

Boris 1

Boris 1

Bunny: Those two act like an old married couple.
Maria: Old guys who have known each other for decades often do.
Bunny: Anyway, at least the one with the wild hair was impressed. He said he felt a presence in the attic.
Maria: Oh, he's one of those.
Bunny: One of what? Mediumistic?
Maria: I guess that's one of the words you could use.
Bunny: He's not crazy.

Boris 2

Boris 2

Lydia: Ma! Ma! There's a scary guy outside!

Boris 3

Boris 3

Maria: Calm down. It's just Mike. He's not scary.
Bunny: Hi Mike!
Nancy: It's not Mike! It's someone else!
Mike: I think the children mean Boris. I noticed he's on his way here. You know, he's the one who arranges those haunted house tours.
Maria: Oh yes, I've been expecting him to pay us a visit before he brings his first tour group here.

Boris 4

Boris 4

Maria: Are you Boris? I'm Maria.
Boris: It's nice to meet you at last. I thought I should come by as there's a new group coming tomorrow and maybe we should discuss about some details.
Maria: Certainly. I'm sorry we couldn't arrange parking space for the bus nearer, but the town officials were very strict about that.
Boris: It's all right. The parking lot isn't that far away and the graveyard is between it and this place, so we'll visit that first and then come here for refreshments. Then the bus will pick us up from here.
Maria: Sounds good.

Boris 5

Boris 5

Nancy: I don't care that Ma isn't scared of him. He's still scary.
Lydia: We're safe here. He won't even notice us.

Boris 6

Boris 6

Albert: Hello, children. What are you doing here on your own?
Lydia: Were not. Ma is down there talking with the scary guy.
Albert: I see. Yes, he does look a bit scary. I hope I'm not scary.
Nancy: You've got funny hair.
Pablo: Ha! See, it's not only me who thinks so.

Boris 7

Boris 7

Maria: About the case before the last one, was it the cleaning lady or housekeeper who found the first body? I want to be as accurate as I can, when customers ask questions.
Boris: Yes, that case. Very unfortunate. It was the cleaning lady. She came to get her money...

Boris 8

Boris 8

Boris: The ground floor was empty, so she got up the stairs and went to check the study first. She said she screamed first and then she heard somebody scream in the attic. She said it sounded so horrible that she just took off, ran out of the house and to the nearest neighbor to call the police. That's really all there is to tell about her. She had no idea who was screaming in the attic or why...

Boris 9

Boris 9

Boris: They say he just went crazy without any reason. That's why some say he was possessed. He later said that the neighbor's dog made him do it. They'll say anything to avoid the chair.
Maria: Yes, I guess anyone would.
Boris: Good thing the judge and the jury were not having any of it and he's never getting out again.
Maria: Yes, that is best for everybody else. - Would you like to come in to meet Bunny, my assistant?

Boris 10

Boris 10

Maria: Bunny, this is Boris. He arranges the haunted house tours.
Bunny: It's nice to meet you. Can we expect the first group soon?
Boris: Tomorrow. That's why I came for a visit today.
Bunny: It'll be so exciting.
Boris: I guess I should warn you that some of my customers are a bit... different.
Maria: Don't worry, we welcome all customers.

Boris 11

Boris 11

Lydia: Pa!
Nancy: Grandpa!
Vladi: What is it?
Lydia: There's a scary guy downstairs!
Siegfried: Are your mother and Bunny scared of him?
Nancy: Not Ma.
Lydia: We don't know about Bunny.
Vladi: If your mother is not scared, there's nothing to worry.
Siegfried: Still, we could take a look. It is always interesting to see what children find scary.

Boris 12

Boris 12

Maria: Boris, this is my husband Vladi and his father...
Boris: Siegfried. We've met before.
Vladi: Boris? The tour guide?
Boris: That's right. Also the local undertaker. The tours aren't a full time job.
Maria: Where are the children?
Siegfried: Upstairs, hiding from the scary guy.
Boris: I'm so sorry. I like children and I don't want to scare anybody, but it just happens.
Maria: Don't worry. I'm sure it'll pass once they get used to seeing you around.

Boris 13

Boris 13

Bunny: Mike, would you like to have more coffee?
Mike: No, thanks. Is that a motorcycle outside?
Bunny: It's probably Bill. He said he'd come by today.
Mike: Bill?
Bunny: From the Highway Patrol.
Mike: Oh.

Boris 14

Boris 14

Boris 15

Boris 15

Albert: Did I hear correctly that you arrange haunted house tours?
Boris: That's right. There's one tomorrow. Are you interested? We still have room for two or three more.
Albert: That would be most interesting. I'll need to ask my friend first.
Boris: All right. I'll give you my number. Call me this afternoon, if you want to come.

Boris 16

Boris 16

Lydia: Mike didn't stay long. Hardly long enough to have one cup of coffee.
Nancy: Maybe he's busy.
Lydia: Maybe. Or maybe he doesn't like cops.
Nancy: You're not supposed to say "cops." Ma doesn't like it.
Lydia: Ma isn't near enough to hear and you're not saying anything. Right?
Nancy: Okay.

Boris 17

Boris 17

Boris 18

Boris 18

Pablo: You can't be serious.
Albert: Come on, it would be very interesting. You know there are many haunted houses in this area.
Pablo: Allegedly haunted houses.
Albert: All right, allegedly. But even if you don't believe in ghosts, it's a great way to see some of the most important architectural sites around here.
Pablo: I guess it could be.

Boris 19

Boris 19

Maria: It's nice to see you again. I hope everything is all right.
Bill: Oh yes, it's been a very quiet day so far. How about here?
Maria: The business is starting to pick up as the word goes around that the place is open.
Bill: Any haunted house visitors yet?
Maria: A couple, and Boris is bringing a group tomorrow. You know, I thought police officers aren't very keen on coming here, after what happened the last time.
Bill: I've heard about that. I have no problem with the place as I had nothing to do with that case. And I do not believe in ghosts.

Boris 20

Boris 20

Mike (to himself): That's the last thing we need. Cops starting to come here regularly again.

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