A little later Mary: The bathroom's in the next floor, the door on the left. Beth: Thanks. Are you sure I'm not disturbing? Mary: Quite sure. You're my guest.
Kitty: Who's with you? Mary: Beth. She needed to go to the bathroom. Ruby and Gaby left already. Kitty: I suppose Ruby needs to open the bar. Riddick said that Max promised to be there tonight. Mary: Yes, and Schizo will be there too. I know he's not exactly a bouncer... Kitty: ...but I can't think of anybody he couldn't talk out of there. If not for anything else, they'll leave just so they won't need to listen to him anymore. - Oh, by the way, grandma's in the bathroom.
Beth: Oh! I... um... I... uh, the bathroom? Anika: You found it. And no need to look so frightened, unless you're a burglar. Beth: No, I'm... I'm... Anika: It was a joke. I take it you're one of Mary's friends. Beth: Beth! Anika: Nice to meet you, Beth. I'm Anika, Kitty's grandmother. Beth: Oh, hi! Anika: I guess you better go in. We can talk more later.
Anika: Pretty little girl, but a bit skittish. Kitty: What did you do? Anika: Why do you always think it's me? I did my best to be nice, but she hardly got a word out of her mouth. Kitty: Okay, maybe it's not you. She didn't talk much to me at Ruby's party either. Maybe we're just too tall. It must be hard for the little people to live in a world where everybody else is so much bigger. Anika: She's got no problem with Mary and her friends. Kitty: It could be a feline problem. I wouldn't be surprised.
Mary: Were you scared of Anika? Beth: Felines are scary. Mary: But you liked Bea and Joey. Beth: They are so sweet. Who wouldn't like them? No, I mean adult felines. Somewhere in their upbringing, there's a point where sweet and innocent turns into rude and inconsiderate and even downright nasty. Don't let that happen to Bea. Mary: Kitty won't let it happen. And Anika's okay. She used to be a bit difficult, but now she's trying really hard to be nice. Beth: Because she has no choice, if she wants to be a grandma. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Mary: Actually, you're right, it was like that at first, but she has changed a lot since that.
Later: Kitty: Did you have fun? Joey: Yes! We got the best seats ever! I've never been in a box before. Wait till mum hears about it! Kitty: A box? Really? How did that happen? Bea: Edouard was there and we talked with him and then after a little while he came to tell that Bibi's papa wanted to see us. Riddick: He invited us to his VIP box. Kitty: That was nice of him. So, Bea, what did you think about the game? Bea: I know there are rules to it, but it looked like they just hit the ball with the stick... Joey: Bat! Bea: ...bat and then ran around. And people made a lot of noise. But we got hot dogs and soda and candy! Joey: Lots and lots of everything! And it didn't cost anything! Bea: Bibi's papa just told Edouard to get us anything we want.
Joey: Edouard was so cool! There was this guy who said we couldn't go to the VIP area, because we had wrong kind of tickets, and then Edouard just asked him if he wants to still have a job tomorrow. Kitty: Really? Joey: Yeah, he was all like "these are Mr. Felix's guests and you need to let them through." He wasn't angry or anything, just really cool. Kitty: I see. And then the guy let you through? Riddick: It wasn't that dramatic. That guy was just doing his job. We saw him again later and he apologized for not recognizing Edouard right away.
Bea: And then there was a fight on the field at one point. Kitty: Who was fighting? Surely not the players? That's not part of the game. Riddick: Disagreement about the rules. Joey: Bunnies are not allowed to play. They've got their own league. Kitty: Was there a bunny on the field? Riddick: Half-breed. As a center fielder. Nobody has ever thought of that happening, so the rules aren't clear about it. Kitty: But bunnies don't... I've never heard of anyone like that. Riddick: Neither had anybody else. Kitty: What happened? Joey: He wasn't allowed to play anymore. Riddick: I think the team was testing if they could get away with it. Kitty: But why didn't anybody notice anything before the game started? Riddick: Short ears. It was only after the impossible catch that people started suspecting foul play. You know, for some reason it made me think of Daphne... hehe.