
Complications 20


Bunsen: Then there's one thing you need to keep in mind. What I just explained to you is based on the assumption that he's 100% human. If he isn't, things could get complicated.
Kitty: What do you mean if he isn't? Anyone can see that he is.
Bunsen: Well, you can't say for certain just by looking at him. Anyone would say you are 100% feline, but you're not. So, you would need to know who his parents are.
Kitty: Great. He doesn't even know himself.

Complications 21


Ruby: Riddick? Remember what I told you about the other thing... I wouldn't mind... I mean, if that's what you want...
Riddick: No! Never say anything like that again! Not to me, not to anybody. Do you understand?
Ruby: I'm sorry. I just thought... I thought that's what you want...
Riddick: I don't and neither do you.

Complications 22


Riddick: Where did you get that idea?
Ruby: I thought... I look like her and that's why you like me. So, I thought...
Riddick: No. I like you for who you are. She's got nothing to do with it. And what you were suggesting certainly isn't something you should let someone do just because you don't mind. It isn't right. Promise me you won't do that ever again.
Ruby: I promise. I'm sorry. Are you angry?

Complications 23


Riddick: I'm not angry at you. I'm sorry I shouted. It's just... What you said... It would be so wrong. No matter if it was me or someone else, it would be wrong. I thought you understood that. You have always acted like you understand...
Ruby: I... I just thought you want me to be her. And I'll do anything you want me to, even if it's something that isn't right.
Riddick: Oh Ruby, what am I going to do with you?

Complications 24


Ruby: Are we still friends?
Riddick: Of course. You just made a mistake. However, it's the sort of a mistake that could be easily taken advantage of and that is exactly why you must never do it again. Promise?
Ruby: I promise.
Riddick: All right. Go now and please stay out of here, even if I don't replace the lock.

Complications 25


Orlock: I heard what you did. I'm surprised he wasn't furious at you.
Ruby: Well, he wasn't happy about it. I shouldn't have done it. It was stupid.
Orlock: Was there anything interesting? You might as well tell me, now that you've seen his room.
Ruby: Nothing. I don't understand how anyone can live like that. There isn't even much furniture there.

Complications 26


Orlock: What's wrong? Did he get angry at you?
Ruby: No, not about going to his room. I just did something even more stupid. I'm so confused about what people want or don't want.
Orlock: Well, maybe I could help, if you just explained what you mean.
Ruby: I can't, it's too embarrassing to tell.

Complications 27


Riddick: ...I still don't quite understand her reasoning. It was so strange.
Faith: Maybe she thought it would make you happy. She is very fond of you.
Riddick: Yes, I know. It just seems that I haven't got a clue about what's going on in her head. She said she would do anything I want, even if it isn't right. I never wanted that kind of responsibility.

Complications 28


Faith: Want it or not, you've got it. You can't just leave her.
Riddick: I know that too. And what about Kitty? She's been acting a bit jealous.
Faith: I'll talk with her.
Riddick: Could you also talk with Ruby? I don't think I'm the right person to tell a young girl what is proper and what isn't. I'm sure you have more experience on that.

Complications 29


Kitty: What happened with Ruby? Faith wouldn't tell me any details.
Riddick: Ruby just made a mistake. I'm not going to tell you about it, because she was embarrassed enough already.
Kitty: What sort of a mistake? Are you not telling me, because I would get mad?
Riddick: I guess you could, but there's no reason. I think I should tell you what it was her father did. You'll understand her better after that...

Complications 30


Riddick: ...So, now you know. Don't talk about it to her, or to anyone else.
Kitty: That's horrible. He was a monster.
Riddick: Fortunately, a dead monster now. Hopefully Ruby will one day get over it all, but she's got a long way to go before that.
Kitty: Yes, I can see that. Is there anything I can do?
Riddick: Just be nice to her. And trust me. I told you I won't do anything that wouldn't be right.

Complications 31


Ruby: Why did he tell you? There was no need to do that.
Faith: He cares about you and he's worried. The sort of thing you did could land you in a lot of trouble. Why did you do it?
Ruby: Did he tell you about the photo? - She looked like me. And it seemed to me he's still missing her. So, then I thought, if it would make him happy...

Complications 32


Ruby: But it only made him angry. I thought it's what all men want.
Faith: It isn't that simple. - You said to him you would do anything he wants. Do you understand that you may trust him a little too much? Saying something like that puts you in a vulnerable position and him into a temptation that could be hard to resist.
Ruby: I don't understand...
Faith: I will try to explain and I think there are some other things I need to explain to you as well. This is going to take some time...

Complications 33


Kitty: You know, I had visitors and there's something we need to discuss. At least I think so. - Have you ever thought about having children?
Riddick: No, not really. My life hasn't been stable enough to even consider the idea. - Why are you asking? Are you saying...?
Kitty: No, don't worry. I wouldn't let anything like that happen accidentally. I just thought we need to discuss the matter.

Complications 34


Kitty: Or is there anything to discuss? I mean, would you even consider it?
Riddick: Of course we can talk about it, if that's what you want. - You look a bit worried. Is there a problem?
Kitty: Well, there are some complications...

Complications 35


Kitty: ...so, you see, it wouldn't be quite as simple as it would be if we were the same kind. And then there's the question about your parents. At first I thought it was a stupid one, but then I started thinking about what you're like and I'm not so sure anymore.
Riddick: All that does sound quite complicated. That Bunsen fellow, what he was saying really means that they haven't got a clue.

Complications 36


Kitty: I guess so. Of course, this is all hypothetical so far. You haven't even told me yet, whether you want to have children or not.
Riddick: I don't know. After what you just told, I'm not sure it would be a good idea.
Kitty: That's what grandma said.
Riddick: What do you want?
Kitty: I always thought I wanted a family, but now I'm not so sure anymore.

Complications 37


Riddick: I always thought the only problem would be that your kind don't accept others easily. That would not have been a major problem, but this may be. I don't want to be the one to take away your chances of having a family, if you want one.
Kitty: What are you trying to say?
Riddick: That even though it would be hard, I will understand, if you choose to leave me and find one of your own kind.
Kitty: Don't say that. I want you. Everything else will just have to be sorted out somehow.

Complications 38


Ruby: Riddick, you said it isn't right. Letting someone do that... Do you mean that I should have just taken the beatings? Did I do wrong?
Riddick: No, it's not the same thing. You did what you considered safer then and you had every right to do so. Now it's different, because now there is no danger. - There are things you can do just because they make someone happy, but "the other thing" isn't one of those. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Ruby: Yes.

Complications 39


Riddick: I'd like to ask you something. Why did you think I want you to be her?
Ruby: I've been wondering why you like me and it was the logical answer. You obviously loved her very much and we look alike, apart from the hair color.
Riddick: Is it that hard to believe that someone could like you? You as yourself and not as a reminder of something that once was and is now best forgotten? Ruby, you are a better person than she ever was and I don't see her when I look at you.

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