
Kitty 18


Orlock: I know it's bad, because the penguins wouldn't tell me. What is it? Have you been fighting with Kitty again?
Riddick: You leave her out of this.
Orlock: All right, all right. No need to get angry. You should go to bed. I'll tell Kermit that you're not feeling very well. Now get out of here before Wendy sees you.
Riddick: Whatever.

Kitty 19


Ruby: Excuse me... I'm looking for Kermit's office. I was instructed to come to this direction, but I can't find it.
Orlock: It's upstairs, first door on the left.
Ruby: Thank you.

Kitty 20


- Hey! Who... are you? Didn't hear me. Typical. I should get a megaphone or something.

Kitty 21


Kitty: Why the long face?
Orlock: Riddick was acting really strange. He was drunk, too. I told him to go to bed and promised to give Kermit some excuse. That isn't like him at all.
Kitty: I wasn't trying to mess with his head. I swear.
Orlock: What have you done? Can't you just leave him alone?

Kitty 22


Kitty: I guess I should have left him alone. I didn't make him mad this time, though. But I think he feels guilty now and it's all my fault.
Orlock: You're not making any sense. What on earth have you been doing?
Kitty: It's none of your business.
Orlock: Nothing's ever my business.

Kitty 23


Kermit: Kitty, I was hoping to find you here. This is Ruby. She's my new assistant. Could you show her around and introduce her to others? I'm busy all day.
Kitty: Certainly, I'll be happy...
Orlock: I can do that. I've got nothing else for the next couple of hours.
Kermit: Sure, that's fine by me.

Kitty 24


Kitty: So, I'm Kitty and this little fellow here is Orlock.
Orlock: Max. You can call me Max.
Ruby: It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry if I'm a bit nervous, but this is all new to me. It was really good of Kermit to hire me although I haven't got much experience. I don't want to let him down.
Kitty: I'm sure you won't. Go with Max and have a look around, you'll feel less nervous when you know where everything is.

Kitty 25


Ruby: Eeek!
Marv: Sorry, Miss. Didn't mean to startle you.
Orlock: Hi Marv. This is Ruby, she's new.
Marv: Nice to meet you, Ruby. - Max, tell her I'm not dangerous.
Max: Come on, Ruby. Let's go and have a look around.

Kitty 26


Marv: Pretty little girl. Easily scared, though.
Kitty: Have you looked in the mirror lately? - I'm sorry. Did you want to talk about something?
Marv: Piggy's been asking about you. How well I know you and all that. What do you want me to tell her?
Kitty: You can tell her the truth. It's no secret and I don't think our brief little affair years ago will make her madly jealous. I'd be more careful when telling her about Chase.

Kitty 27


Marv: You're right, as always. But what's wrong with you? And don't say "nothing," you know I can tell.
Kitty: I know. I made a big mistake with Riddick. Remember that "direct approach?"
Marv: Oh yes. Although I think I called it "pouncing."
Kitty: You always were a bit rude. Anyway, apparently it wasn't such a good idea with him.

Kitty 28


Marv: I thought you were just friends.
Kitty: Well... I... um...
Marv: Just teasing. I knew you were interested. Although, I had no idea it was that serious. - But really, what did you expect, after Chase? Give the man some time to recover. Also, have you thought about it that he may not understand, you being a nice girl and all.

Kitty 29


Orlock: ...and that concludes our grand tour. You should be able to find your way around now. And if not, just ask the first person you happen to see. - Wait a minute, I forgot to introduce someone. Let's go to the kitchen.

Kitty 30


Orlock: No one here. If you see a big guy in striped shirt and apron, he's Chef.
Ruby: Is it all right for us to be here when he's not around? I mean, won't he get angry if people just come in whenever they please?
Orlock: Who knows? He's a foreigner and you really can't understand anything he says. But if he starts waving cooking utensils at you, it's probably best to leave.

Kitty 31


Orlock: Let's go and find Kitty.
Ruby: She was nice. Do you think she likes me?
Orlock: Who wouldn't like you? In case you didn't notice, even Marv was friendly. I guess you were too shocked to notice that he was really sorry for startling you.
Ruby: Yes, him. I hope he wasn't offended. I just haven't seen anyone like him before.
Orlock: Don't worry, he's used to that. He's one of a kind and he knows it.

Kitty 32


Kitty: So, you've seen the place. What do you think?
Ruby: I think I'll be getting lost all the time.
Kitty: Don't worry, that's not dangerous. There are always people around.

Kitty 33


Kitty: Riddick, this is Ruby, Kermit's new assistant. Ruby, this is Riddick. Basically he's a security guard, although he does a lot of other things as well.
Ruby: Um... nice to meet you, Mr. Riddick.
Riddick: Just Riddick.
Kitty: Max, I think you and Ruby better go. Riddick and I need to talk.

Kitty 34


Kitty: Are you still drunk? Max told me.
Riddick: Drunk enough to come and talk with you.
Kitty: All right. - You're going to say we made mistake, aren't you?
Riddick: I made a mistake. I shouldn't have...
Kitty: Stop it.

Kitty 35


Kitty: You're making it sound like you were the only one responsible for what happened.
Riddick: I don't understand. Why are you angry?
Kitty: I am an adult and fully capable of deciding for myself. You're acting like you were responsible, because you're the one who should have known better.
Riddick: I didn't mean it that way. It's just that you got me confused. You're not that type...

Kitty 36


Kitty: Forget stereotypes. I believe in being honest about what you want. Somehow I had the impression that you valued honesty as well, but I guess I was a bit too honest. - If I'm not "that type," why did you say yes?
Riddick: You were very persuasive. And I wanted you, however wrong that may have been.
Kitty: I give up. You obviously have got it into your head that you've done something wrong and nothing I say will change that.

Kitty 37


Kitty: Would it make any difference, if I said I love you? But I said "no promises, no strings attached" and I meant it. I don't expect you to love me, but you could treat me as an equal, anything else is insulting.
Riddick: What...?
Kitty: I think you should go now.

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