Abby: Now I have seen everything. I wonder where that escaped from. Ruby: That's Albert. Abby: Albert? The ufo guy? Ruby: That's right. He's a bit shaky, but otherwise all right.
Ruby: Albert, you're far from home. Albert: I wanted to see this place. Besides, my doctor said I should try to get out more. Ruby: I doubt he meant getting out to get into a bar. Albert: I walked here. That counts as exercise. Now I need beer. I need to take care of my fluid balance. Ruby: Whatever you say.
Albert: I saw something yesterday. Ruby: My friend hasn't been around. Albert: It wasn't him. I saw a horrible flying monster. It looked like it came from your house. Ruby: Flying monster? I didn't see anything... Oh, wait a minute, there was a bat. My window was open and it must have flown inside by accident. But it wasn't a monster, just a big bat. I think they are called fruit bats, or was it a flying dog?
Albert: I'm starting to think that even if the house wasn't haunted before, it is now. No wonder you couldn't find a place to live elsewhere. Ruby: What do you mean? It's not my fault if some bat makes a navigation error. I think you're being very rude. Albert: I'm sorry, I get a bit stressed when something unexpected happens. I know you're a nice girl. Your friends looked nice too. Well, except the one in a clown outfit. He was a bit creepy. Ruby: Schizo? I'm sure you two would get along well.
Ruby: Chester, I haven't seen you in a long time. Chester: I've been busy taking care of my grandma. Ruby: That's so nice. I'm sure she appreciates it. Chester: On her clear moments she does. Then she suddenly starts accusing me of stealing her money or hiding her false teeth, so she can't eat. Ruby: That bad? It must be hard. Chester: There are compensations. She's got a lot of interesting stories from the past. I'm recording them all. Maybe I could write a book or something.
Ruby: So, what kind of stories is she telling? Chester: Old scandals. She was a regular busybody in her youth. Ruby: Does anyone really care about old scandals? I mean, if you're 70 and someone tells people that you did something bad when you were 20, what's the big deal? Chester: Did you know there's no statute of limitations on murder? Ruby: You can't mean... Chester, that's dangerous. You shouldn't talk about it. Chester: Why not? You've got nothing to do with any of it. Besides, I suspect all people involved in it are already dead or so out of it that there would be no use charging them.
James: Hi, Ruby. I'll have a beer. Ruby: James, this is Chester. He's Kitty's and Riddick's friend. Chester, this is James, Mary's boyfriend. Chester: I've been waiting to meet you. I hope you know you're a very lucky guy. James: I know. I've never met anyone like Mary before. Chester: That wasn't quite what I meant. You see, I expected Riddick to boot...
Riddick: What did you expect? Chester: Never mind. Ruby: Riddick, was everything all right? Riddick: Everything's in order at least for now, but of course it is still early. James, I see you have met Chester. Or did you already know each other as you both know Henry? Chester: We haven't met before, although I knew about James. Henry told me.
Schizo: What's going on here? Is this a private party or can we attend? - Everybody, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine. This is Lilith. Lilith, these are James, Ruby, Chester and Riddick. Lilith: Hi. I had no idea Schizo had this many friends. I mean normal friends, in addition to the ones like Max. Chester: You count me as a normal friend? I like you already. Schizo: Ruby, drinks for everybody. I'm paying. And before anyone asks, I made a lucky guess at the races, so don't expect this to happen too often.
Ruby: Schizo, if you're interested in getting a new friend, there's someone I think you might like. Schizo: Who's that? Ruby: That guy there at the table. He's my neighbor, Albert. I don't think he has many friends. Schizo: There's usually a reason for something like that. Maybe he doesn't want to have friends or maybe he's so boring or obnoxious nobody can stand him. Ruby: Or maybe he just doesn't get out very much. Schizo: All right. I'll go and have a word with him. You know, you're bad influence on me. I fear I might catch a bad case of empathy.
Ruby: Lilith is such a nice name, old-fashioned. Lilith: It's not my real name. In my profession, we don't use real names. Riddick: What profession is that? Are you an entertainer too? Lilith: Not quite. I'm a dominatrix. Riddick: Oh. Ruby: What's that? Chester: Something nice little girls like you don't need to know anything about.
Schizo: You're Albert, right? Albert: Yes, but how do you know? Schizo: Ruby told me you're her neighbor. I'm her friend, Schizo. First time here? You don't look like someone who'd frequently visit feline bars. Albert: I don't visit any bars often. Too much noise and too much people. But at least this is one place where canines are not allowed, so that's something. Schizo: Having problems with canines? Albert: A canine. Ruby's friend. Really big and really scary.
Schizo: So, you've seen him. I bet nobody believed you. Albert: They laughed at me. Well, all except this one feline. She was one of the big cats, a really mean looking one. I think she knew what I was talking about. Schizo: Is that why you don't get out much? Big cats and canines and such? Albert: What would you do, if you were my kind? Schizo: I don't know. Buy a shotgun?
Riddick: How do you know Schizo? Lilith: His wife was my best friend. Ruby: Wife? Chester: That's news to me. Riddick: He has never said anything about that. Lilith: Oh dear. I had no idea. I know he doesn't like to talk about it, but I thought as you are his friends...
Riddick: I suppose we better forget it then. Chester: You forget it, if you want. I'm going to ask him. He's always poking his nose in everybody else's business. Lilith: I guess I should be going. I can listen to him yelling on the phone later. Ruby: Why would he yell at you? You didn't do anything. Lilith: Don't worry. I'm used to it, so I won't let it bother me.
Schizo: You should definitely get out more often. Life is out here. You're at the age when you might kick the bucket any day and then you'll be sorry for not using the time you had. Albert: Is that supposed to cheer me up? Schizo: What do you mean? It was the most inspiring pep talk I'm able to deliver. Albert: I guess you're right, but what's the point? There isn't anything I particularly want at this stage of my life. Schizo: Not even women? Man, that sucks. - Wait a second, I know just the cure. Lilith!
James: Schizo, what was that? Why did your friend leave with that guy? Schizo: Blame Ruby. James: What do you mean? Ruby: Schizo, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Schizo: That's because you can't think like me. You said he needed a friend. I say Lilith will be able to cheer him up much better than I ever could. Chester: You're impossible. You set him up with a dominatrix. Schizo: That's just a job for Lilith. She can be really nice when she wants to.
Ruby: Would somebody explain to me what a dominatrix is? Riddick: Ruby, I don't think it would be a good thing for you to know. Chester: Schizo, Lilith said she was your wife's friend. Care to elaborate? Schizo: What? Don't you know what a wife is? What am I, an encyclopedia? Chester: I think we're more interested in hearing where she is now. Schizo: Six feet under! Do I need to elaborate more?! Riddick: Chester, I think it would be best to change the subject. Chester: I'm sorry, Schizo. I mean it.
Later: Ruby: Abby, what's a dominatrix? Am I stupid for not knowing something like that? Abby: Of course you're not stupid. Why do you want to know? Ruby: Schizo's friend Lilith said she's a dominatrix, but neither Chester nor Riddick wanted to explain it to me and James looked a bit embarrassed. Abby: All right. This isn't one of the things I thought I would be teaching you...
Ruby: You can't be serious. Abby: Quite serious. That's what they do. Some are like that all the time, some do it just as a job. Ruby: Why would someone pay for something like that? Abby: I'm sorry, I can only answer the question "what." "Why" is for people who know about psychology. Although I can tell you another "why." The reason why the guys didn't want to tell you is that they are not comfortable talking about that sort of things with you.