
Nora 1


Bea: Were you playing the piano? Miss Lenore's going to be angry. We're not supposed to touch it.
Nora: It's all right, I've got a permission. I'm Nora, who are you?
Bea: I'm Bea and my friends are Eva and Bibi. Are you new? I haven't seen you before.
Nora: I just started here.

Nora 2


Eva: You're not feline.
Nora: How observant of you.
Bibi: She didn't mean to offend. There aren't others like you here. We're not all feline, but still...
Nora: I know. This was the only school that agreed to take me. I guess it's because of the stuff that got me kicked out from my previous schools.
Bea: What did you do?

Nora 3


Nora: The last time, I hit a guy who was bullying a smaller guy.
Eva: That's not bad.
Nora: Well, the bully fell down the stairs and broke his leg and a couple of ribs.
Bibi: Ouch! But he deserved it, right?
Bea: I guess we should introduce you to Daniel.
Eva: Teehee.
Bea: We were looking for our friends. Do you want to come with us?
Nora: Sure. I don't know anybody here yet.
Eva: You know us now.

Nora 4


Bea: This is Miriam and this is Nadine.
Nora: I'm Nora.
Miriam: You're the new girl. We heard Miss Lenore talking with the principal about you.
Bibi: Eavesdropping?
Nadine: No, we weren't. They were in the hall. They shouldn't talk there, if it's a secret.
Bea: It doesn't matter. What did they say?
Miriam: That she's violent.
Bibi: That got sorted out already. You see, it was like this...

Nora 5


Nadine: You really hit a bully? Weren't you scared?
Nora: Of what? Him? Of course not.
Eva: I would have been.
Nora: He wasn't that big, or fast. His bad luck, better reflexes would have saved him from a trip to the hospital.

Nora 6


Mike: Nora! Why didn't you tell me this is your new school?
Nora: Mike! I didn't know you're here. You know, all the felines...
Bea: Do you know each other?
Mike: Of course. Nora is one of dad's pupils.
Bea: Martial arts? So that's how it happened.
Nora: Of course. Did you think I hit him with a baseball bat? I guess I could have, but there wasn't one handy.

Nora 7


Bea: If you're Mr. Splinter's pupil, maybe you know my sister Mary.
Nora: There are a couple of Marys there. Which one...?
Mike: The one with the big guy.
Nora: Oh, her! She's scary.
Bea: No, she isn't! She's the best sister ever.
Nora: I'm sure she is, but the guys in the practice are scared of her. I've heard them talk.

Nora 8


Bibi: Another eavesdropper.
Nora: I'm not. They just don't pay any attention to me, so I hear all sorts of stuff.
Bea: What are they saying?
Nora: That she's pretty, but anyone asking her out must be out of his mind.
Bea: Why would they say that?
Nora: I don't know. There was something really scary about it all and they wouldn't talk about it, but one of the guys has stopped coming there.

Nora 9


Lenore: Children, this is Nora. She's new here. I hope you all try your best to make her feel welcome.
Bea: We already met. She plays piano really well.
Daniel: What's she doing here? There's nobody else like her here.
Lenore: Daniel, what did I just say? We don't discriminate. If you can't say anything nice, you can be quiet.
Bibi: And Daniel should be especially nice to Nora, teehee.
Lenore: Bibi, I will not allow spreading any rumors.

Nora 10


After the class:
Daniel: Bibi, what did you mean when you said that I should be nice to Nora?
Bibi: She doesn't like bullies.
Daniel: I'm not a bully!
Bibi: Yes, you are. You're nice to me just because your mom told you to.
Daniel: She didn't!
Bibi: Of course she did. Papa says her kind are users. Friendships don't mean anything to them, they just want useful connections.

Nora 11


Daniel: Your papa is wrong!
Bibi: He's never wrong in these things. You're poor, I'm rich. It's hard to be friends when things are like that. Especially when you don't like my friends.
Daniel: How can you be friends with them? I can understand Bea, she's got a pedigree, but Eva...
Bibi: Is really nice and couldn't care less about my papa's money.

Nora 12


Nora: Bea, if Mary is your sister, then her dad should be yours too, but...
Bea: He's not my real dad, but he's much better.
Nora: Stepfather?
Eva: Foster father. Bea's mom is in...
Bea: Eva!
Eva: Sorry.

Nora 13


Nora: What about your mom?
Bea: She had to go away, but she'll come back.
Nora: I wish my mom would go away too.
Bea: Why do you want that? Don't you love your mom?
Nora: She's a control freak and I'm a disappointment to her. Too much like my dad, I guess. They're divorced.

Nora 14


Eva: Nora, did Bibi invite you to the party?
Bea: Eva...
Nora: Yes, she did. I was a bit surprised as we just met.
Bea: Oh good, I was worried that maybe she didn't, although she is really nice. Of course you're not a feline, so it makes things easier.
Nora: Why?
Eva: Bea means you don't care about pedigree.
Nora: Oh, you mean all that "we can be friends only if your ancestors were like my ancestors" crap? No, we don't care about that sort of thing.

Nora 15


Later that day:
Kitty: So, is Nora your friend now?
Bea: Of course. She's nice. And she's Mike's friend.
Kitty: I'm glad. It can be hard for her to be in a school where there are no others of her kind.
Bea: You mean she could feel lonely? I'm sure she won't, with me and Eva and Bibi...
Kitty: I hope you're right.

Nora 16


Bea: When is Rosie going to school?
Kitty: Not for a long time.
Bea: Because she's not speaking much?
Kitty: Yes, and because she's not old enough yet.
Bea: Will she speak when she's old enough?
Kitty: I don't know. We hope so. We have been thinking of getting her a private teacher.
Bea: You mean someone who would come to our house? She won't have any friends, if she won't go to school.

Nora 17


Kitty: I'm sure we can find her some friends elsewhere. Your friends seem to like her.
Bea: But they're too old. She must have her own friends.
Kitty: I promise I'll do my best to fix that.
Bea: You can put those in my cart. There's still room for more stuff in there.
Kitty: Rosie and yoghurt in the same cart? I don't think so.

Nora 18


Kitty: We'll put this in your cart. It's sturdy enough, so Rosie can't break it.
Bea: She's not going to break anything.
Kitty: She might do it accidentally. Better not take any chances.
Bea: Kitty, what's a religious agenda?
Kitty: What? Where did you hear that?
Bea: Miss Lenore and the headmaster were talking about Mr. Johnson. Miss Lenore was upset. I think I wasn't supposed to hear it.
Kitty: I'm sure you weren't. Could that wait until we get home? It's not an easy thing to explain.
Bea: All right.

Nora 19


Bea: I can pack these.
Kitty: You can take the cans, but don't touch the bottles, they're too heavy for you.
Bea: I wouldn't drop them.
Kitty: Not on purpose, but they really are heavy and they could slip. The cans won't break even if they fall.

Nora 20


Kitty: Bea, watch out that Rosie won't push that bag on the floor while I'm paying.
Bea: She's not stupid.
Kitty: No, she isn't, but she's a baby and babies don't always understand what they're doing.

Nora 21


Chase: What did Kitty and your dad say when you told them I invited you here?
Mary: I didn't tell them. Officially, I'm in the library. And I did drop in there to return some books on my way here, so it wasn't really a lie.
Chase: Very clever. So, how is everybody?
Mary: Fine. Kitty, Rosie and Bea went shopping. Bea looked really happy. I think it's because she got a new friend. A new girl at school, if I understood correctly.

Nora 22


Chase: Bea makes friends so easily.
Mary: It's because you can't help liking her. I guess she's not your average feline.
Chase: No, she isn't. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Nora 23


Chase: I hope you'll like this. It takes some time to prepare, so I ordered before you arrived.
Mary: It looks good.
Waitress: This is the chef's speciality.
Chase: You're new, aren't you? I haven't seen you before.
Waitress: Yes, I started here last week.
Chase: Would you ask Juliette to come and see me after we've eaten?
Waitress: Of course.

Nora 24


Chase: So, how's your love life? Found someone nice to replace the jerk?
Mary: I don't want to talk about it. - Have you spoken to Brian?
Chase: I don't want to talk about it. Oh dear, this is getting a bit difficult. Is there something we can talk about?
Mary: How about Charles? I saw in the tabloids that the divorce is getting really messy.
Chase: I knew it would. Still, the reporters are missing the best part. I've been wondering whether I should give them a little hint.
Mary: And the best part is...?
Chase: Catsy. I'll tell you more about it later. Let's eat first before the food gets cold.

Nora 25


Juliette: Hello, Chase. I was told you wanted to talk with me. Did you enjoy the food?
Chase: It was excellent, as always. Mary?
Mary: Oh yes, I've never eaten anything this good.
Juliette: I'll tell the chef, he'll be happy to hear that. So, Chase, is there something wrong?
Chase: Not actually wrong, I was just wondering... why did you hire a shorty as a waitress?
Juliette: They're little people, actually. She's very good and has excellent manners, but if you don't like her, I'll bring you the desserts.
Chase: Thank you.

Nora 26


Mary: This looks fabulous! Although, I'm sure the amount of calories in it is fabulous as well.
Chase: Don't think about that. You're not eating like this all the time, so just enjoy it.
Mary: I will. - Chase, why didn't you like that waitress? She seemed quite all right to me.
Chase: I don't like those people. There's something unnatural about them.
Mary: Does this have something to do with your date with Carl? He's a bit strange, but they're not all like that. His brother Billy is a really nice guy.
Chase: I knew it! There is a guy after all!
Mary: No, there isn't. Billy is Ruby's ex-boyfriend.
Chase: So what? Somebody's ex is always better than a guy who knows nothing about girls.

Nora 27


Mary: You were talking about Catsy and Charles. I know they're friends, Kitty told me.
Chase: They're more than friends. That story started even before his first marriage.
Mary: Really? They knew each other then? Before James was born?
Chase: Oh yes, they were going to get married, but his family put an end to that and he married a nice blonde of his own kind. That's why Catsy left. And she wasn't Catsy then. Her name was Clara.
Mary: Why don't you like her? I think she's nice and she has done a lot for Rosie.
Chase: I admit she seems to be good at her job. The rest is a long story. Maybe some other time.

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