
Bibi's Party 1

Bibi's Party

Bibi: This is the guest house. Papa said we can use it. He's got some business people at the big house and he doesn't want us to disturb them.
Bea: You've got more houses than one?
Bibi: Yes, there are a couple more in addition to this and the big house, but those are for the staff who live here.
Nora: I had no idea.
Bibi: I know. I don't usually tell. I want people to like me, not my papa's money, but you are my friends, so it doesn't matter. - So, Bea, why don't you introduce your friend? I mean, after he stops hiding behind your back.

Bibi's Party 2

Bibi's Party

Bea: This is Will. His foster mom is Kitty's friend. Will, this is my friend Bibi.
Will: Hi. Thanks for inviting me even though you don't know me.
Bibi: You're Bea's friend and that's good enough for me. Papa likes your foster mom's show.
Will: I thought businessmen are too busy to watch television.
Bibi: He doesn't watch it much, so when he does, it's only something that's worth it.

Bibi's Party 3

Bibi's Party

Bibi: You all know Edouard already as he picked you up, and this is Delilah.
Delilah: It's nice to see you all. I have met some of you before. For the ones who don't know me, I'm here to make sure everybody's safe.
Bibi: This is Chester, Miriam's big brother, who volunteered to come and help Delilah, and Cleo is taking care of food and drink.
Cleo: Those are on the roof terrace as that's the place with most room. It's perfectly safe, but you must remember to be careful in the stairs.

Bibi's Party 4

Bibi's Party

Bea: Bibi, who is Cleo? Is she your grandma? She looks really old.
Bibi: She was papa's nanny. When mama left, she came to look after me.
Bea: Where did your mama go? Don't you miss her?
Bibi: She's got a new boyfriend and I don't know where they are. Anyway, Cleo is much nicer than mama ever was. She didn't have to come back, you know. Papa had already given her so much money she didn't need to work ever again.
Bea: Why did she come back?
Bibi: Papa says Cleo has always been one of the family. She lives in the big house and she's in charge when papa is away on business.

Bibi's Party 5

Bibi's Party

Nora: I've never met anyone like you before. Are you really a night creature? How come you can be here now? I thought you can't take sunlight.
Will: You've read that from a book, I suppose. The writers didn't know much about us, so they invented all sorts of stuff. At least that's what uncle Max says. He says the truth isn't exciting enough and wouldn't sell much books.
Nora: What if your kind misled them on purpose?
Will: I guess that's possible too. It would be fun to make all sorts of wild stories and get people to believe them.

Bibi's Party 6

Bibi's Party

Cleo: You're Bea, aren't you? I've heard about your family. I used to know Anika a long time ago.
Bea: You know grandma Anika? Were you friends?
Cleo: No, I was her maid for a little while.
Bea: Can I tell grandma Anika about you?
Cleo: If you wish. She probably won't remember me anymore. It was a long time ago and we were both very young.

Bibi's Party 7

Bibi's Party

Mike: I bet you haven't got problems with bullies.
Will: What are bullies?
Mike: What? You mean you've never met one? You know, the sort of guy who pushes you around and does all sorts of mean things to make you look stupid or feel bad.
Will: Nobody's been pushing me around.
Mike: No, I guess not. Which school do you go to?
Will: I don't go to school. Mama teaches me and now of course uncle Max too.
Mike: So that explains it.

Bibi's Party 8

Bibi's Party

Chester: Have you reconsidered?
Delilah: Chester, I told you I'm not interested in dating. I just got rid of a very bothersome husband and I'm not planning on getting into any sort of relationship for a long time.
Chester: Going on a date doesn't necessarily mean getting into a relationship. You can go out for a movie or dinner just for fun.
Delilah: Maybe, but you're not the type. You'd start expecting more. No, it's best that you forget it. Now, if you excuse me, I'm actually working here, and you better get back up there. Cleo is too old to do anything, if something happens.

Bibi's Party 9

Bibi's Party

Eva: Chester looks disappointed.
Miriam: He likes Delilah, but she doesn't like him. At least, not enough to go out with him.
Eva: How do you know? Have you been eavesdropping?
Miriam: Not on purpose. It's not my fault they don't check where I am when they talk about something important. Chester was talking with mom about Delilah yesterday. Mom wasn't happy.
Eva: Why not? Delilah seems nice.
Miriam: Mom said she's the wrong kind. I don't know what that means.

Bibi's Party 10

Bibi's Party

Nora: Bibi, I hope you don't mind us peeking in there. We didn't go in, just looked through the glass.
Bibi: It's all right. Nobody lives here, it's just for the guests.
Nadine: I've never seen so much makeup! There's an entire table just for that!
Bibi: Those are all mama's. She lived in this house a little while before she went away.

Bibi's Party 11

Bibi's Party

Bibi: Edouard, go and get Thunderbolt!
Edouard: You know what your father has said. He's not suitable for you.
Bibi: He's fine! Just forget what papa thinks and get him!
Edouard: I'm sorry, Bibi, I can't do that. I'll get Shadow for you.
Bibi: All right, I guess he's better than nothing.

Bibi's Party 12

Bibi's Party

Bea: What are you talking about?
Bibi: I've got a surprise for you.
Nadine: I don't like surprises.
Bibi: You'll like this one.
Eva: What is it?
Bibi: It's not a surprise, if I tell you. You'll see when Edouard gets back. Come on, let's go down!

Bibi's Party 13

Bibi's Party

A little later:
Eva: A horse! You've got a horse!
Bibi: Actually, we've got several horses. Shadow is the one papa lets me ride.
Miriam: So is Thunderbolt some other horse?
Bibi: Yes. He's much better than Shadow, but papa thinks I can't control him. Shadow is so slow.
Nadine: I think I like him more than I would like Thunderbolt.

Bibi's Party 14

Bibi's Party

Will: I better not go near him.
Bea: Why not? Are you afraid of horses?
Will: No, but uncle Max says they don't like our kind.
Bibi: That's a pity. You can stay with Cleo. She always has nice surprises for those who don't want to ride.
Mike: I think I'll stay with Will. I don't like horses.
Bibi: There's a TV in the living room. You can watch it, if you want to.

Bibi's Party 15

Bibi's Party

Chester: Cleo, may I ask you something?
Cleo: Certainly, as long as it is not about the master's affairs.
Chester: Oh no, it's about the past. I heard what you told Bea. Could you tell me about how it was back then?
Cleo: That was so long ago. Why are you interested?
Chester: My grandma told me about those times, but there are holes in the story. I'd just like to fill in the gaps. Tell me about the first marriage.
Cleo: I'm sorry, I can't. I made a promise a long time ago and although breaking it now might not cause any harm, a promise is a promise.

Bibi's Party 16

Bibi's Party

Cleo: You see, I liked Anika even though we didn't always see eye to eye, and I think she liked me, because I told her what I thought of things, even if it sometimes made her mad.
Chester: All right, I can understand that. Could you at least tell me what happened to the baby?
Cleo: The baby... yes, there was a baby. No, I can't tell.
Chester: Can't or won't?
Cleo: Young man, you better leave the past alone. It is no concern of yours. You just focus on the present. It is best for everybody concerned.

Bibi's Party 17

Bibi's Party

Will: How did you get your parents to let you come here? With so many felines around?
Mike: They didn't want to at first, but Bibi's father called my dad and promised it would be perfectly safe. After all, the girls are my friends and Delilah is paid to make sure everybody's safe. How about you, wasn't your mom worried?
Will: I think she's more worried about others feeling safe. She's not like me, so she doesn't know what it's like.
Mike: Not like you? Oh yes, Bea said she's your foster mom.

Bibi's Party 18

Bibi's Party

Will: That's right. I don't remember my parents. I lived with grandpa Joe and after he died, people came and took me to an orphanage and then mama came and took me with her. She's so young that when she will die, I will be old enough to be on my own.
Mike: You're talking about dying like it's not a big deal. I can't imagine my mom dying.
Will: Uncle Max says it's best not to make fuss about it, because most of the people I will get to know will die long before me. He says it'll only mess your head, if you take it too seriously.
Mike: How long will you live then?
Will: Uncle Max says I shouldn't talk about that to anybody.

Bibi's Party 19

Bibi's Party

Cleo: I heard you boys don't like horses. I guess that's quite natural, girls are more likely to be crazy about them.
Will: I've got nothing against horses, but horses probably wouldn't like me.
Cleo: Yes, I thought it might be so. Don't worry, while the girls are riding, I'll get you something extra special.

Bibi's Party 20

Bibi's Party

Cleo: How do you like this?
Mike: Great! Thanks!
Will: You're really nice and we're not even feline.
Cleo: I love all children, no matter what kind they are. I'm really glad you're Bibi's friends.
Mike: She's nice too. She's not at all stuck-up like other rich kids.
Cleo: No, she isn't. She likes or doesn't like people for what they are, not just because someone says she should.

Bibi's Party 21

Bibi's Party

Eva: Did anyone find out what a religious agenda is? I asked mom, but she said I'm too small to worry about things like that.
Miriam: My mom said it's a nasty word people use to discr... discredit religious people. I'm sure Miss Lenore wouldn't use a nasty word.
Bibi: Bea, what did Kitty say? She always tells you what things mean.
Bea: She said it means that you always explain things so that it makes your religion look like it's the right one.
Nora: You mean lie?
Bea: No, Kitty said it isn't really lying, if you believe in it.

Bibi's Party 22

Bibi's Party

Eva: I wish my mom was like Kitty. Mom never explains anything, she just says I'm too small.
Nadine: If Kitty's explanation is right, then my mom has a religious agenda. She always explains everything just the way the pastor says it is. Sometimes the explanations are really weird, not at all what Miss Lenore has told us.
Bibi: I didn't even ask Cleo, because I knew it would upset her. And even if I could ask mama, she wouldn't know. She's not at all clever like Kitty or Miss Lenore, she's just interested in fashion and makeup and looking pretty.

Bibi's Party 23

Bibi's Party

Bibi: Edouard, you heard what Bea said. Was it right? You read all those books about stuff like that.
Edouard: It was a simple explanation for a complicated matter, but basically, yes, it was correct.
Miriam: But why would someone do that? I mean, if you can see how something is, why try to explain that it is not like that?
Edouard: It's a defense mechanism... but that's getting too complicated for you. Let's just say that some people cannot accept that their religion may have got something wrong.

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