
A Bit Of Fun 41

A Bit Of Fun

Chase: May I come in?
James: Why are you here?
Chase: Mmmm, hostile. I suppose you've seen the tabloids then. The pictures weren't that great, but at least they got the facts right.
James: Of course they did. You told them.
Chase: Think so? Well, yes, I guess I did.

A Bit Of Fun 42

A Bit Of Fun

James: Why did you do it?
Chase: Can't you figure it out yourself? Mary may be a sweet little girl, but even they sometimes get angry. I offered to help. I must say it has been very enjoyable and it's a pity it has come to an end.
James: So that's what you meant. Who says it needs to end?
Chase: What?

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A Bit Of Fun

James: You don't love me and I don't love you, so there are no expectations of anything more than what it is.
Chase: And a bit of hate and resentment makes it all the more exciting? Sure, why not? Is this because I'm a safe choice?
James: Safe?
Chase: I don't have a father or husband who would want to beat you up.
James: I didn't think of it that way, but yes, of course that is a bonus.

A Bit Of Fun 44

A Bit Of Fun

Riddick: Did the girls go already?
Kitty: Of course they did. Do you know what time it is? By the way, I've got news for you.
Riddick: Good news? You look like it.
Kitty: The best. Rosie's improving. Come on Rosie, tell daddy who's your ma.
Rosie: Kitty ma!
Riddick: Well, I can see why you're so happy this morning.

A Bit Of Fun 45

A Bit Of Fun

Riddick: You know, I've been thinking... about Rosie and what will happen when she needs to start school.
Kitty: Any ideas?
Riddick: Yes. I'm sure you agree that a normal school is out of the question. So, how about a private teacher?
Kitty: You mean, someone who would come over and teach her here?
Riddick: That's right. I would have suggested home schooling, but I don't think we're up to that. She needs someone with special training.

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A Bit Of Fun

Kitty: I don't know. It sounds a bit elitist.
Riddick: You're so touchy about money in some ways. We can afford it and we want what's best for Rosie. It's not showing off. Besides, maybe it wouldn't have to be for very long. Just until she's ready to go to a normal school.
Kitty: If ever.
Riddick: Don't be so pessimistic. You said yourself that she's improving. It just takes a bit more time than with most kids. We'll give her the time she needs and she'll be fine. Will you at least think about it?
Kitty: All right. I guess there's no harm thinking about it.

A Bit Of Fun 47

A Bit Of Fun

Charles: James...
Chase: Where are your manners? You're supposed to knock on the door and then wait until you're invited in.
Charles: I... I'm sorry.
Chase: You better be. Get out and wait there!
Charles: I guess I better...

A Bit Of Fun 48

A Bit Of Fun

James: Do you understand what you just did? Do you know who that is?
Chase: Your father, and I kicked him out. You should try it sometimes. Does wonders to your ego. I guess we better let him in before his head explodes.
James: All right, prepare for the worst.
Chase: I know all about him, and I mean all. He better be nice to me.

A Bit Of Fun 49

A Bit Of Fun

Chase: I'm sorry, if I was a bit rude, but you came in at a very bad time.
James: Father, this is...
Charles: I know who she is. I have also seen the tabloids. What is she doing here?
Chase: I would have thought you'd recognize the sight. After all, you have been married for a long time. What have you been doing with that soon to be ex-wife of yours?
Charles: WHAT?! How dare you...!
Chase: Take it easy. You don't want to have a heart attack or snap a blood vessel in your brain. It would be such a shame to leave now, just when you have rediscovered your old love.

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A Bit Of Fun

James: What are you talking about? Father?
Charles: It doesn't matter, it will be public sooner or later anyway.
James: You've got someone else? So that's why the divorce. Who is she?
Chase: Former trailer trash, a tailless black cat who's been waiting for your father all her life. Kind of pathetic, don't you think?
Charles: Don't talk about her that way.
Chase: It's true. I know all about her. I know all about you too.

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A Bit Of Fun

Chase: You'd be surprised how much one can hear behind the bars. You know, the sort of things that could result in investigations by the IRS, FBI, DEA, ATF, or all of the above.
James: What's she talking about?
Charles: Nothing.
Chase: Oh, don't worry, I've got quite enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. By the way, you should hope it's a long life. I've got my prison memoirs all written up and in a safe place. Should something happen to me, the publisher is going to get a bestseller. I bet the DA would love to read it too.

A Bit Of Fun 52

A Bit Of Fun

Ruby: Zeke, what are you doing here?
Zeke: I want to talk with you. - What was that little creep doing here?
Ruby: That's none of your business. And you really shouldn't be stalking me.
Zeke: Was he here all night?
Ruby: What if he was? I've got the right to choose my visitors and decide how long they can stay.
Zeke: You can't... not him. I could understand that little blonde guy. At least he was normal.

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A Bit Of Fun

Ruby: You've got no right to judge other people. Look at yourself. Are you saying you're normal?
Zeke: Ruby, please.
Ruby: Please what? "Please don't remind me that I'm a monster." Is that it?
Zeke: What has happened to you? You weren't like this before.
Ruby: No, I wasn't. I was scared and didn't know what I wanted and let others make decisions for me. That's all over now. - Zeke, can't you just go away? You should try to find someone like Cherry. She was more your type than I ever was.

A Bit Of Fun 54

A Bit Of Fun

Zeke: I suppose you're right. I was just hoping...
Ruby: It would never have worked. - Zeke... I know I shouldn't be asking this, but...
Zeke: If you need help, you can always ask me. I won't start thinking it will change anything.
Ruby: Well, you see, there's this guy... He was a bit of a problem before and now he might be a problem again. I don't want you to hurt him or anything like that, just scare him so he'll stay away.
Zeke: No problem. I'm very good at that, as you know. So, who is he?
Ruby: His name is Scooter...

A Bit Of Fun 55

A Bit Of Fun

Kitty: You look pleased. Does that have something to do with today's paper? Riddick went and bought it just for the occasion.
Chase: I'm pleased with the result. It worked perfectly. Plus I don't need to find anyone else.
Kitty: What do you mean?
Chase: I just came from seeing James. He was a bit hostile first, but then he thought that as there is already a scandal, there's no point trying to hide anything. Don't get me wrong, it's not a relationship or anything like that, just fun. He understands fun.

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A Bit Of Fun

Kitty: I must say I'm happy Mary doesn't want to see him ever again.
Chase: I agree, it would be such a waste. She's much too young to appreciate his... special talents.
Kitty: Don't start that again. Have your fun with him, but don't come telling me about it.
Chase: You're such a spoilsport. Don't you know that sharing it with someone makes it even more fun?
Kitty: Share it with someone who cares.

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A Bit Of Fun

Chase: Oh, but you do care. I know you too well. Besides, you should care now, after what I've just done.
Kitty: What have you done now? Do I even want to know?
Chase: Yes, you do. You see, I've made my will. - You know I can't have any children of my own and I would never marry anyone who needed my money, so I've decided to leave everything to Rosie. - Did you hear that Rosie? You're gonna inherit a fortune, I guess I should say "another fortune," and you don't need to share it with anybody. Isn't that fun?
Kitty: You... do you really mean that? I don't know what to say.

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A Bit Of Fun

Chase: I knew you wouldn't. It's really very simple. She's my niece and, all things considered, I think she'll need the money most.
Kitty: What's that supposed to mean?
Chase: There's no reason to get offended. I'm sure you understand that she may always need someone to look after her. Things like that are a lot easier to arrange when you've got money. The more, the better.
Kitty: Rosie will be just fine.
Chase: I hope you're right. And if she will, she will have even more fun with all the money I'm leaving her. - Aren't you, Rosie? Nobody cares about pedigree when you're filthy rich.

A Bit Of Fun 59

A Bit Of Fun

Ruby: ...so it's a real mess. Zeke, Scooter, all that.
Adel: I wonder about Zeke. Is it love or is he just possessive?
Ruby: I don't know. All I know is that it would never have worked. I could never trust him.
Adel: And still you asked him to help you.
Ruby: I know that wasn't right, but Scooter is creepy.
Adel: Anything I can do? I can be quite scary, if I want to. Not the way Zeke is, but I do know how to scare creeps away.
Ruby: I can't ask you to do that. Besides, I'm sure Zeke can scare him away.

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A Bit Of Fun

Adel: All right, but if you change your mind, just let me know.
Ruby: Could we change the subject? How's your television career going?
Adel: It isn't. I'm stuck with dancing on the background. That is, if I can get into a show in the first place.
Ruby: But you're so good. Surely they can see it.
Adel: It's not all about being good. You need some luck as well. You know, right people at the right place at the right time. Hasn't happened yet.

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