Ruby: It's a perfectly ordinary house. Look, this window opens. - I like this house. Besides, I could never afford anything else this big. I'd have to settle for a bedsitter. Orlock: What do you mean "settle?" There's nothing wrong with a bedsitter. Ruby: I'm sure there isn't, but I want a house. Orlock: I can see you have made up your mind already. All right, it's your choice, but you must promise that you'll let me know, if there really are ghosts in here. Ruby: I promise, although I'm sure there are no ghosts, not in here nor anywhere else.
Chase: Hello. I haven't seen you here before. I'm Chase. Chester: I know. You're the one who likes to be mean to little girls who have done you no harm. - I'm Chester. Chase: Well, Chester, if you're another one who's going to start lecturing me about character, maybe it's better that we end this conversation right now. Chester: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so rude. It's just that I know Bea and I like her. She's very nice and doesn't pay any attention to the way I look.
Chase: What about the way you look? Oh, yes, I see it could be a problem. Chester: Don't try to tell me you didn't notice. Chase: I thought you were one of the big ones. - You know, I have told Bea that I'm sorry about what I did. It was mean and stupid. I'm trying not to do things like that anymore. Chester: Any success? Chase: So far, so good.
Chase: The lady behind the bar is looking at you funny. Any idea what the problem is? Chester: What do you think? Maybe she's worried that I'll scare the other customers away. Chase: I don't think it's that. It's more like she's trying to figure out what you are. It's always the problem. Only with us it's about finding out whether there are any undesirable elements in the family, whereas for them it's about classification and drawing the lines. I bet you cannot be classified. Chester: Let's not get into that. It's complicated.
Riddick: Hi Chester. Chase. I had no idea you two knew each other. Chase: We don't, but we're working on it. Chester: Riddick, the lady behind the bar is giving me funny looks. Is there a problem? Riddick: I think she can't decide what to do about you. Her warning lights are blinking, but you are very clearly a feline, so she's confused. Chester: Warning lights? You mean she's one of those people? I will never understand how they can see it.
Riddick: Neither will I, but she just can. Ruby's boyfriend got kicked out because of that. Chase: Are you talking about Zeke? But you can't see it... I mean... I didn't mean... Chester: If this Zeke you're referring to is the same guy I know, there's no need to get flustered. I know what he is. We're sort of related. As I said, it's complicated. Could we leave it at that for now? Chase: Sure. I just hope you're not going to get kicked out. Riddick: I'll go and tell Abby that everything is all right.
Ruby: Hi Mary. Where are you going? Mary: I'm on my way home. What were you doing in there? Ruby: This will be my new home. We were just looking around. Mary: Why didn't you tell me? I would have come too. Ruby: It's not too late now. We can go back in and have a look. Orlock: Not me, thank you. I think I'll be heading to work now.
Mary: What was wrong with Max? Ruby: He doesn't like the house. He says it's haunted. Mary: Cool. Is it really? Ruby: I doubt it. Come on, let's go in.
Ruby: It'll be nicer with furniture. Mary: This is really great. Is Zeke going to move in with you? Ruby: No. Mary: Is everything all right? Have you two been fighting? Ruby: Not really. I just think he's getting a bit too serious about us. Mary: Has he asked you to marry him? Ruby: No, but I'm afraid he will.
Mary: So you're going to say no? Why? I thought you love him. Ruby: I do... at least I think I do, but I need to get my life sorted before I can do anything like that. Mary: What do you mean sorted? You've got a nice job and now you will have your own home. What more do you need? Ruby: To learn to be independent. You see, there's been Hagrid, Riddick, and now Zeke. I know they all just want to help me, but I must learn to manage on my own.
A little later: Abby: Hi Ruby. Back already? Who's your friend? Ruby: This is Mary. She wanted to see my new workplace. Abby: Nice to meet you, Mary. I'm Abby. You know, you look really young. I take it you're still a minor. Mary: Is that a problem? Abby: Unfortunately it is. You shouldn't be here at all. I'm sure your parents wouldn't like it. Mary: Riddick won't mind. He knows I wouldn't drink even if I had the chance to do it.
Abby: Riddick? Ruby: He's Mary's dad. And he really wouldn't mind, but I guess it's better that you go now, Mary. I need to get back to work. When I move to my new home, you can visit me there. You could stay overnight, if Kitty and Riddick think it's okay. Mary: That would be great. We could have a seance. You know, try to get in touch with the ghosts. It'll be so cool. Abby: Ghosts? Don't tell me you're renting a haunted house. Ruby: Max thinks it is, but I don't believe it.
Ruby: Could you show me some kind of identification? Tony: Why? Do you suspect I'm too young? Little girl, I've been old enough to drink for years. Are you sure you're old enough to be selling the stuff? Ruby: Quite sure. Would you just show me your ID? That would be much easier than standing here arguing about the matter.
Abby: Tony, just show her your ID and then you'll get your drink. Why do you always need to make such a big deal out of it? Just face it, you're small for a big cat and you always will be. Tony: I blame my father. He should never have married a serval. Ruby: Are you saying you really are old enough? I'm sorry, I didn't know... Tony: Don't worry, it's all right. - You're new, aren't you? I haven't seen you before.
A few days later: Anika: This is so nice. Just like old times. All four of us together. Kitty: The old times weren't always that nice. Toffee: There's no need to think about that now. Chase: Why are we here? Are we going to talk about the good old days or is there a point to all this? Toffee: Your grandmother has something to tell you.
Anika: I talked with Kevin today and he has already started to make the necessary arrangements. Kitty: What arrangements? Anika: You're all going to get your share of the inheritance as soon as the papers are ready. I'm tired of managing everything. Chase: We're going to get all of it? Toffee: Well, obviously not quite. The proceeds from the trust will go to your grandma for the rest of her life, but we are talking about everything else.
Kitty: I can't believe this. Are you really serious? Anika: I know this is a surprise to you, but it is getting too much of a bother to handle everything. Do you have any idea how much trouble that kind of money really is? Chase: I'll be happy to have that kind of trouble. It's a lot better than the ones I've been in before. Riddick (from dowstairs): Kitty! Where are you? I've got a surprise for you!
Kitty: What is it? Oh, Riddick! Where did you find that? Riddick: Do you like it? Kitty: I love it! How did you know I wanted one just like that? Riddick: I didn't. I saw it in a shop window and I liked it, so I bought it. They said I can return it, if you don't like it.
Toffee: It's very pretty. Anika: I was going to give you the one that's been in the family for a long time... Kitty: Grandma, I appreciate it, but this is just what I wanted. Chase: So, you're going to put the kid behind the bars right from the beginning. Kitty: Chase... Chase: I'm sorry, it just slipped...
Riddick: I also bought something else. I'll bring it in and then I'll need to get to work. I'm sorry about interrupting whatever it was you were doing. Kitty: You didn't interrupt anything, but I thought you were due at work a bit later. Riddick: I'll go and see Ruby first, to see how she's doing. Kitty: Oh, all right.