
Conflicts 21


Chase: So, you're saying no?
Kitty: I don't know. Bea seems to think you can be saved.
Chase: She's a nice kid. Maybe a bit too nice for her own good. World isn't a nice place.
Kitty: She knows that now. Thanks to you.
Chase: I thought she already had had a lesson in that. She wouldn't be here otherwise. Besides, I have apologized for what I said. The answer is still pending, though.
Kitty: I need to think about this. I'll let you know.

Conflicts 22


Riddick: Mary, what are you doing here with Bea?
Mary: Dad... What are you doing here? I thought you went out with Henry.
Riddick: I can see you thought so. I was going to, but I had some business to attend here. I'll meet Henry later. - What did you tell Kitty?
Mary: Nothing. She was talking with Chase. We got out through the garage.
Riddick: What about Toby?
Bea: Who's Toby?
Mary: Isn't he with you?

Conflicts 23


Riddick: Great. There goes a relaxing evening in a bar.
Bea: Who's Toby?
Riddick: Not now, Bea. Mary, I need to go and look for him. As you are already here, you might as well show Bea around. Just don't bother anyone.
Mary: All right. - Dad, is everything going to be all right? I mean, would Toby do something...?
Riddick: I don't know. He's never done anything like this.

Conflicts 24


Marv: Riddick, just the man I was looking for. I ran into someone who belongs to you.
Riddick: Thanks. You just saved me a lot of trouble. Did he do anything...?
Marv: If you don't count chasing a bi... oh, sorry, didn't notice the kid... chasing a female dog, nothing.
Riddick: That's a relief. I was already imagining a huge bill for all sorts of damage.
Marv: Well, I'm sure the other dog's owner will see it as damage, but they'll never be able to find the culprit. You know, I'd really love to see the results.

Conflicts 25


Bea: Mary, who's that? And where did that monster come from?
Mary: The big guy is Marv. He's nice. There's no need to be afraid of him. And the monster is Toby.
Bea: Are you saying that was in the garage all the time?
Mary: Yes. He's Riddick's dog. We thought he would scare you, so we haven't told you about him.

Conflicts 26


Marv: So, is this the latest addition to the family? I'm Marv. What's your name?
Bea: I'm Bea.
Marv: You don't need to look so scared. I'm quite harmless to little girls. And I'm sure Toby is too.
Riddick: Yes, he is. Bea, I guess we should have introduced you to Toby, but there were so many new things already...
Bea: Is that really a dog?

Conflicts 27


Riddick: Yes. Toby is a dog. He's very nice to friends and family and he just needs to figure out that you are family.
Bea: How does he do that?
Riddick: We'll sort that one out at home. Right now, I think I'll take him to the other room. It's getting a bit crowded here. I'll be right back after I have called Kitty.

Conflicts 28


Orlock: What's the commotion? Oh, hi Marv, and Mary... Are you having a party without me? That's very rude, you know.
Bea: Who are you?
Orlock: I'm Max. Who are you?
Bea: I'm Bea.
Orlock: Really? You don't look like a bee to me, more like a cat.
Bea: Silly. It's B-E-A.

Conflicts 29


Bea: Why do you have such big teeth?
Orlock: First it's bees, now Little Red Riding Hood. What's next?
Bea: You're not a wolf. How can you eat with teeth like that?
Orlock: Very well, thank you.
Bea: The saber-toothed cats have big teeth, but you don't look like us.
Orlock: *sigh*
Marv: Hehe.

Conflicts 30


Bea: Are you all grown up? You're shorter than me.
Orlock: I'm all grown up. How about you? Are you going to grow taller?
Bea: I don't know. Mom is short and she said I'm going to be short too.
Orlock: Don't worry. At least you'll always be taller than me. Besides, boys like girls who are shorter. It's an ego thing.
Bea: What's an ego?
Riddick: I'll explain that to you some other time. I think Max needs to get back to work.
Orlock: Yes, I guess I better. It was nice to see you, Bea.

Conflicts 31


Riddick: Kitty was not pleased. You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home.
Bea: Are you angry?
Riddick: I'm not angry, but I am very disappointed. You knew you cannot just disappear like that.
Mary: Dad, it was my fault. I thought... I thought...
Marv: Mary, it's going to be all right. Just don't expect to walk away without a punishment. It won't happen. Right, Riddick?
Riddick: Let's go home and see what Kitty has to say.

Conflicts 32


Riddick: Go upstairs and wait there. Kitty and I need to talk.

Conflicts 33


Kitty: How could she take Bea and go out just like that? After what happened? And we specifically told her that the theater isn't a suitable place for Bea.
Riddick: Calm down. As far as I could tell, Bea enjoyed meeting Max and they seemed to get along well.
Kitty: What did you tell her about what Max is?
Riddick: That question was left open, but I'm sure Bea will want an answer at some point. Right now, Max is just the pale guy with big teeth.

Conflicts 34


Kitty: All right. I guess there's no harm done, but I hope you're not suggesting we leave them without a punishment. Mary knew it was wrong.
Riddick: I agree. All I'm saying is that there's no need for a strict punishment. After all, Mary hasn't done anything wrong before this.
Kitty: Let's just say they get grounded for a week. It's not much, but it's enough for the first offense.
Riddick: That's fine by me.

Conflicts 35


Kitty: So, how about the other problem? What got into Toby?
Riddick: A bitch in heat, according to Marv. There isn't much you can do about that sort of thing, but I think I'll strengthen the garage doors a bit more.
Kitty: All right. - Is Henry still waiting for you somewhere? You should go then. I'll talk with the girls. - Have fun, but stay out of trouble.
Riddick: You're talking about feline bars? Don't worry. I've had close encounters with their bouncers in the past and I'm not very keen on repeating that.

Conflicts 36


Kitty: ...so you're both grounded for a week.
Mary: You mean I have to miss two training sessions? It's not fair! I'll tell dad.
Kitty: You can talk with Riddick tomorrow, but I can tell you now that it won't change anything. And I would suggest caution when you talk to him. He's not on his best mood when he's got a hangover and that is in the forecast for tomorrow morning.
Mary: Why would he have a hangover? He doesn't drink that much.
Kitty: Oh, really? That is certainly news to me. - You'll see for yourself tomorrow.

Conflicts 37


Bea: Are you angry? Mary was angry.
Kitty: I'm not angry, but I am disappointed.
Bea: That's what Riddick said too. I'm sorry. Mary said it would be fun. And it was. Well, not the getting punished bit...
Kitty: I understand, but you did wrong and when you do wrong, you get punished. That's how it works. So, no more disappearing without letting anyone know. Okay?
Bea: Okay. Is Mary going to be angry for a long time?
Kitty: I'm sure she won't. She'll talk with Riddick tomorrow and everything will be fine.

Conflicts 38


Next morning:
Mary: Dad...
Riddick: If you want to talk about what you did yesterday, I'd suggest doing that later.
Mary: What's that awful smell? Have you been drinking?
Riddick: That is really none of your business. Would you mind leaving me alone now?
Mary: But Kitty wasn't fair...
Riddick: Later. Before that, there is one thing I want you to think about. Did you know that appeals may sometimes backfire?

Conflicts 39


Mary: Kitty, he's...
Kitty: I know. I told you so. - Don't look so shocked. He hasn't gotten really drunk in a long time. He has the right to do so occasionally, if he feels like it.
Mary: It's disgusting.
Kitty: Mary, there's nothing wrong with it. This was the first time since you came to live with us and he won't be doing it again for some time.
Mary: How can you defend something like that?

Conflicts 40


Kitty: Would you tell me what the problem is? He doesn't drink that much at home, last night he came home so late that you didn't even see him, and he has never been aggressive towards any of us. Why wouldn't you let him have some fun?
Mary: How could something like that be fun? Getting your head so messed up you don't know what you're doing or saying?
Kitty: Mary, calm down. Just tell me...
Mary: I need to go now.

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