

Vertigo 1

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Emma: Who are you?
Lou: I'm the Cheshire Cat.
Emma: You're not supposed to be in this part of the story. Where's the Caterpillar?
Lou: He's on strike.
Emma: Strike?
Lou: Something to do with the builders' union.

Vertigo 2

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Emma: How come you're down here? Aren't you supposed to be up there? I mean, if you're standing in for the Caterpillar. Actually you're supposed to be in a tree. So, what's the deal?
Lou: Vertigo.
Emma: This isn't a Hitchcock movie.
Lou: No, I mean vertigo. Fear of heights.

Vertigo 3

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Emma: This is the silliest scene I've ever been in. Screw you, guys. I'm going home.
Schizo: Cut! You stupid cat! You ruined everything!
Emma: What did I do?
Schizo: That last part. We can't use it. It's copyrighted.
Emma: What's it doing in the script then? Don't blame me, blame your writers!

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