sure. I'm married.
Carla: So?
Riddick: Do you really need to ask?
Carla: You're one of those? Just my luck.
Riddick: You know, even if I was looking for company, I wouldn't be interested. You remind me of someone and just the thought creeps me out.
Carla: No need to be rude. I can take a hint. - It's your loss, you know.

Family Matters 45

Family Matters

Henry: Hi Riddick. What were you doing with her?
Riddick: Do you know her? She was just checking whether I'm looking for company.
Henry: Even if you were, you'd be wise to stay away from her. She's expensive.
Riddick: I didn't realize...
Henry: No, not that way. She just has a habit of cleaning her boyfriends before dumping them.

Family Matters 46

Family Matters

Riddick: So, what's up? You look more cheerful than normally.
Henry: Nothing.
Riddick: Right. Come on, tell me. - It's a woman, isn't it? Anyone I know?
Henry: Lenore.
Riddick: A definite improvement to the last one. - You know, Kitty told me about black cats. Are you okay with all that?
Henry: That superstition stuff is nonsense. And even if she really was a witch, so what?

Family Matters 47

Family Matters

Kitty: And what does starting from the bottom mean?
Riddick: Working in one of his businesses as an assistant or something like that, I assume. She hasn't got much experience, so he can't put her in charge of anything.
Kitty: Wouldn't it be easier for her to go back to school? Why won't she do that?
Riddick: Why didn't you?
Kitty: That's different. I wasn't clever enough. Ruby could do it.
Riddick: She doesn't want to.

Family Matters 48

Family Matters

Kitty: By the way, we're having a little party tomorrow.
Riddick: Party? Are you sure you're up to something like that?
Kitty: Not that kind of a party. Bea has invited some of her friends over. Henry is the guest of honor. And I guess Chester will be here too as his sister is one of Bea's friends.
Riddick: I didn't know he has a sister. Have you seen her? What's she like?
Kitty: Incredibly cute. She's adopted.

Family Matters 49

Family Matters

Next day:
Riddick: I think there are enough chairs now. - Hi Henry. Your audience is already here.
Henry: Hi Riddick. - Bea, I already know Miriam, but who's your other friend?
Bea: This is Eva.
Henry: Hello Eva. I'm Henry.
Eva: I know. My mother has told me about you.
Riddick: I need to go to work now. Have fun. And Henry, don't let them wear you out.

Family Matters 50

Family Matters

Miriam: We saw you with Miss Lenore after school.
Eva: She's nice, isn't she?
Bea: Do you like her?
Henry: Yes, of course I like her. It would be very hard not to like her. She's very nice.

Family Matters 51

Family Matters

Bea: Are you going to marry her?
Henry: What...? Um... what made you ask that?
Bea: She's not married and you like her and I'm sure she likes you too. People get married when they like each other. You could get married and have babies like Kitty and Riddick.
Henry: It's not quite that simple... - You wanted to hear a story. Which one would you like to hear?

Family Matters 52

Family Matters

Bea: Tell us about the saber-toothed cats.
Henry: You've heard that one already and so has Miriam.
Eva: I haven't.
Bea: That's right. Eva hasn't heard it.
Miriam: And I want to hear it again.
Henry: All right, if you insist.

Family Matters 53

Family Matters

Mary: Hi Chester. Kitty, are they already upstairs?
Kitty: Yes, they are all there, but I'm sure you haven't missed anything. If I guess correctly, it's the saber-toothed cats first.
Mary: Bea is certainly fond of that one.

Family Matters 54

Family Matters

Chester: Isn't Mary a bit old for that?
Kitty: She likes Henry and Henry tells good stories.
Chester: Yes, he does. I just thought Mary wouldn't care spending time with little kiddies.
Kitty: She's very good with Bea and I'm sure she'll get along with Miriam and Eva as well.
Chester: Do you think she'll get along with the baby too?
Kitty: I'm sure of that. She's really excited by the idea.
Chester: I was just thinking that she might not understand how much of yours and Riddick's time the baby will take.

Family Matters 55

Family Matters

Kitty: Chester, I know it's none of my business, but what is there between you and Lenore?
Chester: Nothing.
Kitty: Right. Do you really think I didn't notice how you were looking at her?
Chester: There's nothing. We're just friends.
Kitty: Friends. I see. - Does she know?

Family Matters 56

Family Matters

Chester: Kitty, just leave it. She doesn't know and neither does Henry. And that's how I want it to be. She's better off with him.
Kitty: Henry?
Chester: Didn't you know? If it was anyone else, I might say something to her, but in this case...
Kitty: I'm sorry.
Chester: No need. Just don't tell anyone about it. It would only do harm. - I'll get over it. I always do.

Family Matters 57

Family Matters

Henry: ...and when the penguins saw the killer whale, they ran as fast as they could away from the shore.
Eva: But the whale didn't get anything to eat. I bet it was hungry.
Henry: Yes, it was, but that's how things are. Sometimes you get a meal and sometimes you don't.
Kitty: I think it's time you let Henry have a break. You can't have him all for yourself, you know.
Henry: Don't worry, kids. I'll go and have a little chat with Kitty and Chester and then I'll come back.

Family Matters 58

Family Matters

Kitty: It's really nice of you to spend time with them.
Henry: You'd be surprised how much better company they can be than most adults. - That is, when they are not butting into your most private affairs.
Chester: What do you mean?
Henry: I just got a lesson in relationship issues. Apparently, when you like a girl and she likes you, you're supposed to get married and have babies. Just like Kitty and Riddick.
Kitty: Oh, poor Henry.

Family Matters 59

Family Matters

Henry: It's all right. That's what I like about the little ones. They are so honest and direct about things and not at all prejudiced. It's a pity most won't stay that way when they grow up.
Kitty: Talking about prejudiced, there's this one boy at school... He seems to have it bad.
Chester: You mean Daniel? Lenore said that Daniel and his sister used to go to an all-feline school, but due to family circumstances they couldn't afford it anymore.
Kitty: That explains it. Do you think there's any chance the brainwashing could be reversed?
Henry: It's possible, but it won't be easy.

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Family Matters

A little later:
Bea: Henry, are you coming back upstairs? We want to hear another story.
Kitty: Bea, don't be too greedy.
Henry: It's all right. I've still got time for a couple of stories before I have to go.

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