
Facts of Death 1

Facts of Death

Mary: Thanks for taking me to the show. Everybody else was so busy and Riddick's been a bit paranoid lately about letting me out alone this late.
Henry: You're welcome. It was most interesting and you're good company.
Mary: So you actually liked it? I thought you were just being polite when you agreed to come with me.
Henry: I don't waste my time doing things I'm not interested in, or being with people I don't like.

Facts of Death 2

Facts of Death

Kat: Henry. I haven't seen you for some time. So, is she your girlfriend now? A bit young, I should say. In addition to being the wrong kind.
Henry: Kat...
Mary: Henry, there's no point trying to hide anything. - Yes, I am his new girlfriend. And what if I am a bit young? I mean, I must be at least ten years younger than you are.
Kat: Hmmph.

Facts of Death 3

Facts of Death

Mary: I hope you don't mind. She's just so...
Henry: Hehe, I don't mind. Her face was certainly worth seeing. How did you know she's terrified of getting older?
Mary: I didn't. It was just a lucky guess.
Henry: You know, you better tell your dad about what just happened. There's no saying what Kat will say and to whom. I wouldn't want Riddick to get the wrong idea.
Mary: Don't worry, I'll tell him.

Facts of Death 4

Facts of Death

Mary: Henry, can I ask you a personal question?
Henry: Sure. What do you want to know?
Mary: I've been wondering... You're so nice and she isn't. How could you...?
Henry: I had no idea she was involved in that kind of thing. She can be very charming when she wants to. Besides, despite my looks, I am pure-bred, and people like her are quite different in the company of our own kind.
Mary: That's what Riddick said, but I thought...

Facts of Death 5

Facts of Death

Henry: What did you think?
Mary: Well, you know, that it was... a physical thing.
Henry: Oh. Yes, well, of course it was that too, but you are a bit too young for me to be discussing that with you.
Mary: Why does everyone always say I'm too young to know? That stuff is everywhere. Mother and Adel have been the only adults so far who have agreed to tell anything.

Facts of Death 6

Facts of Death

Henry: Who's Adel?
Mary: She works here. I'm not quite sure what she is, but someone referred to her as "one of the pointy-eared folk."
Henry: I see. Mary, I must say that she may not be the best possible source of information. They are different from most others. Especially when it comes to relationships.
Mary: But at least when we asked, her first words were not "you're too young."
Henry: What did she say then?
Mary: "Oh dear. Kitty is going to kill me."

Facts of Death 7

Facts of Death

Henry: Hi Riddick.
Riddick: How was the show?
Mary: It was great. Henry liked it too.
Riddick: Henry, care to watch another show? Or what's left of it.
Henry: No thanks. I've got to get back to the lab. I still have some work to do tonight.

Facts of Death 8

Facts of Death

Mary: Henry is really nice.
Riddick: Yes, but he's also very busy. He likes you and I guess he's finding it hard to say no to you. You shouldn't take advantage of that.
Mary: Are you saying I shouldn't have asked him?
Riddick: No, just don't take too much of his time.
Mary: By the way, something really funny happened and Henry said I should tell you...

Facts of Death 9

Facts of Death

Mary: ...so if someone comes telling you all sorts of stories, that's what really happened.
Riddick: All right. I understand why you did it, but it was not a good idea. Do you understand that Kat could get Henry into a lot of trouble by going to the police and telling them the story?
Mary: What do you mean? It isn't true, so how could he get into trouble?
Riddick: It could take some time to make the cops believe it isn't true. Well, let's just hope she won't do anything like that. In the future, keep in mind that you're a minor and any suggestion that you're dating a guy that much older could mean serious trouble.

Facts of Death 10

Facts of Death

Next day:
Damien: I saw you with someone yesterday. One of Kitty's kind, but an abnormally large one.
Mary: That was Henry. He's a friend of the family. He took me to see a show when everyone else was too busy. Riddick wouldn't let me go alone.
Damien: You could have asked me.
Mary: Would you have come? I thought you were busy.
Damien: Not that busy. But I guess you wanted to go with him.
Mary: Are you jealous? Damien, he's almost as old as Riddick.

Facts of Death 11

Facts of Death

Mary: I never thought you would be jealous. You have never said that you'd like to be more than just a friend.
Damien: I thought you knew.
Mary: I'm not a mind reader, you know.
Damien: Sometimes it looks like you are, but then at other times... Do I really have to spell it out? Mary, I love you. Do you love me?
Mary: I... I don't know. I'm sorry, but I really don't know. I like you a lot, but...
Damien: I see.

Facts of Death 12

Facts of Death

Kitty: I saw Damien leaving. That was a short visit. Did something happen?
Mary: I think I hurt his feelings. - He said he loves me, but I couldn't... I just don't know.
Kitty: Don't worry. He'll be all right. He has probably thought about it a lot, trying to figure out how to tell you. So, when he finally got it out, he forgot that you may not have thought about it that much, or maybe at all.
Mary: You think so? He was so disappointed.
Kitty: I'm sure he will understand after he has thought about it.

Facts of Death 13

Facts of Death

Some time later:
Mary: Not again. Are you the same or a different one?
Angel: We have not met. I know you have met one of our kind before.
Mary: You look the same.
Angel: Many of us do. - I have a message for you.
Mary: For me? Why? What is it?
Angel: It is actually for your friend, but we prefer talking to you. You understand that you should leave us alone. You are very sensible, unlike your friend.

Facts of Death 14

Facts of Death

Mary: You're talking about Damien. He'd like to talk with one of you.
Angel: I know. That is exactly the problem. Listen to me carefully and then go to your friend and repeat to him what I have said. Do you understand?
Mary: Yes.

Facts of Death 15

Facts of Death

Angel: The message is this: "Do not interfere in affairs you do not understand. Leave us alone. This is the only warning. If we need to come back, we will not be bringing a message."
Mary: You can't mean...
Angel: Do you remember what I have said?
Mary: Yes, but...
Angel: Go to your friend and repeat the message to him. Make it clear to him that we are serious. Deadly serious.

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