
Full Moon 21

Full Moon

Ruby: Riddick, I checked the calendar. It is full moon tonight.
Riddick: Great. Then we can expect more lunatics. Let's hope the next one isn't looking for me.
Ruby: Don't take this the wrong way, but did you know any normal women before Kitty?
Riddick: I have told you that I used to be a different man. I had a different taste in women too. Looking back, I realize I must have been crazy myself.

Full Moon 22

Full Moon

Riddick: You have no idea how good it is to see a sane woman.
Wendy: Suffering from the effects of the full moon? You don't need to tell me about it. It's been a long night and it isn't nearly over yet.
Riddick: Came for a drink in the middle of your shift? What would your boss say?
Wendy: Nothing. He's very practical. And he's also two detectives short. Couple of guys have left and he hasn't found replacements yet. That's part of tonight's problem.

Full Moon 23

Full Moon

Ruby: Hi Wendy. You look tired.
Wendy: I am tired. Give me a beer, will you? I can't have anything stronger right now, but I need something or my head will explode.
Ruby: Please, not here. The cleaner will have a fit.
Wendy: Hehe, I had no idea you can be funny.

Full Moon 24

Full Moon

Wendy: So, who was it? The one I can thank for the warm welcome?
Riddick: Annie.
Wendy: She's back? Is she causing trouble?
Riddick: Don't worry, Max's special made her forget any trouble at least for tonight.
Wendy: Do you mean that revolting stuff he calls Bloody Mary? I wouldn't touch it again even if you paid me. It really does make your head explode.
Riddick: Again?
Wendy: He said it was the world's best Bloody Mary.

Full Moon 25

Full Moon

Marv: Hi Ruby, Piggy told me you work here now.
Ruby: Hi Marv. It's nice to see you. What can I get you?
Marv: Beer. No, make it two, they're always so small. - You know, considering your track record, is this really a good place for you to work in?
Ruby: Could we forget about that? I don't drink anymore.
Marv: That's good. Saves you from a lot of trouble. And I won't mention it again.

Full Moon 26

Full Moon

Ruby: Abby, this is my friend Marv.
Abby: It looks like we're getting an entirely new group of customers with all your friends coming here.
Marv: I hope you don't mind.
Abby: Why would I mind? The more business, the better. Everybody is welcome here, except canines.
Marv: I was just thinking... the way I look... might scare some of your customers.
Abby: You should have seen Ruby's other friend who was here earlier. If the scare factor was an issue, he would be the one we would not let in.

Full Moon 27

Full Moon

Marv: She seems nice.
Ruby: She is. And I really like it here. Especially now that Riddick's working here too.
Marv: I heard about that. Where is he?
Ruby: I think he's outside somewhere, talking with Wendy. He's had a hard night. Crazy women looking for him and all that.
Marv: Crazy women?
Ruby: You know, pointy ears... although he missed that one. And then the one with ponytail and black leather, if you remember her.
Marv: Who could forget? Persistent, that one, isn't she?

Full Moon 28

Full Moon

After Marv has left:
Abby: Ruby, don't you have any friends of your own age?
Ruby: There's Mary, although she's a bit younger. Why are you asking?
Abby: I was just wondering. You know... Riddick, Max, Schizo, Marv... they are all much older than you are.
Ruby: I didn't go to school here. I had friends at school, but they're all back there.
Abby: I see. Well, at least you have Mary. Don't you think you should find more friends of your own age and have fun?

Full Moon 29

Full Moon

Tony: Hi, Ruby. This is my sister Kat.
Ruby: Oh... uh... hello.
Kat: What's she doing here?
Tony: Have you two met?
Ruby: Not properly, but we have seen each other.
Kat: She's friends with that little blonde who's living with the half-breed.

Full Moon 30

Full Moon

Tony: Kat... when are you going to give up that nonsense? Grow up. - All right, have it your way. Ruby, one beer for me and gin and tonic for Miss Bigot here.
Kat: If you weren't my brother...
Tony: But I am. You can take your drink and go the farthest corner, if you wish. I'm going to talk with Ruby.

Full Moon 31

Full Moon

Tony: I'm sorry about that. I have tried to make her see reason, but nothing works.
Ruby: It's all right. I don't mind. Why would I mind? She's totally irrelevant to me.
Tony: I'm glad to hear that. I hope you don't believe in guilt by association.
Ruby: Don't worry. I like you. It's not your fault she is like that. Are you saying that all that is wrong with me in her opinion is that I'm Mary's friend? And Mary's fault is that she lives with Kitty? How far does that sort of reasoning go?
Tony: Far, I'm afraid. Any reason to snub an outsider is a good reason.

Full Moon 32

Full Moon

Closing time:
Mrs. Splinter: Oh, I thought everybody else had gone already. Abby's in the back room.
Riddick: I wasn't looking for her. I wanted to see you.
Mrs. Splinter: Is there a problem?
Riddick: No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to have a word. I like to get to know everybody I'm going to be working with.
Mrs. Splinter: That is very sensible. - I've met your children. I was a bit startled by Bea at first, but she was very well-behaved, not at all like most felines.

Full Moon 33

Full Moon

Riddick: Yes, Bea is quite exceptional. At least we like to think so.
Mrs. Splinter: Forgive me for asking, but... I take it she isn't yours.
Riddick: No, she's my wife's relative. So she really is all feline, if that's what you wanted to know.
Mrs. Splinter: I didn't mean to offend. It's just that she's so nice. I've never met a nice feline before, you see. The most you can usually expect is politeness.
Riddick: There are always exceptions.

Full Moon 34

Full Moon

Riddick: Well, maybe I should let you get to work. It was nice meeting you.
Mrs. Splinter: Yes, it was nice to see you too. I'm happy that you're not like the previous guy.
Riddick: What do you mean?
Mrs. Splinter: He was feline. It's a bit difficult when the guy who's responsible for the security is the security problem.
Riddick: Was he? Well, you don't need to worry anymore, you will be quite safe. If there's a problem, just let me know.

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