Ursula: I'd say it's nice to meet you, but under the circumstances... Riddick: As far as I know, you haven't done anything, but don't start making excuses for James. Ursula: I won't. He's made a total mess of his life. Riddick: So, why do you want to talk with me? Ursula: Actually, I didn't... Catsy: You can blame me. She wanted to meet me and I chose the place. I thought you two should meet. - I'll leave you alone.
Ursula: How is Mary? Riddick: Upset, but she'll get over it. Ursula: James told me about what happened between you and him. Would you really do it? Riddick: You don't want to know. - Look, all I want is for him to stay away from Mary. If he does that, everything is fine. What he's doing with Chase is none of my business. Ursula: Chase? Oh yes, that feline. What's she got to do with you? Riddick: She's my wife's sister. Ursula: I didn't realize. I thought Mary is... Riddick: My wife is not her mother.
Ursula: I was wondering... would you let me meet Mary? Riddick: Not a good idea. Ursula: But I'd just like to talk with her. Riddick: There's nothing she needs to hear from you. Ursula: There's no need to get hostile. I was just asking. You see, I need to find a way to minimize the damage. I write self-help books. I'm supposed to know how to keep things in control. All this looks really bad. My agent is furious. Riddick: Dragging Mary into it would be anything but minimizing the damage. I would take care of that personally. It's your family, you sort it out.
Later that night: Chester: Are the girls ready to go? It's getting late. Mother wouldn't usually let Miriam stay this late, but she was impressed by Bea's new friend. Kitty: Who wouldn't be? Grandma's going to be so happy when I tell her about this. Pedigree is one thing, but pedigree combined with money... Chester: Funny thing, that. You being what you are. Kitty: Apparently papa was impressed by my late grandfather. - Mary, would you go and tell Miriam that Chester is here? Mary: All right.
A few minutes later: Miriam: Bibi, this is my big brother Chester. Chester, this is Bibi. Chester: It's nice to meet you, Bibi. I hear you're like Bea, as good as it gets. Bibi: You're not all feline, are you? I've never seen anyone like you before. Chester: I'm a mutt, let's leave it at that. And who's that? Bibi: Delilah, my bodyguard. (whispering) Whatever you do, don't call her a babysitter. She doesn't like it. Chester (whispering back): I wouldn't dream of calling her anything she doesn't like. Bibi: We need to go now. Papa is waiting. It was really nice to meet you all.
Chester: Well, she was something. Kitty: Bibi? Chester: No, the other one. Bea, do you think you could ask your friend for Delilah's phone number? Bea: Why do you want her phone number? Kitty: Chester, you can't ask Bea to do something like that. Bea: Why not? I can ask Bibi tomorrow. Chester: See? It's that simple. Thank you, Bea. Now I think we need to go as well. It's getting late and we need to take Eva and Nadine home first.
Jack: I'll have a beer. - Ruby? It is you, isn't it? Don't you remember me? I'm Jack. I was your father's partner before... when he was still in the PD. Ruby: Yes, of course I remember you. Jack: How are you? You look great. I heard you ran away, but I wasn't working on that case. Ruby: I'm fine. Everything is fine now. Jack: I'm sorry about your father. We hadn't kept in touch, so I only knew about it because it was in the news... Ruby: I don't want to talk about it.
Jack: Yes, of course, I understand. Wendy: I see you have already met Ruby. Ruby, this is Jack. He just got transferred here. Ruby: We have met before. Jack: Ruby's father was my partner a long time ago. Wendy: Oh. Ruby: Wendy, Jack's all right. He was always nice. Jack: Am I missing something here? Ruby: Forget it, it's nothing. A beer for you too, Wendy, or something stronger? Jack: Wendy, could I have a word?
Jack: Is there a problem? If there is, just say it. If you don't like me, it's all right as long as we can still work together. Wendy: I really don't know enough about you. It's just, well, Ruby's father... Jack: Look, I know he was a hard man, but we got along all right, up until that time he... Wendy: What did he do? Did he beat someone else in addition to his daughter? Jack: What?! Is that why she...? That bastard! - Yes. He beat somebody. He'd done it before and had been warned, so he got kicked out after that incident. Wait here, I need to talk to Ruby.
Kitty: Nadine was quiet. I don't think I heard her say anything. Bea: She's scared of everything. At first she didn't want to come, but I managed to make her change her mind. Kitty: I'm glad you did. I'm sure she feels better now that she's got new friends. What's her family like? Bea: She lives with her mom. Her father works abroad, so she doesn't see him very often. Her mom's a secretary in some big company. Nadine's almost got a pedigree and she says her mom likes to forget "almost."
Bea: Kitty, I really like Bibi. Kitty: She seemed very nice. Bea: So, you're not mad about what she said about pedigree? Kitty: If it's all right with you, it's all right with me. I know you don't like her just because of the pedigree and you certainly shouldn't let the pedigree stop you from being friends with somebody. That would be just as bad as the usual snobbery. - Bea, I guess you know that other kids may not like what's going on. What Bibi said about jealousy is true. Other kids might be mean to you, because Bibi wants to be your friend, but not theirs.
Bea: I don't mind. I've got Eva and Miriam, and of course Nadine. The others can go and... Kitty: Don't say it. Bea: Why not? You've said it many times. I've heard you say it. Kitty: Yes, well, uh... it's not a nice thing to say and I shouldn't say it either. I'll try to behave better in the future. Bea: All right. I won't say it.
Jack: Ruby, I swear I didn't know. I knew your father was a violent man, but I had no idea... Ruby: So, Wendy told you. She shouldn't have. Jack: Why didn't you tell me? Back then? Ruby: You would have been on his side. Jack: Not in something like that. I knew your mother. I would have done anything... Ruby: Jack, don't. It's all gone now. He's dead and I'm free. And I'm doing my best to forget. Jack: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I can stay away, if that's what you want. Ruby: There's no need for that. Just don't talk about the past, okay?
Schizo: Who are you and why are you upsetting Ruby? Ruby: Schizo, it's all right. This is Jack. He used to work with dad a long time ago. Schizo: A cop? Great. Ruby: Jack, this is Schizo. He's my... well, my boyfriend. Jack: Really? Schizo: What's that supposed to mean? Jack: Nothing. Ruby: Calm down, both of you, or I'll get Riddick here.
Jack: Riddick? You can't mean... Schizo: Hehe, yes, she does. The guy you lot never managed to nail for anything, in spite of giving it your best shot. He's the head of security here. Ruby: Schizo, do you always need to behave badly? Schizo: I thought that's why you love me. All right, I'll try to be nice, but no promises.
Kitty: Is Bea sleeping? Mary: Fast asleep. Too much excitement for one night, I think. Kitty: Same here. It was a bit exhausting. Mary: Kitty, I don't want to complain, but... you know, sharing the room with Bea... Kitty: Isn't all that fun in the long run? I know. I'm sure we can figure out something. Mary: We don't have any more rooms. Kitty: No, not in this house.
Mary: What does that mean? Kitty: When Bea came to live with us and then we got Rosie, your dad and I knew this house wouldn't be big enough for us for very long. Mary: Are you saying we're moving? Kitty: We've been thinking about it. What do you think? Mary: If I'll get my own room, I'm all for it. When do we move? Kitty: Hold on, not so fast. We're just thinking about it.
Mary: But we can afford it, right? It's not about money? Kitty: No, not money. We can buy a new house and even keep this one as well. Mary: Why? Kitty: It's a good investment. It'll be easy to find someone willing to rent it. Mary: Oh, I see. Kitty: Besides, I think your dad doesn't want to give up the house entirely. After all, it's the first real home he's ever had.
Jack: Wendy, do you know the head of security here? Wendy: Riddick? Yes. What about him? Jack: You must know what he's done. Wendy: In the eyes of the law, he hasn't done anything. No evidence, no crime. However, among the things he has done is helping Ruby more than anybody. It's largely thanks to him that Ruby managed to get her life together. Jack: I can't believe it.
Wendy: Jack, I know just as well as you do how rare it is for people like him to change, but he is one of those who managed to do it. As far as anyone knows, he's a law-abiding citizen with a good job, rich wife, two daughters of his own, and a foster daughter. Jack: Rich wife? Wendy: He's married to one of the richest women in the feline community. Jack: He married a cat? Wendy: A feline. We don't call them cats, especially not here. Didn't you see what this place is called? Jack: Bastet... uh, I didn't think... So, are you saying you're friends with a con?