
The Past: Kitty 1

The Past: Kitty

Brian: Excuse me, where can I find Kitty?
Ruby: Who... who are you?
Brian: No need to be so frightened, I just asked a simple question. Can you tell me where I can find Kitty?
Ruby: I... I...

The Past: Kitty 2

The Past: Kitty

Riddick: Is there a problem?
Brian: I'm looking for Kitty. I'm sorry if I frightened the little girl, I didn't mean to.
Riddick: Who are you and why do you want to see Kitty?
Brian: I'm Brian and it's a family matter. Could I see her now?
Riddick: I'm Riddick. Come with me. Ruby, go find Kitty and tell her to come to the kitchen.

The Past: Kitty 3

The Past: Kitty

Riddick: Kitty, you've got a visitor. This is Brian.
Kitty: Oh, really?
Brian: Yes. I know it has been a long time and I have changed.
Kitty: You could say so. The last photo we have of you is so old it bears almost no resemblance to you at all. - Riddick, it's all right, I think I can handle this. Father and I need to talk in private.

The Past: Kitty 4

The Past: Kitty

Kitty: What brings you here? You haven't been interested before, why now?
Brian: I read about Chase in a newspaper. Seems that your mother managed to screw things up properly with her.
Kitty: Don't blame mother. Where were you? We haven't heard a word from you since you left. - Mother didn't tell me why you left until quite recently. I always thought it was her fault.

The Past: Kitty 5

The Past: Kitty

Brian: Well, it was her fault. She started threatening me with the police.
Kitty: Are you saying there was no reason? If there wasn't, why did you run?
Brian: All right, maybe there was a reason. But she overreacted, I just lost my temper a couple of times.
Kitty: I've heard a lot of that lately. I guess now I know where Chase inherited her not so nice qualities from. - What do you want? You must want something or you wouldn't be here.

The Past: Kitty 6

The Past: Kitty

Brian: I just wanted to see you.
Kitty: I have managed quite well without you so far. I don't need you. I hope you're not thinking of seeing mother.
Brian: Actually...
Kitty: Don't even think about it. I suggest you leave and forget about seeing the rest of the family.

The Past: Kitty 7

The Past: Kitty

Brian: I already saw Chase. I went to see her first, because she was easy to find. She told me where to find you.
Kitty: What did she say?
Brian: Pretty much the same things as you just said. Although, she used a bit more colorful language. The guards had to take her away.
Kitty: Sounds just like her.

The Past: Kitty 8

The Past: Kitty

Ruby: Who was he?
Riddick: Kitty's father.
Ruby: I thought she didn't have a father. He was frightening.
Riddick: I think he left when Kitty was very young and they haven't seen each other since. You think there's something not quite right about him?

The Past: Kitty 9

The Past: Kitty

Ruby: I guess I'm just being too sensitive. I'm sure he's all right.
Riddick: Don't dismiss your instincts so easily. If you feel things are not right, it's worth trying to figure out what it is that seems wrong.
Ruby: So you mean I'm not just hysterical?
Riddick: Has someone said so?
Ruby: Well... I don't think I should tell...

The Past: Kitty 10

The Past: Kitty

Riddick: Who was it?
Ruby: I just heard Miss Piggy saying so to Wendy.
Riddick: Of course. Don't mind her, she isn't exactly the most balanced individual herself. Let me know if she says something like that to you directly and I'll have a word with her.

The Past: Kitty 11

The Past: Kitty

Riddick: What did he want?
Kitty: See me, talk, I don't really know. He had been to see Chase and she threw a fit. I was bit more polite, but basically threw him out as well. Now I'm hoping he's not going to go and see mother.
Riddick: Would that be bad? They haven't seen each other for a long time, but surely whatever there was...

The Past: Kitty 12

The Past: Kitty

Kitty: You think mother has forgiven him for throwing her around a few times? Think again.
Riddick: I think Ruby has ESP.
Kitty: What do you mean?
Riddick: She was terrified of him for no apparent reason. I mean, he's fairly big, but Marv is a lot bigger and Ruby's been fine with him.

The Past: Kitty 13

The Past: Kitty

Toffee: Kitty, your father came to see me. He said he saw you and it didn't go very well.
Kitty: That's right. I hope you threw him out as well.
Toffee: I told him he should leave us alone, because it's been much too long. However, he's going to stay around for some time. I think he wants to get to know you. A bit late for that, I should say.

The Past: Kitty 14

The Past: Kitty

Kitty: You're quite right. I'm not interested. What do you think, why has he suddenly become interested in us?
Toffee: Maybe he's getting old or maybe he finally believes you're his.
Kitty: What does that mean? Are you saying he...?
Toffee: He always had a problem with the concept of dominant genes. He accused me of all sorts of things, but I never cheated on him.

The Past: Kitty 15

The Past: Kitty

Kitty: Didn't you explain that gene thing to him before you were married?
Toffee: Yes, but either he didn't understand or he didn't believe.
Kitty: I've been thinking. What would happen if Riddick and I...?
Toffee: To be quite honest, I don't know. There aren't many like you and the ones I have heard about all chose one of our kind. Maybe you should ask your grandma, she knows more about these things.

The Past: Kitty 16

The Past: Kitty

Orlock: Ruby, I asked you once before, so I thought I might as well make myself an idiot again... because I need to know.
Ruby: You're not an idiot, you're really nice. What do you want to know?
Orlock: Riddick said... He said... He said you could never love me. I want to know why. What's wrong with me?
Ruby: Max, there's nothing wrong with you.

The Past: Kitty 17

The Past: Kitty

Orlock: Why then? I'm sure I could change, if that's what you want.
Ruby: No, I don't want that. You're fine just the way you are. It's just... this is a bit difficult... I'm sorry, but there's no other way to say this: It's just that you're not a girl.
Orlock: What?!

The Past: Kitty 18

The Past: Kitty

Ruby: So, you see, no matter how much you changed, you could never be what I want.
Orlock: Tell me it isn't true. It can't be. It's not right.
Ruby: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...

The Past: Kitty 19

The Past: Kitty

Riddick: I heard your mother was here. Did your father visit her too?
Kitty: Yes, but he was civilized, so no worries there. What I'm more worried about is that he seems to be interested in getting to know me.
Riddick: If you don't want him here, I'll take care of it. We don't need to let him in.
Kitty: I'll have to think about that.

The Past: Kitty 20

The Past: Kitty

Riddick: I hope you are not planning to do what that looks like.
Orlock: None of your business.

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