Kitty: Before we go any further, I want you to understand one thing. These matters are a question of faith. You need to figure out yourself what it is that you believe in. I do not expect you to believe in the same things as I do. Do you understand? Bea: Yes. So what do you believe in? Kitty: I guess you have read about Bastet in feline history. Bea: Yes, we did. There was a picture of her statue in the book. Kitty: Good, so you know who she is. Well, I believe in her and some other goddesses. Not gods, but goddesses. For most felines, that's how it has been for as long as our written history goes and probably much longer.
Kitty: Of course, things are changing and a lot of people now think like your mother does. Some others have adopted the god of Riddick's kind. That's the one Daniel was talking about. Bea: So, who's right? Kitty: There is no right or wrong in these matters. Like I said, it's a matter of faith. Bea: Then how am I supposed to know what to believe? Kitty: You'll know it when you find it. But I can tell you about one belief that could help. You see, there is a theory that everyone is given according to their faith. Bea: What does that mean?
Kitty: It means that if you believe in hell and that you will go there when you die, if you do bad things during your life, then that is what will happen. Then again, if you don't believe that hell exists, you won't go there. Bea: Then I won't believe in it. Daniel can believe in it, if he wants to. Kitty: I doubt it is what he wants. It's just what he has been taught. Bea: But you said people need to figure it out themselves. Kitty: Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that way.
Next day: Chase: Why did you do it? Kitty: What kind of a question is that? Grandma was unhappy. It had been bothering her for decades. Riddick's good at finding people, so he offered to look into it and he had luck. Chase: Luck!? Is that what you call it? Can't you see that this "cousin" has got a claim on the inheritance? And with grandma feeling all guilty about doing the only sensible thing all those years ago, who knows what she'll do. It's a good thing she already gave us most of the money. Kitty: Money? Is that all you think about? What about grandma's feelings? Chase: When did she ever care about anybody's feelings?
Chase: And what about our so called father then? You really are getting much too soft. Kitty: We need to think about what's best for Rosie. Chase: And is it in her best interest to associate with an ex-con? Kitty: Are you saying I shouldn't let you see Rosie anymore? Chase: What? Oh, that's not at all the same thing. It was all a mistake and it was cleared. But father has been in and out of prisons so many times I doubt even he can remember them all.
Kitty: Just tell me, are you going to come with mother and grandma to meet Callie? Chase: I guess I'll have to. You need to know your enemies. Kitty: She's not an enemy. She's nice. And I'm sure the girls will be thrilled to meet Joey. Chase: Joey? Oh, the kid. Grandma said he doesn't have a father, never did. Kitty: Seems to be more of a rule than an exception with our kind. Chase: Is that why you didn't want Henry? I must say I never believed Riddick would be a good father, but he has proven me wrong.
Gaby: Ruby? Ruby, it is you! Finally! Ruby: Do I know you? Gaby: It's me, Gaby. Ruby: Gaby? No, it can't be... What happened? I mean... you look... different. Gaby: Lost half my weight and had tons of plastic surgery. Like it? Ruby: There was nothing wrong with the way you looked before, but now... wow! Gaby: You always were so sensitive. I was fat and ugly, let's face it. Why else would I have gone through all this?
Ruby: You were fine, but now you're fantastic! But how did you find me? Gaby: There was an accident at the studio and the police was called. I recognized one of them, it was Jack. He told me where to find you. How did you disappear so totally? Ruby: It's a long story. Some other time. What studio are you talking about? Gaby: Movies. I got my first part. It's a slasher film. You know I'm good at screaming. Ruby: I remember. Those guys freaked out totally. Gaby: Served them right.
Ruby: So you're going to be a movie star? Gaby: Hopefully. I went to audition for something else and the director of this one saw me. It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it's a start. Ruby: It's a real movie. Imagine, I know a future movie star. - Riddick! This is Gaby. We went to school together. Gaby, this is Riddick. He's my friend and he's in charge of security here. Riddick: Hello Gaby. It's nice to meet Ruby's old friend. I was starting to suspect she didn't have any.
Gaby: Ruby was my best friend. And then she just disappeared. I thought she was dead. Ruby: I'm sorry about that. I couldn't tell you anything... Riddick: Gaby, believe me, Ruby had a good reason for what she did. Gaby: I can guess. I thought her dad had killed her. Ruby: Gaby! Gaby: Did you think I didn't know? I saw the bruises, but I was too scared to say anything. Your dad was crazy. - I did think about telling the cops about my suspicions when you disappeared, but your dad used to be one of them. They wouldn't have believed me.
Kitty: ...and Chase was here before you came. Grandma told her and mother last night. Mother's in shock and Chase is furious. Chester: I'm sorry, if I complicated things for you when I told your grandma that I knew, but she was really behaving badly. Kitty: There's nothing you need to be sorry for. It's all turning out for the best. Chester: So is this the big news you didn't want to talk about on the phone? Mind if I tell my grandma? I'm sure she'd love to hear how the story ends. Especially as it is sort of a happy ending. Or is it?
Kitty: I think it is. You can tell your grandma. Everybody's going to know anyway. Callie looks so much like me that we can't keep it a secret. Chester: So, what's she like? Kitty: She's nice. She says her mother hated grandma, but she wants to give us all a chance. She's got a son and she thought they didn't have any relatives left after her mother died. Chester: I'm sure Bea will love to have a new cousin... well, sort of. What do you call your foster mother's half-cousin's son? Kitty: How about "a friend?"
Ruby: Gaby's a movie star. Gaby: Not yet. Don't know if I'll ever be. It's just my first movie, you see. Riddick: All movie stars started somewhere. What sort of a movie is it? Gaby: A slasher. Lots of blood and screaming. It's actually kind of fun to make. A bit messy, though. And the director is really great. He said that if this one does well and he gets to make another, he'll give me a part in that one too. Riddick: I guess he likes you. Just be careful with movie guys making promises.
Gaby: Don't worry, he's not like that. You should see his wife. I'm sure he doesn't have the energy to chase pretty young girls. Ruby: Is she beautiful? Gaby: Gorgeous. I've never seen anyone like her. - I'm sorry, but I need to go now. We're still shooting one scene tonight as we're behind in the schedule.
Riddick: She seems nice. Very pretty too. I'm sure she will do well. Ruby: She wasn't like that when I last saw her. She's so different, I can hardly believe it's her. Riddick: Different in what way? Ruby: Her looks. She said it was plastic surgery. I wonder how she could afford it. Her parents are not rich. Riddick: Maybe you should ask her. I hope you're not getting any ideas. Ruby: Oh no, it's too scary. I don't even like regular doctors. Riddick: It would also be unnecessary. You're perfect just the way you are.
Kitty: Chester, I've been meaning to ask... This is a bit delicate, but... Chester: Whatever it is, just ask. It can't be that bad. Kitty: Well, you see, I've got these photos... of a writer called Tommy, a pretty blonde, a graveyard and... Chester: And me. I guess you've been wondering how I could participate in something like that. It's simple, I was the bodyguard. The blonde had a bad feeling about the guy, but he paid well and she needed the money, so she hired me to make sure he won't go too far.
Chester: However did you get hold of those photos? Kitty: Grandma bought them. We needed to shut Tommy up and that was the easiest way. Chester: So, what was he going to write about? You? Your grandma? Kitty: Chase. Chester: Was he out of his mind? Kitty: Chase was in prison at the time. - Chester, I hope you know that I'm not going to do anything else with those photos. Chester: That's considerate of you, but I haven't been worrying about them. Everybody knows what I do for living. I'm surprised you didn't realize why I was there.
Kitty: Is that why you like Delilah? Because she understands what you do, being in the same business? Chester: Kitty, you know I don't like to talk about those things. Kitty: But you do like her? Did you ask her out? Chester: You're hopeless. Yes, I asked her and she said no. That's it. She said there's nothing wrong with me, she just isn't interested in dating at the moment. Kitty: That means you still have hope, right? Chester: *sigh*
Ruby: Schizo told me you were a runaway. How... or maybe I shouldn't ask. Charlene: It's all right, I don't mind. Daddy was a drunk and mommy was crazy, so when I met a guy and fell in love, I took off with him. All sorts of stuff happened, some good, some unbelievably bad, and here I am. Ruby: What happened to the guy? Charlene: Him? He died. Overdose. Ruby: I'm sorry. Charlene: No need. I had already found out that he was a jackass and would have left him anyway. I can take a lot of things, but drugs aren't among them.
Charlene: So, how about you? Why did you run away? Ruby: Did Schizo tell you that? He shouldn't have. Charlene: Relax, he didn't. It was just a wild guess. It's true, though, isn't it? Ruby: Yes. Charlene: I see you don't want to talk about it. I'll shut up about it then. Let's talk about something more cheerful. Tell me about that pretty friend of yours I saw leaving when I came in. She didn't look like somebody who would frequent a place like this. No offense.
Ruby: ...and I'm sure she'll become a star. Charlene: She's definitely got the looks. - I was in a movie once. Ruby: Really? What kind of a movie? Charlene: The kind you wouldn't want to see. The pay was OK, but it wasn't really my thing. I'd love to be in a real movie, though. You know, actual lines to speak with clothes on. Oh, I'm doing it again. Sorry.
Very late that night: Riddick: What are you doing up so late? Bea: I wanted to talk with you. Riddick: All right then. What do you want to talk about? Bea: Do you believe in god? Riddick: Kitty told me about your discussion. I think she also told you what your mother wants. Bea: But you can still tell me what you think. Kitty said it doesn't mean that I need to believe it. Riddick: In that case, yes, I believe in a god, but not the one described in the Bible.
Bea: What's a bible? Riddick: What? Surely you know... or maybe not. It's the book that tells about the god Daniel was talking about. Bea: Oh that! Somebody once gave mom that book and she burned it in the fireplace. She said it was the best use she could think for it. And it really was a cold day. Riddick: Bea, I think that's something you better not mention to anyone else. Some people will get really upset about something like that. Bea: But it's just a book.
Riddick: For you and your mom, yes. For some other people it means a lot more. Bea: I won't tell anybody about it then. - You said "he." Does that mean that you don't believe in the goddesses? Riddick: I hadn't heard about them before I met Kitty. I guess they could exist. I don't really think about those things. Bea: It's all so confusing. Riddick: I know. You'll figure it out some day. In the meantime, it's enough to be nice to others and not do anything bad. Bea: I'll try my best. Riddick: I know you will.