Bea: Were you playing the piano? Miss Lenore's going to be angry. We're not supposed to touch it. Nora: It's all right, I've got a permission. I'm Nora, who are you? Bea: I'm Bea and my friends are Eva and Bibi. Are you new? I haven't seen you before. Nora: I just started here.
Eva: You're not feline. Nora: How observant of you. Bibi: She didn't mean to offend. There aren't others like you here. We're not all feline, but still... Nora: I know. This was the only school that agreed to take me. I guess it's because of the stuff that got me kicked out from my previous schools. Bea: What did you do?
Nora: The last time, I hit a guy who was bullying a smaller guy. Eva: That's not bad. Nora: Well, the bully fell down the stairs and broke his leg and a couple of ribs. Bibi: Ouch! But he deserved it, right? Bea: I guess we should introduce you to Daniel. Eva: Teehee. Bea: We were looking for our friends. Do you want to come with us? Nora: Sure. I don't know anybody here yet. Eva: You know us now.
Bea: This is Miriam and this is Nadine. Nora: I'm Nora. Miriam: You're the new girl. We heard Miss Lenore talking with the principal about you. Bibi: Eavesdropping? Nadine: No, we weren't. They were in the hall. They shouldn't talk there, if it's a secret. Bea: It doesn't matter. What did they say? Miriam: That she's violent. Bibi: That got sorted out already. You see, it was like this...
Nadine: You really hit a bully? Weren't you scared? Nora: Of what? Him? Of course not. Eva: I would have been. Nora: He wasn't that big, or fast. His bad luck, better reflexes would have saved him from a trip to the hospital.
Mike: Nora! Why didn't you tell me this is your new school? Nora: Mike! I didn't know you're here. You know, all the felines... Bea: Do you know each other? Mike: Of course. Nora is one of dad's pupils. Bea: Martial arts? So that's how it happened. Nora: Of course. Did you think I hit him with a baseball bat? I guess I could have, but there wasn't one handy.
Bea: If you're Mr. Splinter's pupil, maybe you know my sister Mary. Nora: There are a couple of Marys there. Which one...? Mike: The one with the big guy. Nora: Oh, her! She's scary. Bea: No, she isn't! She's the best sister ever. Nora: I'm sure she is, but the guys in the practice are scared of her. I've heard them talk.
Bibi: Another eavesdropper. Nora: I'm not. They just don't pay any attention to me, so I hear all sorts of stuff. Bea: What are they saying? Nora: That she's pretty, but anyone asking her out must be out of his mind. Bea: Why would they say that? Nora: I don't know. There was something really scary about it all and they wouldn't talk about it, but one of the guys has stopped coming there.
Lenore: Children, this is Nora. She's new here. I hope you all try your best to make her feel welcome. Bea: We already met. She plays piano really well. Daniel: What's she doing here? There's nobody else like her here. Lenore: Daniel, what did I just say? We don't discriminate. If you can't say anything nice, you can be quiet. Bibi: And Daniel should be especially nice to Nora, teehee. Lenore: Bibi, I will not allow spreading any rumors.
After the class: Daniel: Bibi, what did you mean when you said that I should be nice to Nora? Bibi: She doesn't like bullies. Daniel: I'm not a bully! Bibi: Yes, you are. You're nice to me just because your mom told you to. Daniel: She didn't! Bibi: Of course she did. Papa says her kind are users. Friendships don't mean anything to them, they just want useful connections.
Daniel: Your papa is wrong! Bibi: He's never wrong in these things. You're poor, I'm rich. It's hard to be friends when things are like that. Especially when you don't like my friends. Daniel: How can you be friends with them? I can understand Bea, she's got a pedigree, but Eva... Bibi: Is really nice and couldn't care less about my papa's money.
Nora: Bea, if Mary is your sister, then her dad should be yours too, but... Bea: He's not my real dad, but he's much better. Nora: Stepfather? Eva: Foster father. Bea's mom is in... Bea: Eva! Eva: Sorry.
Nora: What about your mom? Bea: She had to go away, but she'll come back. Nora: I wish my mom would go away too. Bea: Why do you want that? Don't you love your mom? Nora: She's a control freak and I'm a disappointment to her. Too much like my dad, I guess. They're divorced.
Eva: Nora, did Bibi invite you to the party? Bea: Eva... Nora: Yes, she did. I was a bit surprised as we just met. Bea: Oh good, I was worried that maybe she didn't, although she is really nice. Of course you're not a feline, so it makes things easier. Nora: Why? Eva: Bea means you don't care about pedigree. Nora: Oh, you mean all that "we can be friends only if your ancestors were like my ancestors" crap? No, we don't care about that sort of thing.
Later that day: Kitty: So, is Nora your friend now? Bea: Of course. She's nice. And she's Mike's friend. Kitty: I'm glad. It can be hard for her to be in a school where there are no others of her kind. Bea: You mean she could feel lonely? I'm sure she won't, with me and Eva and Bibi... Kitty: I hope you're right.
Bea: When is Rosie going to school? Kitty: Not for a long time. Bea: Because she's not speaking much? Kitty: Yes, and because she's not old enough yet. Bea: Will she speak when she's old enough? Kitty: I don't know. We hope so. We have been thinking of getting her a private teacher. Bea: You mean someone who would come to our house? She won't have any friends, if she won't go to school.
Kitty: I'm sure we can find her some friends elsewhere. Your friends seem to like her. Bea: But they're too old. She must have her own friends. Kitty: I promise I'll do my best to fix that. Bea: You can put those in my cart. There's still room for more stuff in there. Kitty: Rosie and yoghurt in the same cart? I don't think so.
Kitty: We'll put this in your cart. It's sturdy enough, so Rosie can't break it. Bea: She's not going to break anything. Kitty: She might do it accidentally. Better not take any chances. Bea: Kitty, what's a religious agenda? Kitty: What? Where did you hear that? Bea: Miss Lenore and the headmaster were talking about Mr. Johnson. Miss Lenore was upset. I think I wasn't supposed to hear it. Kitty: I'm sure you weren't. Could that wait until we get home? It's not an easy thing to explain. Bea: All right.
Bea: I can pack these. Kitty: You can take the cans, but don't touch the bottles, they're too heavy for you. Bea: I wouldn't drop them. Kitty: Not on purpose, but they really are heavy and they could slip. The cans won't break even if they fall.
Kitty: Bea, watch out that Rosie won't push that bag on the floor while I'm paying. Bea: She's not stupid. Kitty: No, she isn't, but she's a baby and babies don't always understand what they're doing.
Chase: What did Kitty and your dad say when you told them I invited you here? Mary: I didn't tell them. Officially, I'm in the library. And I did drop in there to return some books on my way here, so it wasn't really a lie. Chase: Very clever. So, how is everybody? Mary: Fine. Kitty, Rosie and Bea went shopping. Bea looked really happy. I think it's because she got a new friend. A new girl at school, if I understood correctly.
Chase: Bea makes friends so easily. Mary: It's because you can't help liking her. I guess she's not your average feline. Chase: No, she isn't. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Chase: I hope you'll like this. It takes some time to prepare, so I ordered before you arrived. Mary: It looks good. Waitress: This is the chef's speciality. Chase: You're new, aren't you? I haven't seen you before. Waitress: Yes, I started here last week. Chase: Would you ask Juliette to come and see me after we've eaten? Waitress: Of course.
Chase: So, how's your love life? Found someone nice to replace the jerk? Mary: I don't want to talk about it. - Have you spoken to Brian? Chase: I don't want to talk about it. Oh dear, this is getting a bit difficult. Is there something we can talk about? Mary: How about Charles? I saw in the tabloids that the divorce is getting really messy. Chase: I knew it would. Still, the reporters are missing the best part. I've been wondering whether I should give them a little hint. Mary: And the best part is...? Chase: Catsy. I'll tell you more about it later. Let's eat first before the food gets cold.
Juliette: Hello, Chase. I was told you wanted to talk with me. Did you enjoy the food? Chase: It was excellent, as always. Mary? Mary: Oh yes, I've never eaten anything this good. Juliette: I'll tell the chef, he'll be happy to hear that. So, Chase, is there something wrong? Chase: Not actually wrong, I was just wondering... why did you hire a shorty as a waitress? Juliette: They're little people, actually. She's very good and has excellent manners, but if you don't like her, I'll bring you the desserts. Chase: Thank you.
Mary: This looks fabulous! Although, I'm sure the amount of calories in it is fabulous as well. Chase: Don't think about that. You're not eating like this all the time, so just enjoy it. Mary: I will. - Chase, why didn't you like that waitress? She seemed quite all right to me. Chase: I don't like those people. There's something unnatural about them. Mary: Does this have something to do with your date with Carl? He's a bit strange, but they're not all like that. His brother Billy is a really nice guy. Chase: I knew it! There is a guy after all! Mary: No, there isn't. Billy is Ruby's ex-boyfriend. Chase: So what? Somebody's ex is always better than a guy who knows nothing about girls.
Mary: You were talking about Catsy and Charles. I know they're friends, Kitty told me. Chase: They're more than friends. That story started even before his first marriage. Mary: Really? They knew each other then? Before James was born? Chase: Oh yes, they were going to get married, but his family put an end to that and he married a nice blonde of his own kind. That's why Catsy left. And she wasn't Catsy then. Her name was Clara. Mary: Why don't you like her? I think she's nice and she has done a lot for Rosie. Chase: I admit she seems to be good at her job. The rest is a long story. Maybe some other time.