Schizo: Hi, Riddick. Riddick: I was hoping to see you. Max, would you...? Schizo: Ah, here comes the lecture. Max, I guess you better go. This could get really boring. Orlock: Okay, I'll see you later.
Schizo: What's it gonna be? Get lost, little creep? Ruby deserves better? Riddick: You know it isn't a very good idea. Schizo: Why not? She says she loves me and I certainly love her. I'd say I'm the one taking a bigger risk of getting hurt. Riddick: Are you saying you're serious about it? Schizo: How stupid can you be? Of course I am serious. That's the only option with someone like her. But we'll have to see first how it goes with her shrink. You never know what people suddenly figure out during that process. She might end up dumping me.
Riddick: Shrink? Schizo: You know she's got problems. She didn't want to talk to me about it, so a shrink was the obvious choice. Why are you so surprised? Riddick: You're more sensible than I had realized. Schizo: I know a lot about mental instability, partly from experience. Riddick: Because of what happened to your...? Schizo: Wife. You can say the word, I'm not going to blow up. I overreacted when Chester asked about it, but that was because it came so unexpectedly.
Riddick: Schizo, how old are you? Schizo: Is that what this is all about? Are you saying I'd be all right, if only I was young? You really don't know much about these things, do you? How on earth did you manage to get married to Kitty? Riddick: We're not talking about me. Schizo: Of course not. I'm just pointing out that nobody should take advice about relationship issues from you. But if you're so set on the age issue, let me explain something. If I married Ruby and it lasted until the natural death of one of us, I would be the one left behind.
Riddick: You're not like Max. Schizo: I'll still live longer than you. The problem with your kind is that you always act so superior, although you're not. Just look at Adel and Max, not to mention the furry fellow. Riddick: What about you? What kind are you really? Schizo: A bit of this and a bit of that. I think felines and lycanthropes are just about the only ones missing from our family. The longevity comes from a half-breed of Adel's kind. - I think the interrogation is over now. I went along this far just because I know you want what's best for Ruby, but enough is enough.
Abby: He's not afraid of you. Is it just his ego or do you think there's something else? Riddick: I guess he counts on his size protecting him. He's a very strange little man. Abby: You should let it be. Ruby has been so happy lately. Maybe he is the right guy for her. If you start making trouble, she could decide you're not her friend anymore. Riddick: I guess you're right. I'll go and have a word with him.
Ruby: So, should I call Schizo? Come on, it'll be fun. Mary: All right, but tell him not to do anything else. I don't want him to get into trouble. It's not worth it. The phone call shouldn't be a problem. I don't think there's a law against telling someone something that is true. Ruby: Great. He'll love this.
After the call: Ruby: He said he'll make the call right away. I could swear he was giggling. He's so cute when he gets like that. Mary: I have a hard time imagining him being cute. Ruby: I know. I guess I'm a bit silly. Mary: No, you're not. I'm happy things are good between you two. I don't need to understand what it is you see in him. I just hope he doesn't turn out to be a jerk.
Ruby: I think I would have seen that by now. I have known him for a long time. I'm not imagining it's going to be easy being with him, but I believe it's going to be all right. Mary: So, are you going to marry him? Ruby: There are things that need to be sorted out first. Mary: But you're thinking about it? Ruby: Maybe.
Adel: Hi, Schizo. I just heard the news today. Schizo: Save the lecture for later, thank you very much. Adel: What? Oh no, I was going to congratulate you. Schizo: Really? You're not going to do the "you're too old" routine? Adel: Me? Did you lose your brain or something? If you're too old, what would that make me? Schizo: I guess I wasn't thinking straight.
Adel: That's right. I think you and Ruby will be happy together, if she can get over what everybody else thinks. The age issue is always so important to their kind. Schizo: I know, but there isn't much I can do about that. Adel: Well, I did my best, although I may not be the best advisor in relationship issues. Schizo: You can't be worse than Riddick. Adel: By the way, why haven't you told me you're one of us? Schizo: Only partly. I didn't think of it. Is it important? Adel: I guess not, but I like to know that sort of things.
Adel: Riddick, may I have a word? Riddick: Sure. What about? Adel: Mary, or rather that boyfriend of hers. Riddick: I think you can call him an ex-boyfriend now. Adel: Oh, what did he do? Riddick: Let's just say Mary now thinks he's a jerk. Adel: So, she figured that out all by herself? Good for her.
Riddick: Why did you want to talk about him? Don't tell me he made a pass at you. Adel: Something along those lines. I promised I wouldn't tell Mary, but after thinking about it a bit more, I thought maybe I should tell you. Riddick: Did anything happen? I know it's none of my business, but... Adel: Nothing happened. I just teased him a little. Riddick: Adel, that sort of thing isn't safe. Adel: Don't let the high heels and dresses fool you. We are all well trained and it's not just self-defense, although we don't need those skills so much anymore.