
Kitty and Chase 43

Kitty and Chase

Chase: It's that dog again! Take it away!
Riddick: Toby! Stop it! What's wrong with you? Out! - I'm sorry. I don't understand what's gotten into him. He's been a little too good-natured lately, so this is very odd.

Kitty and Chase 44

Kitty and Chase

Wendy: Hi Riddick, who's your friend?
Riddick: Hi Wendy. This is Chase, Kitty's sister.
Wendy: Hello Chase. You look familiar. Have we met before?
Chase: No, I don't think so. Maybe I look familiar, because Kitty and I look so much alike.

Kitty and Chase 45

Kitty and Chase

Chase: You're attracted to Wendy, aren't you?
Riddick: What makes you think so? - All right, I suppose I was when she first came here. But she's married to Kermit now. Besides, she was never interested in me.
Chase: She's very pretty.

Kitty and Chase 46

Kitty and Chase

Riddick: How did you know about Wendy?
Chase: I saw how you looked at her. And Kitty told me, of course. She's been telling me all sorts of bad things about you, but I think she's making them up.
Riddick: She doesn't know me well enough to know about the bad things I've done for real.

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Kitty and Chase

Chase: How bad?
Riddick: I'd rather not go into that. Let's just say that I haven't done any of that while I've been here, so it is in the past and should remain there.
Chase: Sorry. I was only asking, because I'm trying to decide whether to tell you something or not. I guess I should, because someone here should know.
Riddick: About what? Just tell me, I'm not a cop and I'm good at keeping secrets.

Kitty and Chase 48

Kitty and Chase

Chase: It's about Kitty. It's sort of a family secret. Remember those former boyfriends and their accidents? It was Kitty. I've just been protecting her for a very long time.
Riddick: I see. I knew she's mischievous, but I thought that was all.

Kitty and Chase 49

Kitty and Chase

Chase: If only... There's a lot of mental instability in our family. Kitty has inherited some of it, although she's not one of the worst cases. I am fine myself. I even have proof of that. You see, the last time in court, they did this psychological evaluation thing... oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that...
Riddick: Go on. You said you're fine.

Kitty and Chase 50

Kitty and Chase

Chase: ...so, anyway, the psychologist said I was eccentric, but perfectly healthy. No signs of any mental instability. And as they could not prove anything, they had to let me go. Kitty wasn't happy. She should have been, because I'm willing to do a lot for her, but if I had been sent to jail, I would have told the truth.

Kitty and Chase 51

Kitty and Chase

Riddick: Hello kid. What are you doing here?
Orlock: Hi Riddick. Sorry to disturb you. I told him the kitchen is off limits, but he never listens to me.
Riddick: Don't worry, it's fine as long as there's someone here to make sure he won't hurt himself. Why are you running after him, anyway? Don't tell me you're the babysitter tonight.
Orlock: I'm afraid so.

Kitty and Chase 52

Kitty and Chase

Jack: Cookie!
Riddick: All right, take this, but don't let anyone see you.
Chase: You're not supposed to do that, are you?
Riddick: No.

Kitty and Chase 53

Kitty and Chase

Chase: Wasn't that Kermit's son? Kitty told me about it. She said one of his siblings is yours. Is that true?
Riddick: No. Could have been, but isn't.
Chase: You seem to be very honest about yourself. I got quite a different impression from what Kitty said.
Riddick: As I said, she doesn't know me. And I see no reason why I should lie to you.

Kitty and Chase 54

Kitty and Chase

Chase: Can I ask you one more personal question?
Riddick: Sure. Why stop now when you're just getting started.
Chase: I confess, I am more than a bit curious.
Riddick: Just remember the old saying. Well, what do you want to know?
Chase: How did you end up here? Wouldn't you be happier with your own kind? I mean, there's Wendy of course, but the rest is a motley crew.
Riddick: That's two questions. I came with my previous boss and then I just sort of ended up staying. As for what you call "my kind," they have caused me quite enough trouble already.

Kitty and Chase 55

Kitty and Chase

Next day:
Wendy: I remember now where I have seen that friend of yours before.
Riddick: Chase? Where?
Wendy: Last time was in court. It was a very nasty case. A guy got beaten to death. She knew the guy who did it and we suspected she had something to do with it, but we could not prove anything.

Kitty and Chase 56

Kitty and Chase

Riddick: So? If she didn't do it, you should not hold it against her. I find it very hard to believe that she could have anything to do with something like that.
Wendy: Oh, you men are all alike. She's cute all right, but cute doesn't equal innocent. And there is a difference between dropping the charges and declaring someone not guilty...

Kitty and Chase 57

Kitty and Chase

Riddick: There's something we need to talk about. Wendy seems to think Chase has been involved in some guy being beaten to death. Do you know anything about that?
Kitty: Yes, but if I tell you, you're not going to believe me.
Riddick: Try me.

Kitty and Chase 58

Kitty and Chase

Kitty: All right. Marv was Chase's boyfriend. She got him to beat up a guy and that guy ended up dead. Marv went to prison and his friends weren't too happy about that. Finally Chase considered it safer to take off and that's why she was out of town for so long.
Riddick: You're right, I don't believe that.
Kitty: Believe it or not, you should know that Marv is back. I know, I've seen him.

Kitty and Chase 59

Kitty and Chase

Kitty: Has she been telling you stories about how I'm crazy and she's not? I knew she would. She probably told you about that psychologist. The man was so besotted with her that you can't believe anything he wrote in his evaluation. Of course, I can't force you to believe me, but the truth is she did hurt all those guys. It's Marv I feel most sorry for, because he had no chance to begin with. The others at least were healthy and fairly intelligent, so they should have seen it coming. (Thinking: Just like you should.)

Kitty and Chase 60

Kitty and Chase

Kermit: Funny thing, you asking me for advice. - Have you considered the possibility that they're both crazy or lying, or both at the same time?
Riddick: It did cross my mind, but it is a bit far fetched.
Kermit: Because you want Chase to be sane and nice. It's up to you, but if I were you, I would keep an open mind.

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