Kitty: Hello. Aren't you a big one. Want a cookie? Piglet: His owner's a big one, too. He's the one who saved me.
Riddick: Well aren't you all cozy here. I thought I got myself a guard dog, but maybe I was mistaken. Kitty: Oh, he's ferocious all right. He just likes us. You know, "it's an animal thing". Tee hee.
Kitty: What a shame he took the doggie away. What should we do next? I know, let's go and raid the kitchen. Piglet: I'm not so sure that's a good idea. With Miss Piggy and Chef being so cross. Kitty: It'll be fun. We can even put a dead rat behind the oven or something like that. It'll take weeks for them to find out what's wrong. Piglet: Okay, let's go.
Kitty: Anything in the oven? Piglet: Nothing.
Kitty: These should do for starters.
Piggy: How dare you show your face here, you little snitch? I'll show you and your little friend...
Kitty: How about this little friend of mine? Piggy: Um... I think someone's calling me, I better go. But this matter is not closed, you keep that in mind.
Piglet: That was close. A bit too close. Kitty: We were perfectly safe. Our friend here can make an exception to his diet, if necessary. Can't you?
Kitty: Let's see if we can find something nice for you in here.
Riddick: You again. Kitty: I told you he likes us.
Kitty: I got another idea. Piglet: Oh no! I don't want to hear. Kitty: It's nothing dangerous. It's just that I know what's in the attic and I'm sure you'd be interested too. I bet you'd like to see if you can get it open. Piglet: Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?
Kitty: This is Kermit's office. I'll stay here, I'm too tall to come to the attic. You go there and we'll use the radios to communicate. Piglet: You mean I have to go there alone? Kitty: Don't be a sissy, it's the only thing there and you're the one who knows how to open it.
- Piece of cake. It's open. There's money and gold, what should I take? Oh, and there are some bottles marked "poison". Fancy any of those?
- Take some money and one bottle. Let's hope no one notices too soon. Now get out of there quickly before we get caught.
Piglet: Eeek! Who are you? Orlock: My name is Orlock. I'm the guardian of the safe and now you are going to die... Piglet: Aaaaaaaa!!! Orlock: Ha ha ha! Calm down. Actually, I'm just an extra and I'm bored stiff. I came to the attic to have a nap. Piglet: Come with me. There's someone you should meet.
Orlock: My family came from Eastern Europe. We used to be wealthy, but the money's gone now and it is really hard to find a job looking like this and only being able to work at night. Although, I have had quite a lot of jobs as a night watchman. It doesn't even matter that I'm small. I only need to show up and the burglars run away screaming.
Kitty: We'll ask if Kermit could give you a permanent job. There's always shortage of maintenance staff, especially those who need to work at night after the show.
Kermit: I'm sorry, but people are losing interest in your part of the show. If we can't figure out something new, we may have to cut it altogether.
Kermit: I've got a suggestion for improving ratings. Veronika here could participate in the cooking bit. There's no harm in trying, is there? Veronika: You take care of cooking and I'll take care that you'll have all the viewers you could ever wish for.
Piggy: You can't be serious. You can't take that... that... oh, I can't even find a suitable word for what she is. Kermit put you up to this, didn't he? I'll have a word with him, that's for sure.