
New Jobs 1

New Jobs

Some time after the previous story's events:
Orlock: Hi Ruby. First day in the new job? How's it going?
Ruby: No problems so far, but there haven't been that many customers yet.
Orlock: Don't worry, you'll do just fine. - Now, I'd like to have my usual drink.
Ruby: What's that?
Orlock: Bloody Mary, of course. What did you think?

New Jobs 2

New Jobs

Abby: Is everything all right? Has Max been nice to you? He's one of our regular customers.
Ruby: Max is always nice. I've known him for a long time.
Orlock: Abby, no offense, but we can manage. I was just teaching Ruby how to make a perfect Bloody Mary. That's what I always order, so she needs to know how to make it.
Abby: Your idea of perfection may not be a generally accepted one, Max, but you do have a point there. Ruby, just remember that it's only one variation.

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New Jobs

Orlock: Abby is nice. I'm sure you'll get along fine with her.
Ruby: Do you know her well?
Orlock: I've known her for a few years. She's the one who got me the apartment upstairs. They are in very high demand, but she got me in past the queue.
Ruby: Just like that? Or did you pay her?
Orlock: Well... I guess you could say I paid her. You see, she had a little problem and I made it go away. Or, to be exact, made him go away.
Ruby: I see. I thought you didn't mix business and pleasure.

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New Jobs

Orlock: By the way, nice dress. What does Zeke think about it?
Ruby: Think?
Orlock: I mean, what does he think about you working here dressed like that?
Ruby: Who cares? He wants to be friends with Chase even though I don't like it, so I can wear anything I want no matter what he thinks about it.
Orlock: I see. Aren't you being a bit childish?
Ruby: Don't you start that too.

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New Jobs

Kitty: It was nice of you to come. You know, I actually asked you here under false pretense. I said I wanted to talk about Bea, but what I really want is for us to get to know each other.
Lenore: Because of Henry?
Kitty: Yes. He's a friend... well, maybe a bit more than just a friend. I don't know if you've heard...
Lenore: Everybody knew about it. After you married Riddick, Henry suddenly became a very good catch. That is, if you care about that sort of thing.
Kitty: But you don't?

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New Jobs

Lenore: All I care about is that he's a nice guy who doesn't pay any attention to my color.
Kitty: And others do?
Lenore: Oh yes. It's really infuriating. Usually they start asking about whether I have white somewhere where it won't show from under the clothes.
Kitty: That's very rude.
Lenore: Yes, it is. I have always found it very offensive.

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Kitty: I hope you tell it to them.
Lenore: Certainly. Sometimes, if the guy is a real jerk, I ask very loudly in public, if he's got good manners somewhere where it doesn't normally show.
Kitty: Tee hee. I'd love to see that.

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New Jobs

Zeke: Hi Ruby.
Ruby: Zeke, what are you doing here?
Zeke: I just came in for a drink, and of course I wanted to see the place. I know you don't have time to talk with me when you're working.
Ruby: What would you like to have? Please don't ask for anything complicated.
Zeke: Just give me a whiskey. And don't worry, you'll learn it all in time. Nobody expects you to master everything at once.

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New Jobs

Abby: Excuse me, mister. Didn't you see the "No canines" sign outside?
Zeke: I beg your pardon? Are you talking to me?
Abby: Yes, you. That sign refers to all canines, even the unusual ones. The majority of our customers are felines, so we have a policy of not letting canines in.
Zeke: You really are serious, but I still don't understand...
Abby: Don't try any of that with me. I know exactly what you are. You can finish your drink, but then you should leave.

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New Jobs

Abby: Ruby, that guy who just left...
Ruby: Zeke? What about him?
Abby: You know him? Is that why he came here? I haven't seen him before.
Ruby: He's my boyfriend.
Abby: Great. I'm sorry to tell you this, but he can't come here. No canines, no exceptions. - Don't look at me like that, I know what he is. I always know.
Ruby: But he's uncle Hagrid's friend.
Abby: No exceptions. Drunken felines are bad enough without any provocation.

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New Jobs

Ruby: Abby, can I ask you something?
Abby: Sure. What do you want to know?
Ruby: I was wondering... Why do felines come here? Wouldn't they rather go some place with feline staff?
Abby: And where do you think you can find a place like that? Felines and service business are generally incompatible. No, they don't want to serve, just to be served. - You know, they can be quite obnoxious at times. They've got this superiority complex. Don't let it bother you too much.

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New Jobs

Bea: Miss Lenore! I didn't know you were coming here.
Lenore: Hello Bea. I came to see Kitty.
Bea: This is so great. Would you like to see my room? It's upstairs.
Lenore: Kitty?
Kitty: Go ahead. I'll make us some coffee while Bea is showing you the house. She says she wants to show you her room, but I'm sure you'll get the grand tour.
Lenore: That's fine by me.

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Bea: This is my room. Actually, it's Mary's room too. She's not at home right now.
Lenore: This looks very nice.
Bea: This was Kitty's and Riddick's bedroom, but we switched rooms. It's because of the baby. It's easier for Kitty not to climb all those stairs.
Lenore: Yes, I'm sure it is. What do you think about having a little sister or brother?
Bea: I'm sure it's going to be a girl. I want another sister. - Do you want to see the rest of the house?

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New Jobs

Kitty: So, it was the grand tour judging from the time it took.
Lenore: Yes. You really have a very nice house, although I was expecting something a bit bigger. You know, with the baby and everything...
Kitty: Our family is growing a bit faster than anticipated, but we'll fit in for now.
Lenore: But you could afford... I mean... I have heard...
Kitty: It's all right, everybody knows about grandfather's money. The thing you don't know is that my grandma controls all of it.

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New Jobs

Riddick: Hi Ruby. Leaving already?
Ruby: I'll be back later. I'm going to see a house that's for rent and affordable. Max promised to come with me.
Riddick: A house? Well, why not, if you can afford it. - How has your first day been so far?
Ruby: Fine. Some of the customers are a bit... snobbish. I guess it feels so strange, because they are so different from Kitty. She has always been so nice.
Riddick: You'll get used to it. And remember, they are no better than the rest of us.

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New Jobs

Abby: You like her, don't you?
Riddick: Yes. I was sort of looking after her before she met Zeke.
Abby: Zeke. He was here earlier. Unfortunately, I had to ask him to leave.
Riddick: Why? Did he do something?
Abby: Do you know what he is? - Ever noticed the sign outside the door?
Riddick: But surely...
Abby: No exceptions. Some felines are very perceptive and I don't want any provocation, one way or the other.

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New Jobs

Riddick: Abby... did Hagrid force you to hire Ruby?
Abby: Oh no, he's much wiser than that. He's paying her salary, so I got a free employee. I'll teach her everything I know about running a business like this and in return I get to keep any extra profit she brings in.
Riddick: Sounds like it could be a good deal. How do you feel about teaching her? I mean, she's going to be... you know... or maybe you don't know...
Abby: I know she might be my boss in the future, if I stay here long enough. I don't mind. She's nice. Maybe a bit too nice for what Hagrid has planned for her.

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New Jobs

Ruby: Hi, Max! Ready to go?
Orlock: Sure. You know, I would have thought that you'd like to take Zeke with you.
Ruby: He's at work and he isn't really that interested anyway. He doesn't care much for houses.
Orlock: His kind rarely do. They are usually satisfied with any roof over their head. You know, that means he won't be interested in interior decoration either. If you need help with that, I'll be happy to assist any way I can.

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Orlock: Are you saying it's this one? Do you know what this place is?
Ruby: What do you mean? It's a house and the rent is cheap.
Orlock: I'm sure it is. You're probably the first one in ages willing to have it.
Ruby: What are you talking about?
Orlock: It's supposed to be haunted by the previous owner who died in there.
Ruby: Nonsense. There are no ghosts. And even if there were, I'm sure we would both fit in just fine. As far as I'm concerned, it's a nice house for a ridiculously low rent. Let's go in.

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New Jobs

Orlock: What do you think this room was? Looks like a place where you would lock someone up.
Ruby: No, it doesn't. Look at those cute kittens. And the windows are quite nice too.
Orlock: Yeah, if you're not suffering from claustrophobia.
Ruby: Max, what's wrong with you? I've never seen you this negative before.
Orlock: This place isn't safe for you to live in.

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